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Below, you can find our stand alone data releases. For contemporary articles and their associated data, please visit our publications tab. We include tools that were developed to streamline analysis using different mediums. For further information, please contact authors.

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Time to First Detection of Northwestern Pond Turtles and Red-eared Sliders by Bait Type in the Sacramento Valley, California, 2018

These data provide the time to first detection in days of Northwestern Pond Turtles (Actinemys marmorata) and Red-eared Sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) by trapping location and bait type in the Sacramento Valley, California, in 2018. Bait types evaluated include sardines and dry cat food. Only location, species, and bait type combinations that resulted in captures are included. These data a

Vegetation Type Conversion in Southern California Between 1943 and 2018

This dataset contains data pertaining to ground surface cover in 30 meter plots around a random selection of points within chaparral from Santa Barbara county south to San Diego County in southern California, USA. These data were obtained from historical aerial imagery from 1943 to 1959 and current imagery from 2016 to 2018 and they were compared to quantify changes in cover type over time. These

Microsatellite Loci for Mogollon Narrowheaded Gartersnake (Thamnophis rufipunctatus) and the Northern Mexican Gartersnake (Thamnophis eques megalops) in Arizona and New Mexico (2020-2021)

The Mogollon Narrowheaded gartersnake (Thamnophis rufipunctatus) and the Northern Mexican gartersnake (Thamnophis eques megalops) are both listed as Threatened under the Federal Endangered Species Act. Both species have a strong association with aquatic habitats, and these habitats have been highly altered from impoundments, land-use changes, and the introduction and spread of non-native aquatic s

Surface Elevation Table Measurements at Five Tidal Marshes Across the San Francisco Bay-Delta (2016-2019)

Surface elevation tables with marker horizons (SET-MH) measure millimeter-scale changes in elevation over time. A combination of pin measurements (elevation change) and surface deposition measurements (marker horizon) is used to distinguish elevation changes due to belowground and aboveground processes. SET-MHs were installed in 2016 and were measured quarterly across five tidal marshes (Petaluma

The Effect of Prolonged Drought on Chaparral Dieback within the Perimeters of the Thomas and Woolsey Fires in Southern California, USA

This dataset contains data pertaining to chaparral vegetation dieback based on the difference or change in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) prior to and 6 years into an extensive drought before the 2017 Thomas and 2018 Woolsey Fires in southern California. The difference in mean NDVI is provided for 9322 study plots as are values for a number of physical and climatological variabl

Elevation Survey Across Southwest Florida Coastal Wetlands, 2021

Accurate elevation data in coastal wetlands is crucial for planning for sea-level rise. Elevation surveys were conducted across southwest Florida wetlands to provide ground validation of LiDAR as well as target long-term monitoring stations (surface elevation tables). Surveys were conducted in June 2021 across Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Clam Bay, Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research

Raster data files for Prioritizing conserved areas threatened by wildfire for monitoring and management.

The data set consists of 12 input data rasters that cover San Diego County, California. These input rasters represent criteria used in a Pareto ranking algorithm in the manuscript. These include three rasters related to fire threats, three rasters related to habitat fragmentation threats, four rasters related to species biodiversity, and two rasters related to genetic biodiversity. (see the PLOS O

Giant Gartersnake (Thamnophis gigas) Prey Preference (2014)

This is an examination of the diet of a threatened snake, giant gartersnake (Thamnophis gigas). Prey preference, prey selection and prey availability (in the laboratory and the field) were measured to understand prey dynamics for better conservation of this snake. In the laboratory, olfactory trials were performed on neonate snakes and tongue-flicks, lounges and attacks were counted and calculated

Annual Marbled Murrelet Abundance and Productivity Surveys Off Central California (Zone 6), 1999-2021 (ver. 4.0, May 2022)

Since 2017, U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center (USGS WERC) partnered with California State Parks to continue long-term, annual at-sea surveys to estimate at-sea abundance and juvenile (i.e. hatch-year) productivity of Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Conservation Zone 6 (central California: San Francisco Bay to Monterey Bay). Ma

Aquatic Prey Resources in Response to Estuary Restoration in Willapa Bay, Washington (2014-2015)

The ongoing restoration of more than 200 hectares of estuarine habitat at Willapa National Wildlife Refuge, southwestern Washington, is expected to benefit a variety of species, including salmonids that use estuarine and tidal marshes as rearing and feeding areas as well as migratory waterbirds. During March through June 2014 and 2015, this study was initiated to assess aquatic prey resources. We

Growth and Capture-Mark-Recapture Data for San Francisco Gartersnakes, Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia, in San Mateo County, California from 2007 to 2020

This dataset includes records of captures of San Francisco gartersnakes (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) collected at five sites from 2007 to 2020. The data include measurements of snake snout-vent length to estimate growth patterns, snake sex, and the record of all captures of individual snakes for estimating capture probability, availability for capture, and survival. These data support the fo

Polioptila californica Genotype Data from California, USA and Baja California, Mexico

This dataset contains genomic records from 184 California Gnatcatchers (Polioptila californica) collected at 18 sites in southern California (USA), 13 sites in Baja California (Mexico), and 17 sites in Baja California Sur (Mexico). Genomic markers were generated from ddRAD loci (Peterson and others, 2012) and analyzed using the Stacks v2.53 (Catchen and others, 2013) pipeline. The genotypes for al
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