Slides describing the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Susan K Kemp
I lead the Center’s efforts to communicate our science and manage our data and records. I am a life-long public servant who is passionate about communicating science in a way that is understandable by everyone. I want others to also see what I find so interesting, important, and cool!
Throughout my career, and without realizing it, I'd been asked to communicate complex ecological issues to non-scientists. It was only when I briefed a group on what I and other scientists considered a major scientific accomplishment and only got the response "I don't get it. Why did it cost so much and take so long?" did I realize that we as scientists weren't doing an effective job of communicating our science. That moment made me realize my passion for science communication. I am excited to be in a position where I can help scientists share the value and importance of their work to others.
Professional Experience
2014-present: USGS, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Science & Data Delivery Program Manager, Corvallis, OR
2009-2014: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, Senior Biologist, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan-Southern Coastal Systems Regional Coordinator, Jacksonville, FL
2008: City of Atlanta, Department of Watershed Management, Surface Water Quality Program Manager, Atlanta, GA
1994-2006: Miami-Dade County, Department of Environmental Resources Management, Surface Water Quality and Seagrass Program Manager, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan Coordinator, Miami, FL
Education and Certifications
M.S., Environmental Science, Florida International University, Miami, FL (2004)
B.S., Marine Science/Biology, double major, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL (1994)
Affiliations and Memberships*
Toastmasters International
Science and Products
Integrated science strategy for assessing and monitoring water availability and migratory birds for terminal lakes across the Great Basin, United States
The integrated rangeland fire management strategy actionable science plan
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Enhancing ArcGIS Survey123 to improve rangeland and aquatic data collection
Developing a USGS Legacy Data Inventory to Preserve and Release Historical USGS Data
Golden Eagle B-roll for Accelerometry Data Characterization
Slides describing the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Slides describing the USGS Water Mission Area's Integrated Water Availability Assessment Program presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Slides describing the USGS Water Mission Area's Integrated Water Availability Assessment Program presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Oregon geographic area on 11/8/2022-11/9/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Oregon geographic area on 11/8/2022-11/9/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Nevada California geographic area on 10/18/2022-10/19/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Nevada California geographic area on 10/18/2022-10/19/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Great Salt Lake geographic area on 11/1/2022-11/2/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Great Salt Lake geographic area on 11/1/2022-11/2/2022
Metolius River, Smiling River Campground, Deschutes National Forest
Metolius River, Smiling River Campground, Deschutes National Forest
GIS Clipping and Summarization Toolbox
To request an interview, contact or call (541) 750-1030.
Science and Products
Integrated science strategy for assessing and monitoring water availability and migratory birds for terminal lakes across the Great Basin, United States
The integrated rangeland fire management strategy actionable science plan
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Enhancing ArcGIS Survey123 to improve rangeland and aquatic data collection
Developing a USGS Legacy Data Inventory to Preserve and Release Historical USGS Data
Golden Eagle B-roll for Accelerometry Data Characterization
Slides describing the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Slides describing the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Slides describing the USGS Water Mission Area's Integrated Water Availability Assessment Program presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
Slides describing the USGS Water Mission Area's Integrated Water Availability Assessment Program presented at the Fall 2022 Saline Lakes Stakeholder Workshops for the Nevada California, Great Salt Lake, and Oregon geographic areas.
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Oregon geographic area on 11/8/2022-11/9/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Oregon geographic area on 11/8/2022-11/9/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Nevada California geographic area on 10/18/2022-10/19/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Nevada California geographic area on 10/18/2022-10/19/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Great Salt Lake geographic area on 11/1/2022-11/2/2022
High-level meeting summaries of the state-local stakeholder workshop held for the Great Salt Lake geographic area on 11/1/2022-11/2/2022
Metolius River, Smiling River Campground, Deschutes National Forest
Metolius River, Smiling River Campground, Deschutes National Forest
GIS Clipping and Summarization Toolbox
To request an interview, contact or call (541) 750-1030.
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government