Neil P Griffis
Neil Griffis is a Research Geologist Mendenhall with the Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center.
Science and Products
Carbon Isotopes, Total Organic Carbon, Programmed Pyrolysis, Volcanic Zircon U-Pb, and Geochemistry Data from the Hue Shale, Arctic Alaska - 2024
This dataset contains results from a stratigraphic section of the Hue Shale located along the Jago River in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at 69.9099, -143.3947 (WGS84). Sample heights were measured with a tape measure in a continuous succession. Zircon grains from volcanic ashes were analyzed via laser ablation at either the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) or the...
Data release for 'Peri-Gondwanan sediment in the Arkoma Basin derived from the north: The detrital zircon record of a uniquely concentrated non-Laurentian source signal in the late Paleozoic'
New detrital zircon and thin section point count data associated with Data release for 'Peri-Gondwanan sediment in the Arkoma Basin derived from the north: The detrital zircon record of a uniquely concentrated non-Laurentian source signal in the late Paleozoic'. Found in Geosphere, v. 20, n. 5, p. 1286-1314.
U-Pb Dataset from late Paleozoic record of the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin
This dataset accompanies planned publication titled "The Far-Field imprint of the LPIA, its demise, and the onset of a dust-house climate across the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin". Zircon ages presented in this dataset are from rocks collected across the eastern margin of the Permian Basin, Texas. The U-Pb zircon ages are used to investigate changes in provenance in this region as a...
Geochemical analyses of rock samples collected from the Judith Mountains and Crazy Mountains alkalic complexes, Montana
Geochemical data include major, minor and trace element results for 42 alkaline silicate igneous rock samples. Samples were collected from natural exposures/outcrops during field work in the Central Montana Alkaline Province (CMAP) during the summer of 2022. All samples were analyzed by the U.S. Geological Survey contract laboratory, SGS Labs. Major, minor, and trace elements were...
Geochemical and isotopic data from glendonites and surrounding sediment, Carter Creek, North Slope Alaska
The dataset consists of geochemical and isotopic data from fine-grained sediments and glendonite crystals collected at Carter Creek on the North Slope of Alaska. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) values in the measured section were found to range between 0.5 and 3.5%, with a shift towards lower values in the uppermost 5 m of the section. Stable isotopes (13C) in organic matter were relatively...
Arctic Alaska deepwater organic carbon burial and environmental changes during the late Albian–early Campanian (103–82 Ma)
The middle Cretaceous greenhouse period experienced profound environmental change including episodes of enhanced global burial of organic carbon marked by carbon isotopic excursions (CIEs). However, the role and response of polar regions like the newly formed, partially enclosed Arctic Ocean Basin during middle Cretaceous carbon burial remains enigmatic. We present the first Arctic...
Richard O. Lease, Katherine J. Whidden, Julie A. Dumoulin, David W. Houseknecht, Palma J. Botterell, Mark F. Dreier, Neil Patrick Griffis, Roland Mundil, Andrew Kylander-Clark, Margaret M. Sanders, John W. Counts, Jean Self-Trail, Jared T. Gooley, William A. Rouse, Rebecca A. Smith, Christina A. DeVera
Peri-Gondwanan sediment in the Arkoma Basin derived from the north: The detrital zircon record of a uniquely concentrated non-Laurentian source signal in the late Paleozoic
During the assembly of Pangea, peri-Gondwanan terranes collided with the eastern and southern margins of Laurentia and brought with them unique detrital zircon U-Pb signatures. Discriminating between individual peri-Gondwanan terranes in the detrital record is difficult due to their similar geologic histories. However, characterization of this provenance is critical for understanding...
Tyson Michael Smith, Marieke Dechesne, Jaime Ann Megumi Hirtz, Glenn R. Sharman, Mark R. Hudson, Brandon Michael Lutz, Neil Patrick Griffis
Influence of inherited structure on flexural extension in foreland basin systems: Evidence from the northern Arkoma basin and southern Ozark dome, USA
Extensional faults are key components of foreland basin systems. They form within the upper crust in response to flexure of the lithosphere and accommodate subsidence within the foredeep and forebulge depozones. Such faults are excellent proxies for orogenic system evolution and control the distribution of natural resources and hazards. However, the spatiotemporal evolution of flexural...
