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USGS Chesapeake Accomplishments and Highlights for 2022

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) works with Federal, State, and academic science partners to conduct monitoring and research in the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, the Nation’s largest estuary. The USGS interacts through the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) to apply science to inform restoration and conservation decisions.

Role of the USGS in the Chesapeake Bay Program

The USGS Chesapeake Science Strategy for 2021-25 has four themes:

  • Theme 1: Develop an integrated understanding of the factors affecting stream health, fish habitat, and aquatic conditions.
  • Theme 2: Assess the risks to coastal habitat and migratory waterbirds.
  • Theme 3: Characterize land use to assess the vulnerability and resiliency of habitats and healthy watersheds. 
  • Theme 4: Integrate science and inform decision making. 

USGS Chesapeake studies are supported by multiple USGS Mission Areas (Ecosystems, Water, Core Science Systems, and Hazards) and programs, collectively providing about $15M for monitoring and studies in Fiscal Year 2022. The integrated, multi-disciplinary projects and monitoring are carried out by scientists in multiple USGS Science Centers. USGS Chesapeake studies also collaborates with and informs work in other critical ecosystems across the country.


Accomplishments and Highlights for 2022

The accomplishments for 2022 reflect selected peer-reviewed results that are published in journals and USGS reports.  While these publications provide the methods and results, Chesapeake studies invests in translating and communicating the findings to be more effectively used by stakeholders to inform critical management decisions. Most of the highlights and accomplishments link directly to science summaries and press releases used to translate the USGS Chesapeake publications.


Fish Populations, Health, and Habitats


Streams and Environmental Change


Nutrients, Sediment, and Flow


Factors Affecting Water Quality


Coastal Habitats


Characterize Land Use and Change


Integrate Science and Engage Partners


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