New Mexico Landscapes Field Station: Fire Research
Below are ongoing or completed research projects related to fire at the New Mexico Landscapes Field Station.
Fire history and ecology
Principal Investigator – Ellis Margolis
Wildfire is not a new phenomenon; it has been influencing landscapes and the lives of plants, animals and people for centuries to millennia. Fire in wildlands can increase the resilience of fire-adapted ecosystems, improve wildlife habitat, and reduce future wildfire risk. However, increases in wildfire size, frequency, severity, and duration are changing the landscape of the United States, killing large tracts of forest, affecting air quality and water supplies, as well as threatening lives and property. These changes in fire are highly influenced by human land use and climate change. We combined tree-ring fire scars with modern fire data and other paleo records (for example, lake cores) as part of a place-based science approach to establish a historical record of fire to better understand patterns and drivers of change that inform present-day fire management practices.
Next-generation fuel and fire spread models to inform prescribed fire
Principal Investigators – Ellis Margolis, Kevin Heirs (Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, SERDP), Rod Linn (Los Alamos National Laboratory, LANL)
Climate change will continue to drive fire-catalyzed ecological transformations, such as the conversion of forests to non-forest landscapes, creating a moving target for resource managers. Increased understanding of fire behavior across a range of climate scenarios in different ecological settings is key for climate-informed management. We are combining lidar (light detection and ranging) and local field data to create three-dimensional, fine-scale representations of vegetation (fuels) to drive advanced models. Modeling will occur in three important ecological contexts within the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework: partially transformed forests at the edge of refugia (Resist), transformed forests that are now shrubs (Accept), and forests that are transition between dry and wet mixed conifer ecosystems (Direct). Fire behavior projections will be integrated into fire and vegetation management plans and actions of our key National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) management partners in the upper Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico.
Post-fire Recovery Patterns in Southwestern Forests
Jens T Stevens (former USGS), Ellis Margolis, and Craig Allen (University of New Mexico emeritus).
High-severity crown (treetop to treetop) fires in southwestern dry-conifer forests — resulting from fire suppression, fuel buildups, and drought — are creating large, treeless areas that are historically unprecedented in size and unlikely to recover to their pre-fire state. These recent stand-replacing fires have reset extensive portions of southwest forest landscapes, fostering post-fire successional vegetation that can alter ecological recovery trajectories away from pre-fire forest types toward persistent non-forested ecosystems (shrublands and grasslands) at the scales of mountain ranges, the Southwest, and western North America. Our team studies areas that burned during recent persistent regional droughts (since 1996) that are recovering under hotter drought conditions that simulate projected future climate trends. This research improves our understanding of Southwest landscape changes in response to land use and climate, contributing to a framework for informed post-fire land management decisions regarding adaptation or mitigation strategies to sustain forests under projected “hotter drought” conditions.
Impacts of changing climate and disturbance regimes on forest ecosystem resilience in the Southern Rocky Mountains
New Mexico Tree-Ring Science
The New Mexico Landscapes Field Station
New Mexico Landscapes Field Station: Forest Ecosystem Research
Synthesis of the new North American tree-ring fire-scar network: using past and present fire-climate relationships to improve projections of future wildfire
Delivering the North American tree-ring fire history network through a web application and an R package
Post-fire Recovery Patterns in Southwestern Forests
Post-fire debris-flow hazard model output files, Santa Fe Municipal Watershed, New Mexico
North American tree-ring fire-scar site descriptions
Spatiotemporal synchrony of climate and fire occurrence across North American forests (1750-1880)
Contemporary fires are less frequent but more severe in dry conifer forests of the southwestern United States
Trees have similar growth responses to first-entry fires and reburns following long-term fire exclusion
Pre-fire assessment of post-fire debris flow hazards in the Santa Fe Municipal Watershed
Multi-decadal vegetation transformations of a New Mexico ponderosa pine landscape after severe fires and aerial seeding
Historical fire regimes and contemporary fire effects within sagebrush habitats of Gunnison Sage-grouse
Indigenous fire management and cross-scale fire-climate relationships in the Southwest United States from 1500 to 1900 CE
Reimagine fire science for the anthropocene
The North American tree-ring fire-scar network
Tamm review: Postfire landscape management in frequent-fire conifer forests of the southwestern United States
Native American fire management at an ancient wildland–urban interface in the Southwest United States
Valleys of fire: Historical fire regimes of forest-grassland ecotones across the montane landscape of the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico, USA
Below are ongoing or completed research projects related to fire at the New Mexico Landscapes Field Station.
Fire history and ecology
Principal Investigator – Ellis Margolis
Wildfire is not a new phenomenon; it has been influencing landscapes and the lives of plants, animals and people for centuries to millennia. Fire in wildlands can increase the resilience of fire-adapted ecosystems, improve wildlife habitat, and reduce future wildfire risk. However, increases in wildfire size, frequency, severity, and duration are changing the landscape of the United States, killing large tracts of forest, affecting air quality and water supplies, as well as threatening lives and property. These changes in fire are highly influenced by human land use and climate change. We combined tree-ring fire scars with modern fire data and other paleo records (for example, lake cores) as part of a place-based science approach to establish a historical record of fire to better understand patterns and drivers of change that inform present-day fire management practices.
Next-generation fuel and fire spread models to inform prescribed fire
Principal Investigators – Ellis Margolis, Kevin Heirs (Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, SERDP), Rod Linn (Los Alamos National Laboratory, LANL)
Climate change will continue to drive fire-catalyzed ecological transformations, such as the conversion of forests to non-forest landscapes, creating a moving target for resource managers. Increased understanding of fire behavior across a range of climate scenarios in different ecological settings is key for climate-informed management. We are combining lidar (light detection and ranging) and local field data to create three-dimensional, fine-scale representations of vegetation (fuels) to drive advanced models. Modeling will occur in three important ecological contexts within the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework: partially transformed forests at the edge of refugia (Resist), transformed forests that are now shrubs (Accept), and forests that are transition between dry and wet mixed conifer ecosystems (Direct). Fire behavior projections will be integrated into fire and vegetation management plans and actions of our key National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) management partners in the upper Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico.
Post-fire Recovery Patterns in Southwestern Forests
Jens T Stevens (former USGS), Ellis Margolis, and Craig Allen (University of New Mexico emeritus).
High-severity crown (treetop to treetop) fires in southwestern dry-conifer forests — resulting from fire suppression, fuel buildups, and drought — are creating large, treeless areas that are historically unprecedented in size and unlikely to recover to their pre-fire state. These recent stand-replacing fires have reset extensive portions of southwest forest landscapes, fostering post-fire successional vegetation that can alter ecological recovery trajectories away from pre-fire forest types toward persistent non-forested ecosystems (shrublands and grasslands) at the scales of mountain ranges, the Southwest, and western North America. Our team studies areas that burned during recent persistent regional droughts (since 1996) that are recovering under hotter drought conditions that simulate projected future climate trends. This research improves our understanding of Southwest landscape changes in response to land use and climate, contributing to a framework for informed post-fire land management decisions regarding adaptation or mitigation strategies to sustain forests under projected “hotter drought” conditions.