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Public-Supply Water Service Areas Within the Conterminous United States, 2017

This data release describes water service areas (WSA) for community water systems (CWS) within the conterminous United States, representing areas of active service between 2010 and 2020. A WSA is defined by a delineated polygon that contains all customers served by a water system. WSAs are represented by an ArcGIS shapefile. The U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act defines a CWS as a type of...

Satellite-derived shorelines and foredune toes along Minnesota Point (Duluth, MN) from 2016 to 2023

This data release contains 2 shapefiles which include 626 unique shorelines and 3 foredune toes spanning 2016 to 2023 along Minnesota Point, a 9-kilometer long bay-mouth bar at the western end of Lake Superior. Each shoreline represents the intersection line between land and water at a unique time associated with the capture of a satellite image, and these shorelines are used to examine...

Soil water balance, groundwater flow, and stream temperature models for Beaver Creek, Alaska, 2019 to 2050

A combined soil water balance, groundwater flow and stream temperature model was developed to simulate stream temperature under historical and future conditions. Soil-Water-Balance code was used to estimate net infiltration past the root zone and surface runoff, which were applied to a transient, three-dimensional MODFLOW 6 model to simulate the water budget for Beaver Creek and the...

Mercury, carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in seven Great Lake fish species from 1975 to 2021

Atmospheric mercury (Hg) deposition, which has been declining in North America since 1985, is the preeminent delivery pathway to the Great Lakes, making them sentinels for tracking shifts in atmospheric deposition. Lake productivity is changing as a result of reductions in phosphorus inputs and habitat shifts in productivity due to invasive mussels. This has altered Hg cycling and...

Time-lapse imagery, image-derived water-level data, and model archive for three USGS streamgages in Wisconsin during water year 2020

This data release contains supporting materials for a study testing the applicability of an image-derived water-level method at three U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgage sites around Lake Redstone in Wisconsin (site numbers 05404140, 05404150, and 05404147) during Water Year 2020 (Johnson, et al., 2025). Two types of reference objects were tested in this study: white polyvinyl...

Phytoplankton assemblage dynamics in relation to environmental conditions in a riverine lake: Upper Mississippi River

Phytoplankton samples were collected from Lake Pepin (a natural, riverine lake on the Upper Mississippi River) from 2012-2014. The dataset includes phytoplankton community data (i.e., genus, species, biovolume, etc.), as well as zooplankton, rotifer, cladoceran and water quality data.

Lead Concentrations and Isotope Ratios for Selected Water and Soil Samples Near Middleton Municipal Airport - Morey Field, Middleton, WI, 2022

In order to understand the provenance of lead in the surface water, groundwater, soils, and shallow pore water within and near the Middleton Municipal Airport–Morey Field (C29) in Middleton, WI, a subset of samples were sent to the Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene for analysis. The results of these analyses are included in this data release and include both low-level lead concentrations...

Compilation of multi-agency water temperature observations for U.S. streams, 1894-2022

This data release collates stream water temperature observations from across the United States from four data sources: The U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Information System (NWIS), Water Quality Portal (WQP), Spatial Hydro-Ecological Decision Systems temperature database (EcoSHEDS), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife's NorWeST stream temperature database. These data were compiled...

Bathymetric and Water Velocity Data on the Upper St. Croix River Between Riverside and St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, May 3–10, 2022

From May 3–10, 2022, bathymetric and water velocity data were collected on the St. Croix River between Riverside and St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. Bathymetry and water velocity data were collected at 2 transects for 102 cross sections over the approximately 120-kilometer (km) survey reach. Longitudinal profile bathymetry transects were also collected between each cross section. These data...

Solutions and extended results for laboratory tests used in the development of a large volume concentration method to recover infectious avian influenza virus from the aquatic environment, 2022

Datasets used in developing a large volume concentration method to recover avian influenza. These tables include: (1) Information on the solutions used in tests 1 and 2, (2) field parameter at collection and air temperature data corresponding to periods of raw wetland transport and storage, (3) full results of the laboratory studies, (4) results of the ultrafilter test, and (5) standard...

Mercury Concentrations in Seston, Mussels, Water, Sediments, and Preyfish from Lake Huron, 2022

As part of the larger Great Lakes Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI) , the U.S. Geological Survey Mercury Research Laboratory (MRL) completed a binational assessment partnering with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Environmental Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Michigan-DNR (MI-DNR), University of Minnesota-Duluth Natural Resources Research Institute (UM...

Inventory of water bottling facilities in the United States, 2024, and select water-use data, 1955-2023 (ver. 2.0, November 2024)

An inventory of facilities that bottle water or other beverages containing water (including soft drinks, beer, wine, or spirits) or that manufacture ice was compiled by combining available datasets from multiple sources. This water bottling inventory dataset includes facilities within all 50 states of the United States (U.S.), one federal district (Washington, District of Columbia), and...
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