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Below are data associated with the Southwest Biological Science Center's research.

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GeoNatShapes: a natural feature reference dataset for mapping and AI training

These data were compiled for the use of training natural feature machine learning (GeoAI) detection and delineation. The natural feature classes include the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) feature types Basins, Bays, Bends, Craters, Gaps, Guts, Islands, Lakes, Ridges and Valleys, and are an areal representation of those GNIS point features. Features were produced using heads-up digitizi

Ecosystem water balance and ecological drought patterns under historical and future climate conditions for the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI) Landscape

These data were compiled for research pertaining to the effects of stand density treatments on growth rates in semi-arid, ponderosa pine forests. Also, these data examined how the planned restoration treatments in the Four Forests Restoration Initiative (4FRI), the largest forest restoration project being implemented in the United States, would alter landscape-scale patterns of forest growth and d

Daily Climate and Soil Moisture Data for the Southern Colorado Plateau Network Parks, 1980 – 2018 (ver. 1.1, November, 2023)

These data are daily climate, water balance, and soil moisture data for 270 plots in the National Park Service (NPS) Southern Colorado Plateau Network (SCPN) Inventory & Monitoring (I&M) network. Climate data was collected from a gridded, daily climate dataset, Daymet ( Climate, alongside field-collected soils (SoilDepthsByPlot.csv) and vegetation information, were then u

Rangeland Ecosystem Data, Grand Canyon - Parashant National Monument, AZ, USA

These data were compiled for an assessment of rangeland ecosystem conditions of the Grand Canyon - Parashant National Monument. The approximately one-million-acre Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (PARA) is located in the northwest corner of Arizona and co-managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Park Service (NPS). This report is focused on the ca. 200,000 acres of NPS

Channel Mapping of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, May 2012, river miles 29 to 62 - Data

Bathymetric, topographic, and grain-size data were collected in May 2012 along a 33-mi reach of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. The study reach is located from river miles 29 to 62 at the confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado Rivers. Channel bathymetry was mapped using multibeam and singlebeam echosounders, subaerial topography was mapped using ground-based tota

Colorado River Delta Project: A compilation of vegetation indices, phenology assessment metrics, estimates of evapotranspiration and change maps for seven reaches of the delta's 150 km region, for nearly the last two decades

These data were compiled for monitoring riparian zone trends and changes in the Lower Colorado Delta as part of the Minute 139 of the 1944 Water Treaty between the United States and Mexico. The quality and quantity of the Delta's riparian and aquatic ecosystems have been dramatically reduced over the past century, due largely to significant alterations to natural hydrologic and sediment regimes. T

Agassiz's desert tortoise and egg data from the Sonoran Desert of California (1997-2000, 2015-2018)

These data were compiled to evaluate reproductive output of Agassiz's desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizzi) in relation to environmental and individual-level variables. We collected data from four study sites in the Sonoran Desert of California, including two separate populations within Joshua Tree National Park, one population located on the northern versant of the Orocopia Mountains, and one pop

Seasonal ecophysiological measurement data from December 2015 to September 2016, southeastern Utah

These data were compiled to investigate differentiation in physiological activity varies through time for different functional groups. These include the seasonal progress of 13 plant species representing perennial C3 shrub, C3 grass, C4 grass, and annual forb functional groups of the Colorado Plateau, USA. These data can be used to test for differences in carbon assimilation strategies (SeasonalEc

Rio Grande 2012 Vegetation and Water Classification Data in the Big Bend Region

These data are spatial polygon data and remote sensing image-based classification maps of surface water and vegetation species for 2012 along the Rio Grande River in Big Bend National Park in Texas. The geographic extent of the classification spans from the end of Mariscal Canyon to 5 km after the end of Boquillas Canyon, totaling approximately 77 Km of the river. The maps are also restricted to a

Measurements of bed grain size on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona - 2000 to 2014

These data were compiled to better understand sedimentation patterns on the bed of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, and the way these patterns relate to suspended sediment grain size and concentration. These data were collected by the US Geological Survey Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center from 2000 to 2014, primarily using the "Flying Eyeball" underwater imaging system.

Adult net-spinning caddisfly (Hydropsyche spp.) catch rates and morphology from large rivers of the southwestern United States, 2015-2016

These data describe the distribution and abundance of Hydropsyche, a widespread and diverse genus of net-spinning caddisflies, in the Colorado River Basin. Abundance data, measured as catch rates, were collected by citizen scientists using light traps. We subsampled Hydropsyche spp. from light trap samples collected throughout the Colorado River Basin and measured the lengths and widths of mesotho

Predictive soil property maps with prediction uncertainty at 30-meter resolution for the Colorado River Basin above Lake Mead

These data were compiled to demonstrate new predictive mapping approaches and provide comprehensive gridded 30 meter resolution soil property maps for the Colorado River Basin above Hoover Dam. Random forest models related environmental raster layers representing soil forming factors with field samples to render predictive maps that interpolate between sample locations. Maps represented soil pH, t
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