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Resources and Links for Boreal Partners in Flight

There is enormous value in learning about our natural world. Educational resources help us with this endeavor and help us teach others about landbirds.  Note: This list is for your convenience. We are not advertising or endorsing any product or entity listed.

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Small bird in a bush
American Robin female in Westchester Lagoon, Anchorage, Alaska.​​​​​​​(Credit: Donna Dewhurst, US Fish and Wildlife Service. Public domain.)

Bird Checklists for Alaska

Checklists on the occurrence and seasonal abundance of birds are available on this website ( for the state of Alaska as well as many of the regions, parks, refuges, and forests within the state.  Various checklists are also available for the rest of the United States.

Bird Songs of Alaska Audio Guide

Leonard Peyton's Bird Songs of Alaska is a two disc CD collection of vocalizations and sounds from more than 260 species of birds found in Alaska. This audio production, from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's world-renowned Library of Natural Sounds, is the most comprehensive collection of bird sounds available for the state. This is a must for anyone wanting to improve their ability to identify Alaska birds by sound.

Because the CD features vocalizations not found on any other audio guide, researchers conducting studies in Alaska or other places where many of these birds are found, will find the guide indispensable.  "Serious birders anywhere in North America will find the shorebird vocalizations especially helpful, as the birds make key migratory stop-overs on their way from their Alaskan and high arctic breeding grounds to their winter areas in South America," says Greg Budney, curator of the Library of Natural Sounds.  Casual listeners will simply enjoy the voices of birds from Denali National Park, Tongass National Forest, the Aleutian Islands, and other faraway places where many of the recordings were made.

Birds Songs of Alaska is available through several commercial sources (search the internet).

Alaska Wildlife and Aquatic Education Program

The Alaska Wildlife and Aquatic Education Program of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game ( provides many resources for teachers on birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, and habitats in Alaska.

Migration Science and Mystery

This website ( hosts several archived lesson plans on shorebirds, migration, and habitats in Alaska.

Scenic of field next to a forest in Alaska
The edge of the boreal forest in Alaska. (Credit: Rachel Richardson, USGS, Alaska Science Center. Public domain.)

Links to Other Sites

International Partners in Flight

Contributors to BPIF

Alaska Songbird Institute
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Alaska Center for Conservation Science
Environment and Climate Change Canada
National Audubon Society:  National / Alaska
Bureau of Land Management:  National / Alaska
National Park Service
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:  National / Alaska
U. S. Forest Service:  National / Alaska
U.S. Geological Survey-Biological Resources Discipline:  National / Alaska


American Bird Conservancy
National Audubon Society
Important Bird Areas
Boreal Songbird Initiative
North American Bird Conservation Initiative
Canadian Boreal Leadership Council 
The Nature Conservancy-Migratory Bird Program

North American Bird Conservation Plans

Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan
The U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan
Canadian Shorebird Conservation Plan
North American Waterbird Conservation Plan
North American Waterfowl Management Plan

Information and Education

Alaska Bird Checklist
AOS Checklist of North and Middle American Birds
American Birding Association
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Ornithological Newsletter
Alaska Native Knowledge Network
Alaska Natural Resource and Outdoor Education Association
International Migratory Bird Day
Searchable Ornithological Research Archive
Shorebird Sister Schools Program
Alaska Department of Fish and Game Bird Viewing

Sources of Funds

AOS Student and Post-Doctoral Grants
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
National Fish and Wildlife Federation Grant Programs
National Resource Conservation Service Programs
National Science Foundation
Neotropical Migratory Bird Act
North American Wetlands Conservation Act Grants
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Grants

Monitoring, Research, and Analytical Tools

Bird Studies Canada
BIRDNET-Bird Observatories
Boreal Avian Modelling Project
British Trust for Ornithology
Canadian Landbird Monitoring Strategy
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
MAPS, Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship
Avian Science Center
USGS-Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
      Bird Banding Laboratory
      Breeding Bird Survey
Christmas Bird Count
Distance Sampling
Patuxent Software Archive
Software Available through Colorado State University

Ornithological Societies

Alaska Shorebird Group
American Ornithological Society
Association of Field Ornithologists
National Audubon Society
Ornithological Societies of North America
Pacific Seabird Group
Raptor Research Foundation
Society of Canadian Ornithologists
Waterbird Society
Wilson Ornithological Society


Logo for Boreal Partners in Flight
Logo by Bryce Robinson,
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