Staged Products
The Topographic Maps and geographical information system (GIS) data provided in The National Map are pre-generated into downloadable products often available in multiple formats. The vector datasets include: The National Hydrography Dataset(s), Watershed Boundary Dataset, Governmental Boundary Units, Transportation, Structures, Elevation Contours and Geographic Names. Raster datasets include: Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), Orthoimagery, and Land Cover. Lidar point cloud data is also available over many areas of the US.
See our Dataset List for a brief explanation of these products.
Data Download Applications
The map and data products are searchable through the Download Application (Training Video Lessons 4a-d). Also, LidarExplorer can be used for advanced searching and visualization for lidar and digital elevation models (DEMs) data.
Historical maps can also be explored in detail and downloaded via the TopoView Application (Training Video Lesson 9b and 9c).
Direct Access
Direct access is provided via browsable links through our Amazon's Cloud Browse site.
For faster, very large volume access to 3DEP lidar data we also provide a ‘user pays’ options through Amazon Web Services. Instructions on accessing this option are in this document: Lidar Point Cloud in AWS - Requester Pays Instructions
Other Resources
Download Manager Tool/uGET - Facilitates large file count downloads. (Training Video Lesson 4d)
Historical Data Archives - Access our historical imagery and other data through EarthExplorer (Training Video Lesson 7a-c).
Hazards Events - Access to hazards event data through the Hazards Data Distribution System.
TNM Access API - Access to Datasets, Notifications, Products and Services through TNM Access.
Raster Conversion Tools - Information about available raster conversion scripts