USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - MERRA-2 C2
Modern Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications Version 2 (MERRA-2) is a NASA atmospheric reanalysis that provides data beginning in 1980. MERRA-2 provides atmospheric data that are used as input to the radiative transfer model used to determine surface temperature.
Dataset Citation
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MERRA-2, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
These data are available for users wanting to generate custom Level-2 products using the Collection 2 surface reflectance and surface temperature algorithms. It is not necessary for users to download the atmospheric auxiliary data for use with Collection 2 Level-2 products.
The USGS uses either MERRA-2 or GEOS-5 FP-IT data for Surface Temperature processing.MERRA-2 data are used in the ST algorithm for Landsat 4-7 data for global products when GEOS-5 FP-IT data is not available (prior to 2000).
The USGS creates NetCDF files that contain the subset of the MERRA-2 datasets used in ST processing. Each daily global file contains "H" height, "QV" specific humidity, and "T" air temperature values on a grid of 576 longitude, 361 latitude, and 42 pressure levels, for 8 times within the day (every 3 hours). The axis values are recorded in the "lat", "lon", "lev", and "time" datasets, respectively. The new files are in the same format and spatio-temporal resolution as the original MERRA-2 or GEOS-5 FP-IT files
Additional Information
- Landsat Collection 2 Atmospheric Auxiliary Home Page
- Landsat Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - Data Format Control Book (DFCB)
Access Data
Use EarthExplorer to search and download the MERRA-2 C2 Subset Product. The data are located under the Landsat category, Atmospheric Auxiliary Data, and listed as MERRA-2 C2 Subset.
Data Citation History
The preferred citation for this dataset was revised in 2024 to improve accuracy and alignment with USGS Fundamental Science Practices. The dataset digital object identifier (DOI) and version did not change.
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MERRA-2, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
The previously used citation shown below is provided here for historical reference only:
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation And Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MERRA-2 C2 Subset [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
Below are other science projects associated with this product.
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - TOMS C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - MODIS Fused C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - GEOS-5 FP-IT C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - ASTER GED C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 8-9 OLI/TIRS Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 7 ETM Plus Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 4-5 TM Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
Below are data or web applications associated with this product.
The EarthExplorer (EE) user interface is an online search, discovery, and ordering tool developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). EE supports the searching of satellite, aircraft, and other remote sensing inventories through interactive and textual-based query capabilities.
Modern Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications Version 2 (MERRA-2) is a NASA atmospheric reanalysis that provides data beginning in 1980. MERRA-2 provides atmospheric data that are used as input to the radiative transfer model used to determine surface temperature.
Dataset Citation
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MERRA-2, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
These data are available for users wanting to generate custom Level-2 products using the Collection 2 surface reflectance and surface temperature algorithms. It is not necessary for users to download the atmospheric auxiliary data for use with Collection 2 Level-2 products.
The USGS uses either MERRA-2 or GEOS-5 FP-IT data for Surface Temperature processing.MERRA-2 data are used in the ST algorithm for Landsat 4-7 data for global products when GEOS-5 FP-IT data is not available (prior to 2000).
The USGS creates NetCDF files that contain the subset of the MERRA-2 datasets used in ST processing. Each daily global file contains "H" height, "QV" specific humidity, and "T" air temperature values on a grid of 576 longitude, 361 latitude, and 42 pressure levels, for 8 times within the day (every 3 hours). The axis values are recorded in the "lat", "lon", "lev", and "time" datasets, respectively. The new files are in the same format and spatio-temporal resolution as the original MERRA-2 or GEOS-5 FP-IT files
Additional Information
- Landsat Collection 2 Atmospheric Auxiliary Home Page
- Landsat Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - Data Format Control Book (DFCB)
Access Data
Use EarthExplorer to search and download the MERRA-2 C2 Subset Product. The data are located under the Landsat category, Atmospheric Auxiliary Data, and listed as MERRA-2 C2 Subset.
Data Citation History
The preferred citation for this dataset was revised in 2024 to improve accuracy and alignment with USGS Fundamental Science Practices. The dataset digital object identifier (DOI) and version did not change.
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MERRA-2, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
The previously used citation shown below is provided here for historical reference only:
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation And Science (EROS) Center. (2021). MERRA-2 C2 Subset [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
Below are other science projects associated with this product.
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - TOMS C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - MODIS Fused C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - GEOS-5 FP-IT C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - ASTER GED C2
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 8-9 OLI/TIRS Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 7 ETM Plus Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat 4-5 TM Collection 2 Level-2 Science Products
Below are data or web applications associated with this product.
The EarthExplorer (EE) user interface is an online search, discovery, and ordering tool developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). EE supports the searching of satellite, aircraft, and other remote sensing inventories through interactive and textual-based query capabilities.