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September 2017 - Analysis Ready Data Coming Soon

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USGS Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for the conterminous United States will start becoming available for download October 2017.

Landsat ARD are:

  • Consistently processed to the highest scientific standards and level of processing required for direct use in monitoring and assessing landscape change.
  • Generated in the Albers Equal Area (AEA) Conic map projection, processed directly from Landsat Level-1 AEA scenes through Landsat Level-2 products using the WGS84 datum.
  • Processed to a common tiling scheme of uniform dimensions bounded by static corner points in a defined grid system (5,000 x 5,000 30-meter pixels).
  • Packaged into product bundles and delivered as .tar files.

Figure 1. Landsat Analysis Ready Data Tile Scheme

Landsat ARD consist of these higher-level data products:

  • Top of atmosphere (TA) reflectance
  • Brightness temperature (BT)
  • Surface reflectance (SR)
  • Pixel quality assessment (QA)

Sample Landsat ARD products are available for download from

The Landsat ARD webpage also provides useful documentation and tools such as the Data Format Control Book (DFCB) and the path/row tile converter tool (coming soon).

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