USGS Tephrochronology (Tephra) Project
Spatter Tephra-jet Explosion
Hawaii Tephra-jet Explosion
Tephra-jet Explosion Illustration
Tephrochronology is the study of volcanic ash deposits, combining petrology, geochemistry, and isotopic dating methods. We use tephrochronology, along with other chronostratigraphic techniques, to (1) determine the ages of coincident deposits, and, when multiple tephra layers are present, determine the history of geologic events and rates of geologic processes; and (2) correlate sediments from disparate depositional basins and diverse ecological environments.
Project Mission:
The mission of the Tephrochronology Project is to research, develop, and provide chronostratigraphic information based on studies of volcanic ash layers and tuffs (tephra layers) to various USGS programmatic investigations. The Project also collaborates on a wide range of studies with numerous external agencies (such as universities, and local, state, and other federal agencies).
The Tephrochronology Project provides age and stratigraphic information based on studies of volcanic ash layers and tuffs (tephra layers) to various earth science investigations primarily in the western U.S. The project provides stratigraphic correlation and age control to:
1) studies of faults, earthquake recurrence and hazards mitigation, and neotectonics
2) studies of volcanic hazards, eruption recurrence, and eruptive sources of tephra
3) studies of global change, including correlation and dating of climate-proxy data among depositional basins, and between marine and continental basins
4) topical and regional geologic mapping studies.
Tephra layers are collected at critical locations where age control is required. Then, back in the Tephrochronology Laboratory, the samples are processed and physical characteristics (such as glass shard morphology and mineralogy) of the tephra components are described, and the presence and characteristics of other components (lithic fragments, cements, microfossils1, etc.) are noted. Next, the volcanic glass is separated from the rest of the tephra and analyzed by one or more chemical techniques to determine a compositional "fingerprint." Finally, computer matching software compare this fingerprint with our digital database of approximately 5,900 previously analyzed samples to identify the best matches, and a pool of candidates is generated for correlative samples. The analyzed tephra samples are evaluated in terms of petrographic, stratigraphic, and chronologic criteria to identify the best matches.
These procedures permit correlation of tephra layers at critical sites to other localities where the same tephra layers are present, and often to sites where the ages of the layers have been previously determined by one or more numerical dating methods. New tephra layers are analyzed and dated at those sites where the best materials for dating can be obtained.
The results of our tephrochronologic research are combined with other chronostratigraphic data (for example, isotopic ages, magnetostratigraphy, oxygen-isotope chronostratigraphy, and stratigraphic sequence information) to develop a four-dimensional spatial and temporal chronostratigraphic framework for Neogene sediments and rocks in the western U.S. and the Pacific margin.
1Tephra Project scientists are also capable of providing micropaleontologic support in the forms of Cenozoic planktic and benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and analyses of foraminifers and pollen as proxies for shifting paleoenvironmental conditions. These capabilities permit further refinement of preliminary chronostratigraphic frameworks and reconstructions of past climate.
Archive Collections:
In addition to our expansive digital archives of analytical (Electron Microprobe, XRF, INAA, Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP-RG), ICP-MS, etc.), descriptive, and sample locality data, and physical collections of ~7,300 raw outcrop and core samples and finished volcanic glass separates mostly from the western and central regions of the United States, the Tephrochronology Project also is a repository for tephrochronological reference materials from Alaska, New Zealand, Mexico, and Central America, and parts of Europe and Asia. We also hold in our collections Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) core samples from the northeastern Pacific Ocean, and numerous core samples from many lakes located throughout the western U.S.
Highly important collections include volcanic material collected by then Tephra Project Chief Scientist Andrei Sarna-Wojcicki just prior to, and shortly after the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount Saint Helens in Washington. Original field notes on the nature and impact of the tephra fallout from that, and subsequent eruptions are also available for reference and study.
Another key reference set consists of 19 discrete Quaternary tephra layers in stratigraphic sequence from the Wilson Creek section of Mono Craters, CA. These tephra samples and the results from our own studies have been and are of very great interest to many investigators working in the region on numerous studies in need of age control. Researchers requesting tephrochronologic support include from scientists from the USGS Long Valley Observatory of the Volcano Hazards Science Center, Geology of Federal Lands in the eastern Sierra Region project, SW Great Basin Project, among many others.
Tephra geochemistry of the Ibex Hollow Tuff, a 12-Ma super-eruption
Below are maps associated with this project.
Geologic map of the Providence Mountains in parts of the Fountain Peak and adjacent 7.5' quadrangles, San Bernardino County, California
Surficial geology and stratigraphy of Pleistocene Lake Manix, San Bernardino County, California
Geologic map and upper Paleozoic stratigraphy of the Marble Canyon area, Cottonwood Canyon quadrangle, Death Valley National Park, Inyo County, California
Below are publications associated with this project.
Ibex Hollow Tuff from ca. 12 Ma supereruption, southern Idaho, identified across North America, eastern Pacific Ocean, and Gulf of Mexico
From saline to freshwater: The diversity of western lakes in space and time
Lake Andrei: A pliocene pluvial lake in Eureka Valley, Eastern California
Born of fire: In search of volcanoes in U.S. national parks, four striking examples
The story of a Yakima fold and how it informs Late Neogene and Quaternary backarc deformation in the Cascadia subduction zone, Manastash anticline, Washington, USA
Geology of the Greenwater Range, and the dawn of Death Valley, California—Field guide for the Death Valley Natural History Conference, 2013
Holocene environmental changes inferred from biological and sedimentological proxies in a high elevation Great Basin lake in the northern Ruby Mountains, Nevada, USA
Quaternary tephrochronology and deposition in the subsurface Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California, U.S.A.
