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These publications are written or co-authored by Central Midwest Water Science Center personnel in conjuction with their work at the USGS and other government agencies.  They include USGS reports, journal articles, conference proceedings, and published abstracts that  are available in the USGS Publications  Warehouse.

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Hydrogeologic, water-quality, and land-use data for the reconnaissance of herbicides and nitrate in near-surface aquifers of the Midcontinental United States, 1991

Water samples were collected during the spring and summer of 1991 from 303 wells penetrating near-surface unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers of the midcontinental United States. Samples were analyzed for 11 herbicides, 2 dealkylated atrazine metabolites, and 4 nutrients. Specific conductance, pH, and dissolved-oxygen concentrations of the ground water were measured onsite. Ancillary data on well
D.W. Kolpin, M. R. Burkart, E.M. Thurman

Agricultural chemical interchange between ground water and surface water, Cedar River basin, Iowa and Minnesota: A study description

A review of the data collected in the Cedar River basin, Iowa and Minnesota, indicates that atrazine is consistently detected in the main-stem river at concentrations greater than 0.10 microgram per liter even during periods of extended base flow. The primary source of atrazine in the river during these periods of base flow is not known. This study is designed to determine how atrazine and other a
P. J. Squillace, M. J. Liszewski, E.M. Thurman

Herbicide and nitrate variation in alluvium underlying a cornfield at a site in Iowa County, Iowa

A hydrologic investigation to determine vertical and seasonal variation of atrazine, alachlor, cyanazine, and nitrate at one location and to relate the variation to ground-water movement in the Iowa River alluvium was conducted in Iowa County, Iowa, from March 1986 to December 1987. Water samples were collected at discrete intervals through the alluvial sequence from the soil zone to the base of t
S. J. Kalkhoff, M.G. Detroy, K. Cherryholmes, R.L. Kuzniar

Water resources data, Iowa, water year 1992

No abstract available.
J.G. Gorman, C.J. Anderson, R.B. Lambert, D. Sneck-Fahrer, W. Wang

Water resources data, Iowa, water year 1991

Water resources data for the 1991 water year for Iowa consist of records of stage discharge,and water quality of streams; stage, contents, and water quality of lakes and reservoirs; ground water levels and water quality of ground-water wells. This report contains records of water discharge for 118 stream-gaging stations; stage or contents for 9 lakes and reservoirs; water quality for 6 stream-gagi
D. J. O'Connell, R.B. Lambert, W.J. Matthes, D. Sneck-Fahrer

Quality-assurance plan for the analysis of fluvial sediment by laboratories of the U.S. Geological Survey

This report describes procedures used by the Iowa District sediment laboratory of the U.S. Geological Survey to assure the quality of sediment-laboratory data. These procedures can be used by other U.S. Geological Survey laboratories regardless of size and type of operation for quality assurance and quality control of specific sediment-laboratory processes. Also described are the equipment, specif
Wilbur J. Matthes, Clyde J. Sholar, John R. George

The ground-water-level monitoring network in Iowa

The ground-water-level monitoring network in Iowa consists of 202 wells completed in the principal bedrock and surficial aquifers that supply ground water to numerous users throughout the State. The bedrock aquifers include the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer system, the Silurian-Devonian aquifer, the Mississippian aquifer, localized Pennsylvanian aquifers, and the Dakota aquifer. The surficial aquife
R.B. Lambert

Hydrologic data for a study of pre-Illinoian glacial till in Linn County, Iowa, water year 1991

Hydrologic data for a study of pre-lllinoian glacial till were collected during the 1991 water year at a site in Linn County, east-central Iowa. A hydrologic-data-collection network, consisting of a meteorological station, 22 observation wells, and a water-quality minimonitor, was installed at the site to investigate the hydraulic properties of the till. Recorders were installed on 12 of the obser
P.R. Bowman

Time of travel and dispersion in a selected reach of Roberts Creek, Clayton County, Iowa

Time of travel and dispersion were determined in a 9.4-river-mile reach of Roberts Creek in northwestern Clayton County, Iowa, in the spring of 1990. Time of travel was determined so that a discrete parcel of water could be sampled through the study area during medium to low streamflow conditions. Dispersion characteristics were determined to identify solute-transport differences under two streamf
D.W. Kolpin, S. J. Kalkhoff

Availability and quality of water from the alluvial, glacial-drift, and Dakota aquifers and water use in southwest Iowa

A ground-water resources investigation was conducted in southwest Iowa to describe the availability, quality, and use of water from the alluvial, glacial-drift, and Dakota aquifers in a nine-county area. Historical water quality was examined for each aquifer, and water samples were collected for major ions, trace metals, radionuclides, and selected pesticides. Selected aspects of surface-water res
R.E. Hansen, C. A. Thompson, P. E. Van Dorpe
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