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Landsat Shapefiles and KML Files

Landsat shapefiles and KML files. Includes WRS2 and Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) grids.

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Landsat Collection 2 U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Tile Grids

These maps display the U.S. Landsat ARD tiling grids used for Collection 2 Landsat 4-8 ARD

Collection 2 U.S. ARD Tile Grid Maps — CONUS    Alaska     Hawaii

Collection 2 U.S. ARD Tile Grid ShapefilesCONUS     Alaska     Hawaii


Landsat Collection 1 U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Tile Grids

These maps display the U.S. Landsat ARD tiling grids used for Collection 1 Landsat 4-8 ARD

Collection 1 U.S. ARD Tile Grid Maps —  CONUS    Alaska     Hawaii

Collection 1 U.S. ARD Tile Grid Shapefiles —  CONUS    Alaska     Hawaii


Landsat Path/Row World Reference System (WRS) 

WRS is a global notation used in cataloging Landsat data. Landsat satelllites 1, 2 and 3 followed WRS-1, and Landsat satellites 4,5,7 , and 8 follow WRS-2.  

Worldwide Maps — Display the center points of WRS-2 paths/rows:   Ascending (nighttime)     Descending (daytime)

Routine Path/Rows —   CONUS      Alaska       Hawaii     

WRS-2 Corner Points —  All Path/Rows

Shapefiles — The WRS-1 and WRS-2 Path/Row shapefiles  display scene boundaries and geographic coordinates and can be uploaded into image processing software.

WRS-1 (Landsat 1-Landsat 3) Descending (daytime) Ascending (nighttime)
WRS-2 (Landsat 4- Landsat 9) Descending (daytime) Ascending (nighttime)
Geographic coverage: -180 to 180 degrees longitude, -82.6 to 82.6 degrees latitude

Projection information: Geographic

Units: Decimal Degrees (DD)

Datum: WGS84

Region attribute for the path/row is "pr."

KML Files

The keyhole markup language (KML) files can be loaded into Google Earth or other geospatial software that implements KML encoding.  



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