Brandon Michael Lutz, Mark R. Hudson, Tyson Michael Smith, Marieke Dechesne, Leland Robson Spangler, Anne E. McCafferty, Chelsea Morgan Amaral, Neil Patrick Griffis, Jaime Ann Megumi Hirtz
Insights into glendonite formation from the upper Oligocene Sagavanirktok Formation, North Slope, Alaska
The type locality for the upper Oligocene Nuwok Member of the Sagavanirktok Formation (Carter Creek, North Slope, Alaska, USA) contains abundant occurrence of glendonite, a pseudomorph after the calcium carbonate mineral ikaite, which typically forms in the shallow subsurface of cold marine sediments. The region during the time of Nuwok Member deposition was located at a high latitude...
John W. Counts, Madeleine Vickers, Martha (Rebecca) Stokes, Whittney Spivey, Kristina Frank Gardner, Jean Self-Trail, Jared T. Gooley, Ryan J. McAleer, Aaron M. Jubb, David W. Houseknecht, Richard O. Lease, Neil Patrick Griffis, Martin S. Vickers, Kasia Śliwińska, Hannah Gail Dooley Tompkins, Adam M. Hudson
A Carboniferous apex for the late Paleozoic icehouse
Icehouse climate systems occur across an abbreviated portion of Earth history, constituting c. 25% of the Phanerozoic record. The Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) was the most extreme and longest lasting glaciation of the Phanerozoic and is characterized by periods of acute continental-scale glaciation, separated by periods of ice minima or ice-free conditions on the order of
Neil Patrick Griffis, Roland Mundil, Isabel P. Montanez, Daniel Le Heron, Pierre Dietrich, Roberto Iannuzzi
The Far-Field imprint of the late Paleozoic Ice Age, its demise, and the onset of a dust-house climate across the Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin, Texas
The late Paleozoic is a period of pronounced climatic and tectonic change, characterized by the onset and disappearance of continental-scale glaciers across polar Gondwana, the formation of Pangea, and widespread large igneous province volcanism. The low-latitude equatorial tropics are assumed to be places of persistent warm and wet climatic conditions throughout the Phanerozoic, which...
Neil Patrick Griffis, Neil Tabor, Daniel Stockli, Lisa Stockli
Science and Products
Carbon Isotopes, Total Organic Carbon, Programmed Pyrolysis, Volcanic Zircon U-Pb, and Geochemistry Data from the Hue Shale, Arctic Alaska - 2024
This dataset contains results from a stratigraphic section of the Hue Shale located along the Jago River in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at 69.9099, -143.3947 (WGS84). Sample heights were measured with a tape measure in a continuous succession. Zircon grains from volcanic ashes were analyzed via laser ablation at either the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) or the...
Data release for 'Peri-Gondwanan sediment in the Arkoma Basin derived from the north: The detrital zircon record of a uniquely concentrated non-Laurentian source signal in the late Paleozoic'
New detrital zircon and thin section point count data associated with Data release for 'Peri-Gondwanan sediment in the Arkoma Basin derived from the north: The detrital zircon record of a uniquely concentrated non-Laurentian source signal in the late Paleozoic'. Found in Geosphere, v. 20, n. 5, p. 1286-1314.
U-Pb Dataset from late Paleozoic record of the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin
This dataset accompanies planned publication titled "The Far-Field imprint of the LPIA, its demise, and the onset of a dust-house climate across the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin". Zircon ages presented in this dataset are from rocks collected across the eastern margin of the Permian Basin, Texas. The U-Pb zircon ages are used to investigate changes in provenance in this region as a...
Geochemical analyses of rock samples collected from the Judith Mountains and Crazy Mountains alkalic complexes, Montana
Geochemical data include major, minor and trace element results for 42 alkaline silicate igneous rock samples. Samples were collected from natural exposures/outcrops during field work in the Central Montana Alkaline Province (CMAP) during the summer of 2022. All samples were analyzed by the U.S. Geological Survey contract laboratory, SGS Labs. Major, minor, and trace elements were...
Geochemical and isotopic data from glendonites and surrounding sediment, Carter Creek, North Slope Alaska
The dataset consists of geochemical and isotopic data from fine-grained sediments and glendonite crystals collected at Carter Creek on the North Slope of Alaska. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) values in the measured section were found to range between 0.5 and 3.5%, with a shift towards lower values in the uppermost 5 m of the section. Stable isotopes (13C) in organic matter were relatively...
