Flood Frequency
Flood Frequency
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December 2023 Flood in Maine
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) New England Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is conducting a study to characterize the magnitude and extent of the December 18-21, 2023 Flood in various portions of the State of Maine.
July 2023 Flood in Vermont
From July 9 through July 12, 2023, 3 to 9 inches of rain fell within 48 hours across the state of Vermont, causing catastrophic flooding and millions of dollars in damage. The high amount of rain caused several rivers to peak at record levels, in some cases exceeding records set during Tropical Storm Irene in 2011.
Development of Flood Insurance Maps in New England
FEMA has requested USGS expertise in hydraulics, hydrology, and mapping to generate flood insurance maps for New England.
The Influence of Climatic changes on Extreme Streamflows in the United States
Hydrologic droughts and floods can have severe impacts on river infrastructure, water supply, and ecosystem functioning.
Development of Regional Regression Equations to Estimate the Magnitude of Peak Flows for Selected Annual-Exceedance Probabilities in Maine
The flood-frequency characteristics for streamgages and regression equations for estimating flood magnitudes have been published.
Development of Regional Regression Equations in Connecticut
Knowledge of the magnitude and frequency of floods is needed for the effective and safe design of bridges, culverts, and other structures. This information is also important for flood-plain planning and management. Periodic examination of flood-frequency characteristics is essential to ensure the best estimates of flood magnitudes for a given annual exceedance probabilities (AEP).