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Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center Publications
Filter Total Items: 3239
Determination of antimycin–a in a liquid formulation by high performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry
Pesticide formulations containing the active ingredient antimycin–a (ANT–A) have been used by fisheries and aquaculture managers for several decades to remove nuisance fish species. Analytical methods for measuring ANT–A during pesticide treatments have been done using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) paired with multiple detection methods (for example, electrochemical...
Gavin N. Saari, J. Nolan Steiner, Bryan Lada, Nadia Carmosini
Silver carp experience metabolic and behavioral changes when exposed to water from the Chicago Area Waterway
One of the hallmarks of invasive species is their propensity to spread. Removing an invasive species after establishment is virtually impossible, and so considerable effort is invested in preventing the range expansion of invaders. Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) were discovered in the Mississippi River in 1981 and have spread throughout the basin. Despite their propensity to...
Amy E. Schneider, Andrew J. Esbaugh, Aaron R. Cupp, C.D. Suski
Assessment of the sensitivity of Percina caprodes (logperch) to the pesticide 4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenol
A continuous-flow streamside toxicity test was completed to evaluate the risk posed by the use of 4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenol (TFM), used to control Petromyzon marinus (sea lamprey), to Percina caprodes (logperch). Logperch are a host fish to the parasitic glochidia life stage of the federally endangered Epioblasma triquetra (snuffbox mussel). Streams with an extant population of...
Courtney A Kirkeeng, James A. Luoma, Nicholas Schloesser, Justin Schueller, Cheryl Kaye
An assessment of N, P, Fe, Zn, Ni and Mo limitation on suspended nutrient diffusing substrates in nearshore areas of Lake Michigan and Lake Erie
In large lakes, metal availability sometimes limits the acquisition of nutrients (nitrogen, N and phosphorus, P) in offshore waters that are relatively isolated from tributaries and sediments. We hypothesize that metals may also be important within harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs occur where nutrient loads are elevated, but bioassays often indicate that phytoplankton in HABs are N or P...
James H. Larson, David M. Costello, Jordyn T. Stoll, Andrea S. Fitzgibbon, Sean Bailey, Mary Anne Evans
Bacteriological analysis of unionid hemolymph collected from freshwater mussel populations in the Pacific northwestern United States
Native freshwater mussel (Unionidae) mortality events have been occurring with increased frequency in recent decades, with few investigations into potential etiological agents. In the western United States, no surveys have been published regarding the bacteria associated with unionid mussels. Herein, we examine locations of known mussel mortality events in the Chehalis River (Washington)...
Eric Leis, Sara Dziki, Emilie Blevins, Diane L. Waller, Jordan Richard, Susan Knowles, Tony Goldberg
Brodifacoum isomer formulations with potentially lower risk to non-target wildlife
Anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) have a long history of successful use in controlling vertebrate pest and invasive species. Despite regulatory efforts to mitigate risk, non-target wildlife may be unintentionally exposed to ARs through various trophic pathways, and depending on dose, exposure can result in adverse effects and mortality. Second-generation ARs (SGARs) are mixtures of cis-...
Barnett A. Rattner, Richard A. Erickson, Julia S. Lankton, Etienne Benoit, Virginie Lattard
Implications of spatial variation of eDNA detections across an invasion gradient for invasive species monitoring programs
Spatial and temporal distribution data provide critical information for invasive species management. For example, distribution data can help managers with early detections and guiding other response actions. Environmental DNA (eDNA)-based sampling exists as one tool for monitoring invasive species. As part of bigheaded carp Hypophthalmichthys spp. monitoring efforts in the Illinois River...
Laura Lynne Peterman, Maren T. Tuttle-Lau, Patrick W. DeHaan, David P. Coulter, Stephen Frank Spear, Richard A. Erickson
Climate, hydrology, and nutrients control the seasonality of Si concentrations in rivers
The seasonal behavior of fluvial dissolved silica (DSi) concentrations, termed DSi regime, mediates the timing of DSi delivery to downstream waters and thus governs river biogeochemical function and aquatic community condition. Previous work identified five distinct DSi regimes across rivers spanning the Northern Hemisphere, with many rivers exhibiting multiple DSi regimes over time...
Keira Johnson, Kathi Jo Jankowski, Joanna C. Carey, Lienne R. Sethna, Sidney A. Bush, Diane M. McKnight, William H. McDowell, Adam S. Wymore, Pirkko Kortelainen, Jeremy B. Jones, Nicholas Lyon, Hjalmar Laudon, Amanda Poste, Pamela L. Sullivan
Using a time-of-travel sampling approach to quantify per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) stream loading and source inputs in a mixed-source, urban catchment
Understanding per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) mass distribution in surface and groundwater systems can support source prioritization, load reduction, and water management. Thirteen sites within an urban catchment were sampled utilizing a time-of-travel sampling approach to minimize the influence of subdaily fluctuations in mass from PFAS point sources and to quantify PFAS and...
Emily Woodward, Lisa A. Senior, Jacob Fleck, Larry B. Barber, Angela Hansen, Joseph W. Duris
Informative priors can account for location uncertainty in stop-level analyses of the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), allowing fine-scale ecological analyses
Ecological inferences are often based on the locations at which species are present, but many species records have substantial uncertainty in spatial metadata, limiting their utility for fine-scale analyses. This is especially prevalent in historical records such as museum specimens, and in some citizen-science data. For example, the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) has 55+...
Ryan C. Burner, Alan Kirschbaum, Jeffrey A. Hostetler, David Ziolkowski, Nicholas M. Anich, Daniel Turek, Eli D. Striegel, Neal D. Niemuth
A novel tool to selectively deliver a control agent to filter-feeding silver and bighead carp
Invasive carp pose substantial economic and ecological damage when populations are widespread in freshwater systems within the United States. Resource managers in the United States have few chemical control tools to selectively remove nuisance fish. This study examined whether Antimycin–A (antimycin) wax encapsulated microparticles could cause selective lethality in invasive carps. The...
Blake W. Sauey, Gavin N. Saari, Joel G. Putnam, Justine E. Nelson, James J. Wamboldt, J. Nolan Steiner, Robin D. Calfee
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the Duluth, MN area: Exposure to and biomarker responses in tree swallows relative to known fire-fighting foam sources
Tree swallow nest boxes were deployed at sites proximal to two putative aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) sources in the Duluth, MN area, as well as along the St. Louis River and a reference lake for comparative purposes in 2019, 2020 and 2021. The two AFFF sites were the current Duluth Air National Guard Base (ANG) and the Lake Superior College Emergency Response Training Center. Between...
Christine M. Custer, Paul Dummer, Matthew A. Etterson, Jonathan T. Haselman, Sandra L. Schultz, Natalie K. Karouna-Renier, Cole W. Matson