Title: Bats in the West: Discoveries, Questions, and Future Research
By Gabriel A. Reyes, USGS Biologist
What should I do if I find dead or dying bats, or if I observe bats with signs of White-nose Syndrome?
If you find a dead or dying bat:
- Contact your state wildlife agency, file an electronic report in those states that offer this service, e-mail U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists in your area or contact your nearest Fish and Wildlife Service field office to report your potential White-nose Syndrome (WNS) observations.
- It is important to determine the species of bat in case it is a federally protected species. Photograph the potentially affected bats (including close-up shots, if possible) and send the photograph and a report to a state or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service contact (above).
- If you need to dispose of a dead bat found on your property, pick it up with a plastic bag over your hand or use disposable gloves. Place both the bat and the bag into another plastic bag, spray with disinfectant, close the bag securely, and dispose of it with your garbage. Thoroughly wash your hands and any clothing that comes into contact with the bat.
- If you see a band on the wing of a bat or a small device with an antenna on the back of a bat (living or dead), contact your state wildlife agency or your nearest Fish and Wildlife Service field office, as these are tools biologists use to identify individual bats.
Learn more at the website for the White-Nose Syndrome Response Team, a partnership of North American agencies and organizations including the USGS.
Does White-nose Syndrome pose a risk to human health?
What is White-nose Syndrome?
What should cavers know and do in regard to White-nose Syndrome?
What species of bats are affected by White-nose Syndrome?
How are bats affected by wind turbines?
Are bats dangerous?
Why are bats important?
Title: Bats in the West: Discoveries, Questions, and Future Research
By Gabriel A. Reyes, USGS Biologist

Long-wave ultraviolet (UV) and white-light illumination of lesions associated with white-nose syndrome. Wing from dead Tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) lit from above with hand-held 51 LED 385-nm UV flashlight shows points of orange–yellow fluorescence.
Long-wave ultraviolet (UV) and white-light illumination of lesions associated with white-nose syndrome. Wing from dead Tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) lit from above with hand-held 51 LED 385-nm UV flashlight shows points of orange–yellow fluorescence.
Long-wave ultraviolet (UV) and white-light illumination of lesions associated with white-nose syndrome. Points of orange–yellow fluorescence (arrows) detected on a roosting Indiana myotis (Myotis sodalis) following surface illumination with a field-portable 9-watt 368-nm fluorescent UV light (photo by Tina Cheng with permission).
Long-wave ultraviolet (UV) and white-light illumination of lesions associated with white-nose syndrome. Points of orange–yellow fluorescence (arrows) detected on a roosting Indiana myotis (Myotis sodalis) following surface illumination with a field-portable 9-watt 368-nm fluorescent UV light (photo by Tina Cheng with permission).
Hibernating little brown bat with white muzzle typical of White-nose syndrome.
Hibernating little brown bat with white muzzle typical of White-nose syndrome.
Bats benefit from maintaining a close-knit roosting group because they increase reproductive success and it is important for rearing pups.
Bats benefit from maintaining a close-knit roosting group because they increase reproductive success and it is important for rearing pups.

Since first discovered in 2007 in New York, white-nose syndrome has spread to 16 states, including Virginia and Maryland, and four Canadian provinces. The disease is estimated to have killed over five million hibernating bats.
Since first discovered in 2007 in New York, white-nose syndrome has spread to 16 states, including Virginia and Maryland, and four Canadian provinces. The disease is estimated to have killed over five million hibernating bats.
Insect-eating bats provide pest-control services that save the U.S. agriculture industry over $3 billion per year, according to a study released today in the journal Science. However, scientists with the U.S.
Insect-eating bats provide pest-control services that save the U.S. agriculture industry over $3 billion per year, according to a study released today in the journal Science. However, scientists with the U.S.
Bats die prematurely when affected by white-nose syndrome.
Bats die prematurely when affected by white-nose syndrome.
Bats showing signs of infections with Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome.
Bats showing signs of infections with Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome.
White-Nose Syndrome Diagnostic Laboratory Network handbook
Assessing the risks posed by SARS-CoV-2 in and via North American bats — Decision framing and rapid risk assessment
U.S. Geological Survey science in support of the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat)
U.S. Geological Survey response to white-nose syndrome in bats
White-nose syndrome in North American bats - U.S. Geological Survey updates
Does White-nose Syndrome pose a risk to human health?
What is White-nose Syndrome?
What should cavers know and do in regard to White-nose Syndrome?
What species of bats are affected by White-nose Syndrome?
How are bats affected by wind turbines?
Are bats dangerous?
Why are bats important?
Title: Bats in the West: Discoveries, Questions, and Future Research
By Gabriel A. Reyes, USGS Biologist
Title: Bats in the West: Discoveries, Questions, and Future Research
By Gabriel A. Reyes, USGS Biologist

Long-wave ultraviolet (UV) and white-light illumination of lesions associated with white-nose syndrome. Wing from dead Tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) lit from above with hand-held 51 LED 385-nm UV flashlight shows points of orange–yellow fluorescence.
Long-wave ultraviolet (UV) and white-light illumination of lesions associated with white-nose syndrome. Wing from dead Tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) lit from above with hand-held 51 LED 385-nm UV flashlight shows points of orange–yellow fluorescence.
Long-wave ultraviolet (UV) and white-light illumination of lesions associated with white-nose syndrome. Points of orange–yellow fluorescence (arrows) detected on a roosting Indiana myotis (Myotis sodalis) following surface illumination with a field-portable 9-watt 368-nm fluorescent UV light (photo by Tina Cheng with permission).
Long-wave ultraviolet (UV) and white-light illumination of lesions associated with white-nose syndrome. Points of orange–yellow fluorescence (arrows) detected on a roosting Indiana myotis (Myotis sodalis) following surface illumination with a field-portable 9-watt 368-nm fluorescent UV light (photo by Tina Cheng with permission).
Hibernating little brown bat with white muzzle typical of White-nose syndrome.
Hibernating little brown bat with white muzzle typical of White-nose syndrome.
Bats benefit from maintaining a close-knit roosting group because they increase reproductive success and it is important for rearing pups.
Bats benefit from maintaining a close-knit roosting group because they increase reproductive success and it is important for rearing pups.

Since first discovered in 2007 in New York, white-nose syndrome has spread to 16 states, including Virginia and Maryland, and four Canadian provinces. The disease is estimated to have killed over five million hibernating bats.
Since first discovered in 2007 in New York, white-nose syndrome has spread to 16 states, including Virginia and Maryland, and four Canadian provinces. The disease is estimated to have killed over five million hibernating bats.
Insect-eating bats provide pest-control services that save the U.S. agriculture industry over $3 billion per year, according to a study released today in the journal Science. However, scientists with the U.S.
Insect-eating bats provide pest-control services that save the U.S. agriculture industry over $3 billion per year, according to a study released today in the journal Science. However, scientists with the U.S.
Bats die prematurely when affected by white-nose syndrome.
Bats die prematurely when affected by white-nose syndrome.
Bats showing signs of infections with Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome.
Bats showing signs of infections with Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome.