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These publications are written or co-authored by Central Midwest Water Science Center personnel in conjuction with their work at the USGS and other government agencies.  They include USGS reports, journal articles, conference proceedings, and published abstracts that  are available in the USGS Publications  Warehouse.

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Ground water resources of Lee County

Approximately 8.0 percent of the water used in Lee County comes from underground sources. It is estimated that the use of ground water in the county currently approaches 2.8 billion gallons per year. For comparison, this amount would provide each resident with 172 gallons of water a day during a year. Actually, few if any households use this much water, and this greater per capita use reflects the
Donivan L. Gordon

Water resources data for Iowa, water year 1979

This report was prepared by personnel of the Iowa district of the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey under the supervision of D. K. Leifeste, District Chief, and Alfred Clebsch, Jr., Regional Hydrologist, Central Region. It was done in cooperation with the State of Iowa and with other agencies. This report is one of a series issued by Iowa. General direction for the series is b

Physical environment and hydrologic characteristics of coal-mining areas in Missouri

Hydrologic information for the north-central and western coal-mining regions of Missouri is needed to define the hydrologic system in these areas of major historic and planned coal development. This report describes the physical setting, climate, coal-mining practices, general hydrologic system, and the current (1980) hydrologie data base in these two coal-mining regions. Streamflow in both mining
J. E. Vaill, James H. Barks

Floods in the Raccoon River basin, Iowa

Evaluation of flood hazards, and the planning, design, and operation of various facilities on flood plains requires information on floods. This report provides information on flood stages and discharges, flood magnitude and frequency, bench mark data, and flood profiles for the Raccoon River and some of its tributaries. It covers the Raccoon River, the North Raccoon River to the northern boundary
Albert J. Heinitz

Water quality of Indian Creek-Van Buren watershed, Iowa and Missouri

Generally, the water quality of Indian Creek-Van Buren watershed is suitable as a source of Municipal, industrial and agricultural water supply and for fish and wildlife. This suitability is based upon comparisons of the existing water quality of Indian Creek to Federal and State water quality standards and criteria developed for the protection of water sources and the fish and wildlife that inhab
Larry J. Slack, Mark G. Detroy

Iowa observation well network; past, present, and future

Water-level measurements in wells were started by the USGS in Iowa in 1935. Since then a total of about 450 different wells have been measured. The present network consists of about 70 wells. The measurement of these water levels aids in evaluating the present and future water resources of the State. Many factors influence water-level fluctuations. These factors include atmospheric pressure, withd
John D. Logel

Preliminary report on the hydrogeology of a low-level radioactive waste disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois

The Sheffield low-level radioactive-waste disposal site is located on 20 acres of rolling terrain about 3 miles southwest of Sheffield, Illinois. Twenty-one trenches were constructed and filled with radioactive waste from August 1967 through April 1978. Forty-three test wells were installed by the U.S. Geological Survey on and adjacent to the site. Continuous cores were collected from 36 wells to
J.B. Foster, J.R. Erickson

Chemical analyses of surface water in Illinois, 1975-77--Volume III, Ohio River tributaries and Mississippi River tributaries south of Illinois River basin

Samples of surface water were collected and analyzed by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The results from water years 1975 to 1977 are presented in three volumes. The history of sampling and analytical methods used during that period are summarized. Stream discharge data from records of the U.S. Geological Survey are included for all sites where samples were collected at gaging statio
David Grason, R. W. Healy

Chemical analyses of surface water in Illinois, 1975-77--Volume II, Illinois River basin and Mississippi River tributaries north of Illinois River basin

Samples of surface water were collected and analyzed by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The results from water years 1975 to 1977 are presented in three volumes. The history of sampling and analytical methods used during that period are summarized. Stream discharge data from records of the U.S. Geological Survey are included for all sites where samples were collected at gaging statio
David Grason, R. W. Healy

Baseline water quality of Iowa's coal region

To assist the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality in determining the effects that coal mining and attendant activities will have on the water quality of Iowa streams, the U.S. Geological Survey collected three sets of water-quality samples (representative of high, average, and low streamflow) in the White Breast, English,aand Cedar Creek basins in south-central Iowa. These samples were analyz
Larry J. Slack

Water resources data for Iowa, water year 1978

This report was prepared by personnel of the Iowa district of the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey under the supervision of S. W. Wiitala, District Chief, and Alfred Clebsch, Jr., Regional Hydrologist, Central Region. It was done in cooperation with the State of Iowa and with other agencies. This report is one of a series issued by Iowa. General direction for the series is by
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