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Hydrologic data collection, processing, analysis, dissemination, and archiving are major parts of the MD-DE-DC Water Science Center program. Much of the data are available on a near-real-time basis by satellite telemetry.

The data collected and the techniques used by USGS scientists should conform to or reference national and international standards and protocols...

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Nitrogen flux estimates in support of Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia and Anoxia forecasts, 1985-2024

Data release includes the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimate of spring nitrogen fluxes summed from nine tributaries to the Chesapeake Bay from 1985 to 2024. Data are presented as the sum from tributaries within the USGS River Input Monitoring (RIM) network identified by site numbers: 01491000, 01578310, 01594440, 01646580, 01668000, 01673000, 01674500, 02035000, 02041650. Periods of estimation

Nitrogen flux estimates in support of Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia and Anoxia forecasts, 1985-2023

Data release includes the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimate of spring nitrogen fluxes summed from nine tributaries to the Chesapeake Bay from 1985 to 2023. Data are presented as the sum from tributaries within the USGS River Input Monitoring (RIM) network identified by site numbers: 01491000, 01578310, 01594440, 01646580, 01668000, 01673000, 01674500, 02035000, 02041650. Periods of estimation

Delmarva Peninsula Stream Health and Habitat Assessments in Maryland and Delaware (2022)

U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists completed a data collection campaign from the 25th of April to the 10th of June in 2022, using various methods to record geomorphic and habitat indicators throughout 30 streams on the Delmarva Peninsula. Field methods included GNSS surveys, gravelometer-based pebble count readings, visual assessments, and riparian analyses. This metadata record contains al

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and volatile organic compounds measured in laboratory microcosm experiments with soil from Fort Drum, New York

Anaerobic microcosm experiments were conducted in April-May 2018 with PFAS-contaminated soil from a U.S. Army installation (Fort Drum, New York) and simulated groundwater. All microcosms, except for a live sediment control, were amended with perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), and 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (6:2 FtS). Replicate treatments were prepared with and without bio

Snow drought classification and streamflow timing and magnitude signatures for snow dominated USGS watersheds in the Conterminous United States from 1980 to 2020

This data release contains snow drought classifications as well as streamflow timing and magnitude signatures for gaged, snow-dominated U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) watersheds in the Conterminous United States (CONUS) from 1980 to 2020 supporting the journal article "Snow drought classification and streamflow timing and magnitude signatures for snow dominated USGS watersheds in the Conterminous U

Daily time series of surface water input from rainfall, rain on snow, and snowmelt for the Conterminous United States from 1990 to 2023, as well as annual series of input seasonality, precipitation seasonality, and average rainfall, rain on snow, and snow

This data release contains daily gridded data reflecting surface water input from rainfall, rain on snow (mixed), and snowmelt for the conterminous United States for water years 1990 to 2023 (1990/10/01 to 2023/09/30). This release also contains annual estimates of gridded input seasonality (an index reflecting whether surface water input occurs within a concentrated period or is equally distribut

Hyperspectral profiles of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and other algae, 2022

This dataset is a collection of hyperspectral imagery profiles of algae, many associated with Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs). Data were collected using a microscope-based hyperspectral imaging system with the cooperation of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Samples were collected from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) water quality sampling efforts, to include water quality parameters a

Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Catchments and Modified Routing of Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States: Riparian National Land Cover Data for 2019 Versions for the Years 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016, and 2019

This tabular data set represents the percent of land cover classes in the riparian zone from the 2019 edition of the National Land Cover databases for the years 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016 and 2019 compiled for two spatial components of the NHDPlus version 2.1 data suite (NHDPlusv2) for the conterminous United States; 1) individual reach catchments and 2) reach catchments accumulated

USGS monthly water balance model inputs and outputs for the conterminous United States, 1895-2020, based on ClimGrid data

This NetCDF represents the monthly inputs and outputs from a United States Geological Survey water-balance model (McCabe and Wolock, 2011) for the conterminous United States for the period 1895-01-01 to 2020-12-31. The source data used to run the water balance model is based on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's(Vose and others, 2020) ClimGrid data for precipitation and temperat

Discharge measurements, air temperature, water temperature, and gage height data for select stream monitoring locations across Delmarva Peninsula (2022)

As part of a larger study examining stream conditions and the effect of Best Management Practices in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, thirty small streams on the Delmarva Peninsula were instrumented and monitored for gage height (water level), water temperature, and air temperature using Onset HOBO sensors from March to September 2022. In addition, two discrete discharge measurements were made at bas

Urban elemental and grain size characteristics of sediments collected in the Jones Falls watershed in Baltimore, Maryland for 2021-2022

This metadata record documents a single comma delimited table that contains information on the elemental composition and particle size distribution of sediments within Jones Falls watershed in Baltimore, Maryland.

Preliminary streamflow percentile predictions for ungaged areas of the Colorado River Basin, 1981-2020

This dataset consists of daily streamflow percentiles for 1981-10-01 to 2020-03-31 relevant to streamflow drought defined using two approaches: Percentiles accounting for flow seasonality (variable threshold percentiles) and those based on the full record of data for each site regardless of season (fixed threshold percentiles). Because of the size of this dataset (99,530,836 rows), it could not be
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