Distribution of biologic, anthropogenic, and volcanic constituents as a proxy for sediment transport in the San Francisco Bay Coastal System
Structure and tectonic evolution of the eastern Española Basin, Rio Grande rift, north-central New Mexico
Paleontology and geochronology of the Long Beach core sites and monitoring wells, Long Beach, California
Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the upper Pleistocene Chemehuevi Formation along the lower Colorado River
Tephrochronology is the study of volcanic ash deposits, combining petrology, geochemistry, and isotopic dating methods. We use tephrochronology, along with other chronostratigraphic techniques, to (1) determine the ages of coincident deposits, and, when multiple tephra layers are present, determine the history of geologic events and rates of geologic processes; and (2) correlate sediments from disparate depositional basins and diverse ecological environments.
Project Mission:
The mission of the Tephrochronology Project is to research, develop, and provide chronostratigraphic information based on studies of volcanic ash layers and tuffs (tephra layers) to various USGS programmatic investigations. The Project also collaborates on a wide range of studies with numerous external agencies (such as universities, and local, state, and other federal agencies).
The Tephrochronology Project provides age and stratigraphic information based on studies of volcanic ash layers and tuffs (tephra layers) to various earth science investigations primarily in the western U.S. The project provides stratigraphic correlation and age control to:
1) studies of faults, earthquake recurrence and hazards mitigation, and neotectonics
2) studies of volcanic hazards, eruption recurrence, and eruptive sources of tephra
3) studies of global change, including correlation and dating of climate-proxy data among depositional basins, and between marine and continental basins
4) topical and regional geologic mapping studies.
Tephra layers are collected at critical locations where age control is required. Then, back in the Tephrochronology Laboratory, the samples are processed and physical characteristics (such as glass shard morphology and mineralogy) of the tephra components are described, and the presence and characteristics of other components (lithic fragments, cements, microfossils1, etc.) are noted. Next, the volcanic glass is separated from the rest of the tephra and analyzed by one or more chemical techniques to determine a compositional "fingerprint." Finally, computer matching software compare this fingerprint with our digital database of approximately 5,900 previously analyzed samples to identify the best matches, and a pool of candidates is generated for correlative samples. The analyzed tephra samples are evaluated in terms of petrographic, stratigraphic, and chronologic criteria to identify the best matches.
These procedures permit correlation of tephra layers at critical sites to other localities where the same tephra layers are present, and often to sites where the ages of the layers have been previously determined by one or more numerical dating methods. New tephra layers are analyzed and dated at those sites where the best materials for dating can be obtained.
The results of our tephrochronologic research are combined with other chronostratigraphic data (for example, isotopic ages, magnetostratigraphy, oxygen-isotope chronostratigraphy, and stratigraphic sequence information) to develop a four-dimensional spatial and temporal chronostratigraphic framework for Neogene sediments and rocks in the western U.S. and the Pacific margin.
1Tephra Project scientists are also capable of providing micropaleontologic support in the forms of Cenozoic planktic and benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and analyses of foraminifers and pollen as proxies for shifting paleoenvironmental conditions. These capabilities permit further refinement of preliminary chronostratigraphic frameworks and reconstructions of past climate.
Archive Collections:
In addition to our expansive digital archives of analytical (Electron Microprobe, XRF, INAA, Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP-RG), ICP-MS, etc.), descriptive, and sample locality data, and physical collections of ~7,300 raw outcrop and core samples and finished volcanic glass separates mostly from the western and central regions of the United States, the Tephrochronology Project also is a repository for tephrochronological reference materials from Alaska, New Zealand, Mexico, and Central America, and parts of Europe and Asia. We also hold in our collections Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) core samples from the northeastern Pacific Ocean, and numerous core samples from many lakes located throughout the western U.S.
Highly important collections include volcanic material collected by then Tephra Project Chief Scientist Andrei Sarna-Wojcicki just prior to, and shortly after the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount Saint Helens in Washington. Original field notes on the nature and impact of the tephra fallout from that, and subsequent eruptions are also available for reference and study.
Another key reference set consists of 19 discrete Quaternary tephra layers in stratigraphic sequence from the Wilson Creek section of Mono Craters, CA. These tephra samples and the results from our own studies have been and are of very great interest to many investigators working in the region on numerous studies in need of age control. Researchers requesting tephrochronologic support include from scientists from the USGS Long Valley Observatory of the Volcano Hazards Science Center, Geology of Federal Lands in the eastern Sierra Region project, SW Great Basin Project, among many others.
Tephra geochemistry of the Ibex Hollow Tuff, a 12-Ma super-eruption
Below are maps associated with this project.
Geologic map of the Providence Mountains in parts of the Fountain Peak and adjacent 7.5' quadrangles, San Bernardino County, California
Surficial geology and stratigraphy of Pleistocene Lake Manix, San Bernardino County, California
Geologic map and upper Paleozoic stratigraphy of the Marble Canyon area, Cottonwood Canyon quadrangle, Death Valley National Park, Inyo County, California
Below are publications associated with this project.