Arctic Alaska deepwater organic carbon burial and environmental changes during the late Albian–early Campanian (103–82 Ma)
The middle Cretaceous greenhouse period experienced profound environmental change including episodes of enhanced global burial of organic carbon marked by carbon isotopic excursions (CIEs). However, the role and response of polar regions like the newly formed, partially enclosed Arctic Ocean Basin during middle Cretaceous carbon burial remains enigmatic. We present the first Arctic...
Richard O. Lease, Katherine J. Whidden, Julie A. Dumoulin, David W. Houseknecht, Palma J. Botterell, Mark F. Dreier, Neil Patrick Griffis, Roland Mundil, Andrew Kylander-Clark, Margaret M. Sanders, John W. Counts, Jean Self-Trail, Jared T. Gooley, William A. Rouse, Rebecca A. Smith, Christina A. DeVera
Peri-Gondwanan sediment in the Arkoma Basin derived from the north: The detrital zircon record of a uniquely concentrated non-Laurentian source signal in the late Paleozoic
During the assembly of Pangea, peri-Gondwanan terranes collided with the eastern and southern margins of Laurentia and brought with them unique detrital zircon U-Pb signatures. Discriminating between individual peri-Gondwanan terranes in the detrital record is difficult due to their similar geologic histories. However, characterization of this provenance is critical for understanding...
Tyson Michael Smith, Marieke Dechesne, Jaime Ann Megumi Hirtz, Glenn R. Sharman, Mark R. Hudson, Brandon Michael Lutz, Neil Patrick Griffis
Influence of inherited structure on flexural extension in foreland basin systems: Evidence from the northern Arkoma basin and southern Ozark dome, USA
Extensional faults are key components of foreland basin systems. They form within the upper crust in response to flexure of the lithosphere and accommodate subsidence within the foredeep and forebulge depozones. Such faults are excellent proxies for orogenic system evolution and control the distribution of natural resources and hazards. However, the spatiotemporal evolution of flexural...
Brandon Michael Lutz, Mark R. Hudson, Tyson Michael Smith, Marieke Dechesne, Leland Robson Spangler, Anne E. McCafferty, Chelsea Morgan Amaral, Neil Patrick Griffis, Jaime Ann Megumi Hirtz
Insights into glendonite formation from the upper Oligocene Sagavanirktok Formation, North Slope, Alaska
The type locality for the upper Oligocene Nuwok Member of the Sagavanirktok Formation (Carter Creek, North Slope, Alaska, USA) contains abundant occurrence of glendonite, a pseudomorph after the calcium carbonate mineral ikaite, which typically forms in the shallow subsurface of cold marine sediments. The region during the time of Nuwok Member deposition was located at a high latitude...
John W. Counts, Madeleine Vickers, Martha (Rebecca) Stokes, Whittney Spivey, Kristina Frank Gardner, Jean Self-Trail, Jared T. Gooley, Ryan J. McAleer, Aaron M. Jubb, David W. Houseknecht, Richard O. Lease, Neil Patrick Griffis, Martin S. Vickers, Kasia Śliwińska, Hannah Gail Dooley Tompkins, Adam M. Hudson
A Carboniferous apex for the late Paleozoic icehouse
Icehouse climate systems occur across an abbreviated portion of Earth history, constituting c. 25% of the Phanerozoic record. The Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) was the most extreme and longest lasting glaciation of the Phanerozoic and is characterized by periods of acute continental-scale glaciation, separated by periods of ice minima or ice-free conditions on the order of
Neil Patrick Griffis, Roland Mundil, Isabel P. Montanez, Daniel Le Heron, Pierre Dietrich, Roberto Iannuzzi
The Far-Field imprint of the late Paleozoic Ice Age, its demise, and the onset of a dust-house climate across the Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin, Texas
The late Paleozoic is a period of pronounced climatic and tectonic change, characterized by the onset and disappearance of continental-scale glaciers across polar Gondwana, the formation of Pangea, and widespread large igneous province volcanism. The low-latitude equatorial tropics are assumed to be places of persistent warm and wet climatic conditions throughout the Phanerozoic, which...
Neil Patrick Griffis, Neil Tabor, Daniel Stockli, Lisa Stockli