USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - MODIS Fused C2
MODIS Fused C2 is a fused product of water vapor and ozone data used to process Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 products. This product contains four MODIS data sets: MODIS Aerosol Optical Thickness Daily Climate Modeling Grid (MOD09CMA and MYD09CMA) and MODIS SR Daily Climate Modeling Grid (MOD09CMG and MYD09CMG).
Dataset Citation
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MODIS Fused, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
These data are available for users wanting to generate custom Level-2 products using the Collection 2 surface reflectance and surface temperature algorithms. It is not necessary for users to download the atmospheric auxiliary data for use with Collection 2 Level-2 products.
The USGS extracts water vapor data and ozone data as needed from all four MODIS data sets (MOD09CMA, MYD09CMA, MOD09CMG, MYD09CMG) and combines the data to create a single daily Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) release file that contains only water vapor and ozone values. Terra data are used if available for both water vapor and ozone data. Where Terra data are not available, Aqua data (if available) are used to fill in missing values. If Terra data and Aqua data are both unavailable, fill values are generated by interpolation. Note: MODIS products were updated from version 6.0 to 6.1 on February 17, 2023.
The fused file contains a Scientific Data Set (SDS) for ozone data (unsigned 8-bit integers), an SDS for water vapor data (unsigned 16-bit integers), and a "wherefrom" SDS (8-bit unsigned integers) to identify if the pixel is filled from Terra data, Aqua data, or "none" for interpolated values.
Additional Information
- Landsat Collection 2 Atmospheric Auxiliary Home Page
- Landsat Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - Data Format Control Book (DFCB)
Access Data
Use EarthExplorer to search and download the MODIS Fused C2 Product. The data are located under the Landsat category, Atmospheric Auxiliary Data, and listed as MODIS Fused C2.
Data Citation History
The preferred citation for this dataset was revised in 2024 to improve accuracy and alignment with USGS Fundamental Science Practices. The dataset digital object identifier (DOI) and version did not change.
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MODIS Fused, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
The previously used citation shown below is provided here for historical reference only:
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation And Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MODIS Fused C2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
Below are other science projects associated with this product.
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - TOMS C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - MERRA-2 C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - GEOS-5 FP-IT C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - ASTER GED C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 8-9 OLI/TIRS Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 7 ETM Plus Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 4-5 TM Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
Below are data or web applications associated with this product.
MODIS Fused C2 is a fused product of water vapor and ozone data used to process Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 products. This product contains four MODIS data sets: MODIS Aerosol Optical Thickness Daily Climate Modeling Grid (MOD09CMA and MYD09CMA) and MODIS SR Daily Climate Modeling Grid (MOD09CMG and MYD09CMG).
Dataset Citation
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MODIS Fused, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
These data are available for users wanting to generate custom Level-2 products using the Collection 2 surface reflectance and surface temperature algorithms. It is not necessary for users to download the atmospheric auxiliary data for use with Collection 2 Level-2 products.
The USGS extracts water vapor data and ozone data as needed from all four MODIS data sets (MOD09CMA, MYD09CMA, MOD09CMG, MYD09CMG) and combines the data to create a single daily Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) release file that contains only water vapor and ozone values. Terra data are used if available for both water vapor and ozone data. Where Terra data are not available, Aqua data (if available) are used to fill in missing values. If Terra data and Aqua data are both unavailable, fill values are generated by interpolation. Note: MODIS products were updated from version 6.0 to 6.1 on February 17, 2023.
The fused file contains a Scientific Data Set (SDS) for ozone data (unsigned 8-bit integers), an SDS for water vapor data (unsigned 16-bit integers), and a "wherefrom" SDS (8-bit unsigned integers) to identify if the pixel is filled from Terra data, Aqua data, or "none" for interpolated values.
Additional Information
- Landsat Collection 2 Atmospheric Auxiliary Home Page
- Landsat Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - Data Format Control Book (DFCB)
Access Data
Use EarthExplorer to search and download the MODIS Fused C2 Product. The data are located under the Landsat category, Atmospheric Auxiliary Data, and listed as MODIS Fused C2.
Data Citation History
The preferred citation for this dataset was revised in 2024 to improve accuracy and alignment with USGS Fundamental Science Practices. The dataset digital object identifier (DOI) and version did not change.
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MODIS Fused, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
The previously used citation shown below is provided here for historical reference only:
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation And Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MODIS Fused C2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
Below are other science projects associated with this product.
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - TOMS C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - MERRA-2 C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - GEOS-5 FP-IT C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - ASTER GED C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 8-9 OLI/TIRS Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 7 ETM Plus Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 4-5 TM Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
Below are data or web applications associated with this product.