Water Quality Trends
Water Quality Trends
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Chester County, Pennsylvania
USGS has had a cooperative program with Chester County, Pennsylvania, to measure and describe water resources since 1969. Cooperation has been primarily with the Chester County Water Resources Authority, with participation from the Chester County Health Department. This partnership provides Chester County with scientific information for water-resources management.
Pennsylvania Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network
USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, samples 28 wells biannually to monitor ambient groundwater quality conditions throughout Pennsylvania.
Summarizing Scientific Findings for Common Stakeholder Questions to Inform Nutrient and Sediment Management Activities in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Issue: The Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) partnership is striving to improve water-quality conditions in the Bay by using a variety of management strategies to reduce nutrient and sediment loads. The partnership uses monitoring results and modeling tools to implement management strategies, relying on the scientific community to synthesize existing information and direct new research to address...
York County Sediment and Nutrient Monitoring
Since 2019, the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center has been cooperating with York County, Pennsylvania to implement in-stream monitoring to produce surrogate regression equations to compute, in real time, the concentration and load of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and suspended sediment for 6 major watersheds in York County, Pennsylvania. This partnership provides the York County Planning...
Water Quality Monitoring - Pennsylvania
Water-Quality Monitoring