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The New England Water Science Center operates over 500 real-time data collection sites throughout the six New England states. The sites collect surface-water, groundwater, water-quality, and precipitation data. Much of our real-time data is publicly available through NWIS. Additional data releases are also available on the page below.

Filter Total Items: 161

Concentrations of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Other Chemical Constituents for Groundwater and Surface-Water Samples on Western Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2014-2019

Groundwater, surface-water, and associated quality assurance samples were collected downgradient of an abandoned fire training area and wastewater infiltration beds on western Cape Cod, Massachusetts and analyzed for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from 2014-2019. Water-quality properties measured at the time of sample collection include pH, specific conductance, temperature...

Data and Model Archive for Simulations of Seawater Restoration on Diked Salt Marshes

This dataset and model archive provides geochemical modeling input and selected output data used in simulations of seawater restoration on historically diked salt marshes. Biogeochemical changes resulting from seawater reintroduction were simulated using the computer program PHREEQC (Parkhurst and Appelo, 2013) to help support efforts to restore tidal flow and associated estuarine...

Predictions of PFAS in groundwater used as a source of drinking water and related data in the conterminous United States

An extreme gradient boosting ensemble tree model predicting per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) occurrence in groundwater at the depths typical of the bottom of public and domestic drinking water supplies across the conterminous United States was developed. PFAS data used to train the model were collected between 2019 and 2022 by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality...

Highway-Runoff Database (HRDB) Version 1.2.0

The Highway-Runoff Database (HRDB) was developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Project Delivery and Environmental Review to provide planning-level information for decision makers, planners, and highway engineers to assess and mitigate possible adverse effects of highway runoff on the Nation's receiving waters...

Data and R Code to Derive Estimates of Groundwater Levels Using MOVE.1 Regression and Compute Monthly Percentiles for Select Wells in Massachusetts

This data release contains extended estimates of daily groundwater levels and monthly percentiles at 27 short-term monitoring wells in Massachusetts. The Maintenance of Variance Extension Type 1 (MOVE.1) regression method was used to extend short-term groundwater levels at wells with less than 10 years of continuous data. This method uses groundwater level data from a correlated long...

Environmental Data in Relation to the Occurrence and Toxicity of Pseudo Nitzschia in Frenchman Bay, Maine, 2010 to 2021

This dataset includes CSV data files containing environmental data that may be associated with the occurrence and toxicity of the diatom Pseudo nitzschia in Frenchman Bay, Maine, that can form harmful algal blooms and produce the toxin domoic acid. The dataset covers the period 2010 through 2022 or shorter period depending on the variable. Elevated concentrations of domoic acid in Pseudo...

Geochemical Data Supporting Analysis of Fate and Transport of Nitrogen in the Nearshore Groundwater and Subterranean Estuary near East Falmouth, Massachusetts, 2015-2016

Geochemical data were obtained to investigate the fate and transport of nitrogen in a subterranean estuary near East Falmouth, Massachusetts. The goal of this investigation was to assess nitrogen attenuation in the aquifer under the Eel River estuary and the adjacent peninsula, introduced as inorganic nitrogen that was densely populated with residences havingfrom residential septic...

Summary Simulated Groundwater-transported Nitrogen Loads on the North Shore of Long Island Sound and Associated Data

A monthly model of groundwater-transported nitrogen loads was developed for 12-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC12) watersheds on the north shore of Long Island Sound in coastal Connecticut and adjacent areas of New York and Rhode Island. As part of the analysis, potential management actions that upgraded septic systems or reduced fertilizer application to areas of turf-grass were also...

MODFLOW6 Groundwater Flow Model, MODPATH Particle-Tracking Simulation, and Groundwater-Transported Nitrogen Load Model of Average Monthly Conditions in Coastal Connecticut and Adjacent Areas of New York and Rhode Island, 1993 - 2022

A groundwater flow model simulating average monthly conditions, using MODFLOW6, was developed to better understand groundwater flow and groundwater-transported nitrogen loads in coastal Connecticut and adjacent areas of New York and Rhode Island. Elevated nitrogen loads are a pervasive issue in the Long Island Sound, an estuary that receives freshwater and nutrients from both surface...

Soil-Water-Balance Model Developed to Simulate Net Infiltration in Watersheds on the North Shore of the Long Island Sound

This model archive provides input and output for Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) models developed to simulate groundwater recharge (net infiltration) for a groundwater model of watersheds on the north shore of the Long Island Sound. The simulated groundwater recharge was further refined in the calibration of the groundwater flow model, which is published in a separate ScienceBase archive (https...

Monthly and Annual population and water withdrawal maps of Rhode Island 2014-2021

This data release consists of multi-band 30-meter x 30-meter pixel rasters of estimated population and domestic self-supplied water withdrawals in Rhode Island between July 2014 and June 2021. Population raster data were generated using a national data product of 2010 population spatially distributed across land cover data and U.S. Census Bureau data of population growth estimates to...

CAnVAS Mean Climate Parameters with Uncertainty Estimates (1970-1999 and 2010-2099), Derived from Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACAv2-Livneh) statistically downscaled Global Climate Models

This dataset contains the multi-model means of various climate parameters with uncertainty bounds from the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs statistically downscaled global climate model dataset for different time slices between 1970 and 2099. The data is provided for both the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 W m-2 and 8.5 W m-2 future climate scenarios.
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