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Listed below are data products directly associated with the Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center:

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Investigating the effects of broad ion beam milling to sedimentary organic matter

To test if reflectance increases to sedimentary organic matter (vitrinite) caused by broad ion beam (BIB) milling were related to molecular aromatization and condensation, we used Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies to evaluate potential compositional changes in the same vitrinite locations pre- and post-BIB milling. The same locations also were examined by atomic force micr

Fluorescence spectroscopy of ancient sedimentary organic matter via confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM)

Fluorescence spectroscopy via confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was used to analyze ancient sedimentary organic matter, including Tasmanites microfossils in Devonian shale and Gloecapsomorpha prisca (G. prisca) in Ordovician kukersite from North American basins. We examined fluorescence emission as a function of excitation laser wavelength, sample orientation, and with respect to location

Organic Petrography and Diagenesis of Leonardian Mudrocks and Carbonates, Midland Basin, Texas (2018)

As part of a larger study, organic petrographic features of Leonardian Wolfcamp A repetitive siliceous and calcareous mudrock and fine-grained carbonate lithofacies cycles occurring in the R. Ricker #1 core from Reagan County, Midland Basin, Texas were evaluated. The objectives of the petrographic investigation were to estimate thermal maturity, identify organic matter types and abundances, and id

ATR Data from Interaction of kerogen with brine-saturated supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) and its implications to geologic carbon sequestration and enhanced oil/gas recovery (2018)

The dataset covers Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) measurements taken from altered kerogen in shales from the Woodford formation. The ATR measurements were taken after the samples were run through supercritical CO2 alteration experiments in a brine solution.

Enhanced wildfire at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary and its implications for O2 level and F-F mass extinction: evidence from organic petrology and Os isotope stratigraphy

In this study, organic petrology and Osmium isotope (187Os/188Os) stratigraphy, major and trace element, and programmed pyrolysis analysis were performed on five outcrop samples from western New York, USA. Seawater Os isotope composition is controlled by radiogenic input from weathering of the ancient land and nonradiogenic input from extraterrestrial and hydrothermal sources (Peucker-Ehrenbrink a

XRD data from study on the impact of thermal maturity on shale microstructures using hydrous pyrolysis (2018)

The dataset covers X-ray diffraction (XRD) applied for mineral determination in shales from the Utica, Excello, Niobrara, and Monterey formations. The XRD was performed prior to modified Rock-Eval pyrolysis, reflectance, organic petrology, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) being employed to analyze geochemical properties; gas adsorption (CO2 and N2) was used to characterize pore s

Analyzing Heterogeneity in Artificially Matured Samples of Bakken Shales (2018)

Solid organic matter (OM) in sedimentary rocks produces petroleum and solid bitumen when it undergoes thermal maturation. The solid OM is a 'geomacromolecule', usually representing a mixture of various organisms with distinct biogenic origins, and can have high heterogeneity in composition. Programmed pyrolysis is a common conventional method to reveal bulk geochemical characteristics of the domin

Data release for Organic geochemistry and petrology of Devonian shale in eastern Ohio: implications for petroleum systems assessment (2018)

Recent production of light sweet oil from shallow (~2,000 ft) horizontal wells in the Upper Devonian Berea Sandstone of eastern Kentucky and historical oil production from conventional wells in the Berea of adjoining southern Ohio has prompted re-evaluation of Devonian petroleum systems in the central Appalachian Basin. Herein, we examined Upper Devonian Ohio Shale (lower Huron Member) and Middle

Sample mounting for organic petrology: no thermal effects from transient exposure to elevated temperatures (2019)

For sample mounting, organic petrology laboratories typically use cold-setting epoxy-resin (e.g., 40 degrees C, used by Oklahoma Geological Survey, OGS) or heat-setting plastic (e.g., 180 degrees C, used by U.S. Geological Survey, USGS). Previous workers have suggested a systematic vitrinite reflectance (VRo) increase was associated with the thermoplastic preparation process, relative to epoxy mou

Data release for mean random reflectance for products of hydrous pyrolysis experiments on artificial rock mixtures of humic Wyodak-Anderson coal (2018)

Mean random vitrinite reflectance (Ro) is the most widely accepted method to determine thermal maturity of coal and other sedimentary rocks. However, oil-immersion Ro of polished rock or kerogen samples is commonly lower than Ro values measured in samples from adjacent vitrinite-rich coals that have undergone the same level of thermal stress. So-called suppressed Ro values have also been observed

Data Release for Application of Raman spectroscopy as thermal maturity probe in shale petroleum systems: insights from natural and artificial maturation series (2018)

Raman spectroscopy was studied as a thermal maturity probe in a series of Upper Devonian Ohio Shale samples from the Appalachian Basin spanning from immature to dry gas conditions. Raman spectroscopy also was applied to samples spanning a similar thermal range created from 72-hour hydrous pyrolysis (HP) experiments of the Ohio Shale at temperatures from 300 to 360 Celcius and isothermal HP experim

Reflectance, Raman band separation and Mean multivariant curve resolution (MCR) in organic matter in Boquillas Shale

The molecular composition of petroliferous organic matter and its composition evolution throughout thermal advance are key to understanding and insight into petroleum generation. This information is critical for comprehending hydrocarbon resources in unconventional reservoirs, as source rock organic matter is highly dispersed, in contact with the surrounding mineral matrix, and may be present as m
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