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Pierre Glynn, Ph.D.

Pierre Glynn, Ph.D., has now retired from his USGS management positions and is devoting his time to conducting interdisciplinary research to advance the science, policy, and management of complex systems and issues. He is currently Emeritus Scientist with the USGS Science and Decisions Center (USGS/SDC) in the Northeastern Region. 

Pierre also serves as an Affiliated Scholar with Arizona State University’s Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes (ASU/CSPO) in Washington D.C.

Pierre’s current research includes studies on:

  • water and natural capital accounting (USGS/SDC),
  • value of Information – useability and actionability (USGS/SDC),
  • Chesapeake Bay watershed modeling and its associated social systems (USGS/SDC),
  • examining the role of narratives and information in managing natural resources and societal hazards (ASU/CSPO),
  • adaptive management, participatory modeling, public participation in science, and the creation of “Records of Engagement and Decision-Making” (mainly ASU/CSPO),
  • integrated modeling and System of Systems modeling (USGS/SDC), and
  • the role of human biases, beliefs, heuristics, values, and norms in the conduct of science and policy (USGS/SDC).

Pierre was recently awarded (through ASU/CSPO) a Catalyst Leaders Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Zealand to study water science and policy issues (centered around Lake Taupo) in collaboration with the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS Science, New Zealand).

Pierre’s academic background includes a B.A. in Geological Sciences from Columbia College, an M.Sc. from University of Quebec in Montreal in isotopic environmental geochemistry, and a Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo, where his studies focused on groundwater and geochemical modeling.

Professional Assignments:
Jan. 1989 – March 2021: Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Reston, VA

  • May 2019 – March 2021: Acting Chief, Hydro-Ecological Interactions Branch, Water Mission Area (WMA), USGS
  • October 2017 – April 2019: Chief, Water Cycle Branch, WMA
  • March 2005 – September 2017: Chief, Eastern Branch, National Research Program (NRP), WMA
  • December 2015 – April 2016: Acting Associate Director for Energy and Minerals, and for Environmental Health Mission Areas
  • November 2001 – February 2005: Staff Assistant to Chief Scientist for Hydrology, WMA
  • January 1989 – November 2001:  Research Hydrologist, NRP, WMA

January 1987 – January 1989:  National Academy of Sciences Research Associate


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