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Below is a list of available WFRC peer reviewed and published science.

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Bioenergetics of juvenile salmon during the spring outmigration

No abstract available 
D.W. Rondorf, M.S. Dutchuk, A.S. Kolok, M.L. Gross

A histopathological survey of four fish species from the Beaufort Lagoon, Alaska

No abstract available 
S.R. Goldberg, W. T. Yasutake, R.L. West

Invertebrate colonization rates in the tailwater of a Kentucky flood-control reservoir

Invertebrate colonization on newly introduced rock substrates was examined from July through October 1982 in the tailwater of Barren River Lake, Kentucky. Chironomidae, the dominant taxon of benthic insects, reached full colonization by day 14. Colonization by Oligochaeta, the other major invertebrate taxon, was not completed by the end of the 95-day period of observation. It may have been delayed
W.D. Swink, J.F. Novotny

Direct fluorescent antibody technique for the detection of bacterial kidney disease in paraffin-embedded tissues

The direct fluorescent antibody technique (FAT) was successfully used to detect the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease (BKD), Renibacterium salmoninarum, in Bouin's solution flexed and paraffinembedded egg and tissue sections. This method is superior to gram stain and may be particularly useful in detecting the BKD organism in fish with low-grade infection.
T. Ochiai, W. T. Yasutake, R. W. Gould

The effects of cortisoland actinomycin D injections on choloride cells and branchial N+---K+-ATPase in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)

Injections of cortisol, actinomycin D, or combined administration of the hormone and the antiobiotic did not effect rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) branchial Na+K+-ATPase activity. Numbers of chloride cells also did not change following cortisol and actinomycin D treatment. These results are discussed in light of a similar report concerning Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
D.W. Eib, K.L. Hossner

Vertical transmission of infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus in sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum): isolation of virus from dead eggs and fry

The control of epizootics of infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IIHN) virus in salmonid fishes is presently based on examination and certification of adult brood fish to prevent the introduction of virus-infected eggs into hatcheries (Canadian Fisherics and Marine Service 1976; McDaniel 1979). This strategy is based on the assumption that the virus is vertically transmitted in association with th
D. Mulcahy, R.J. Pascho

Comparisons of spawning areas and times for two runs of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Kenai River, Alaska

From 1979 to 1982,188 chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) were tagged with radio transmitters to locate spawning areas in the glacial Kenai River, southcentral Alaska. Results confirmed that an early run entered the river in May and June and spawned in tributaries, and a late run entered the river from late June through August and spawned in the main stem. Spawning peaked during August in tr
C. V. Burger, R.L. Wilmot, D.B. Wangaard
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