Other Storm Impacts - Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Since the late 1990s, USGS has been conducting research to quantify the impact from other hurricanes and nor'easters on the beaches and dunes at Fire Island.
Extratropical storms, commonly called nor'easters, are powerful events that occur during the winter and early spring along the mid-Atlantic and Northeast coasts of the U.S. Prior to Hurricane Sandy in 2012, the island was impacted by the Halloween Storm of 2005 (nor'easter), the Patriot's Day storm in 2007 (nor'easter), Nor'Ida in 2009, an unnamed nor'easter in 2010 (fig. 7), and Hurricane Irene in 2011. Since Sandy, the island has been impacted by Hurricane Joaquin in 2015, Hurricane Irma in 2017, the combined energy of offshore Hurricanes Maria and Jose, and, more recently, four powerful nor'easters in one month during March 2018.
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Research Integration - Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Back-barrier and Estuarine - Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Oceanside Beaches and Dunes - Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Open Ocean/Marine - Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Nearshore - Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Below are publications associated with this project.
Hurricane Sandy washover deposits on Fire Island, New York
Coastal change from Hurricane Sandy and the 2012-13 winter storm season: Fire Island, New York
Since the late 1990s, USGS has been conducting research to quantify the impact from other hurricanes and nor'easters on the beaches and dunes at Fire Island.
Extratropical storms, commonly called nor'easters, are powerful events that occur during the winter and early spring along the mid-Atlantic and Northeast coasts of the U.S. Prior to Hurricane Sandy in 2012, the island was impacted by the Halloween Storm of 2005 (nor'easter), the Patriot's Day storm in 2007 (nor'easter), Nor'Ida in 2009, an unnamed nor'easter in 2010 (fig. 7), and Hurricane Irene in 2011. Since Sandy, the island has been impacted by Hurricane Joaquin in 2015, Hurricane Irma in 2017, the combined energy of offshore Hurricanes Maria and Jose, and, more recently, four powerful nor'easters in one month during March 2018.
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Research Integration - Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Back-barrier and Estuarine - Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Oceanside Beaches and Dunes - Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Open Ocean/Marine - Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Nearshore - Coastal System Change at Fire Island, New York
Below are publications associated with this project.