Listed below are data products directly associated with the Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center:
Filter Total Items: 189
Total organic carbon, programmed temperature pyrolysis, vitrinite reflectance, organic carbon isotopes, elemental, and spectral gamma-ray data from the Cretaceous Hue Shale (Jago River outcrop), Arctic Alaska, USA
Chemostratigraphic signatures were recorded in a 113 m thick outcrop of late Albian to early Campanian (~103–82 Ma) Hue Shale exposed on the bank of the Jago River in the coastal plain (“1002 Area”) of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), Alaska. Spectral gamma-ray (SGR) data was collected in situ across the Jago River section. A total of 250 samples consisting of predominantly...
Inorganic and organic chemical composition of groundwater collected from monitoring wells located at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, Bemidji, Minnesota, USA 2009-2023
This dataset contains information from groundwater monitoring wells at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site near Bemidji, Minnesota, USA. The information includes field and laboratory methods, site locations, and inorganic and organic chemistry data. Samples were collected between 2009 and 2023, and analyzed for inorganic anions: F (fluoride), Cl...
Geospatial database for the spectral characteristics and mapping of lithium-rich playas in the Western U.S. Basin and Range
The data included here were used to evaluate the prospectivity for lithium in brines of playas of the western part of the Basin and Range Physiographic Province of the United States. Prospectivity is derived from the mappable criteria used in the descriptive deposit model published by Bradley and others (2013) and focused mainly from the remote sensing point of view. The playas in the...
Representative whole-rock analyses of the Spor Mountain Formation, Utah_Dataset 2
Representative whole-rock analyses of the Spor Mountain Formation, Utah.
Pb and Nd isotopic compositions of the Spor Mountain Formation, Utah_Dataset 2
Pb and Nd isotopic compositions of the Spor Mountain Formation, Utah.
Properties of solid bitumen formed during hydrous, anhydrous, and brine pyrolysis of oil shale
Solid bitumen is widely used as a thermal proxy in source-rock reservoirs, yet its texture and presentation may be affected by varying environmental constraints during its formation, e.g., water concentration, mineral catalysis, or salinity. Herein we investigated the development of solid bitumen properties during artificial maturation using three diverse (lacustrine to marine) oil shale...
X-ray diffraction data and estimates of mineral abundances based on Rietveld refinement for mine wastes collected through the USGS Earth Mapping Resources Initiative
Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) data and estimates of mineral abundances determined using Rietveld refinement included in this data release were generated as part of the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI; Earth MRI is a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and state geological surveys and was developed by the...
Simulations of hypothetical CO2 leakage and hydrological plume management in an underground source of drinking water at a proposed CO2 storage facility, Kemper County, Mississippi, USA
This data release serves as a model archive associated with an upcoming journal article. It contains all the input and output files from, as well as explanatory information about, numerical simulations that were conducted as part of a study of a site in Kemper County, Mississippi where deep geologic injection of CO2 has been proposed. The simulations represent groundwater flow within a...
Federal Lands Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration in the United States: Estimates 2005-22 - Data
This dataset includes eighteen years of emissions and sequestration estimates (2005-2022) in two separate tables. Table 1 includes the greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion and extraction of fossil fuels on Federal mineral lands. Table 2 is the emissions and sequestration from ecosystem processes on Federal surface lands. The fossil fuel related estimates include the greenhouse...
Grade and tonnage data for lithium, cesium, and rubidium pegmatite deposits
Pegmatites are a major host of global lithium, cesium, and rubidium resources. However, the existing grade and tonnage dataset for lithium pegmatites that was published in 1992 does not represent the current industry parameters used to delineate resources. There are no existing grade and tonnage datasets for cesium and rubidium. We present grade and tonnage data for lithium, cesium, and...
Raman data supporting deep syntectonic burial of the Anthracite belt region, Pennsylvania
Included in this data release are eight files: one metadata file, 6 comma separated value (.csv) datafiles and one data dictionary file defining the entities and attributes that constitute this dataset. The 6 datafiles support the publication, Deep syntectonic burial of the Anthracite belt, Eastern Pennsylvania, by providing in csv format the data from Figure 11 – Representative Raman...
Bedrock geochemistry, Dickinson County, Michigan
The southern margin of the Archean Superior Province in the central Upper Peninsula of Michigan records Paleoproterozoic tectonic events involved in the ~2.1 Ga rifting of the proposed Archean supercraton Superia and the subsequent assembly of Laurentia. Within a small area of Dickinson County, Michigan, there are many distinctive geologic units with confounding structural and...