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Web Tools

Web Tools provide interactive access to USGS information about Pennsylvania's water resources.

As of 2023, Philadelphia Area Groundwater Level Network is part of Pennsylvania Groundwater Watch. 

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Pennsylvania's Long-Term Surface-Water Quality Network

USGS, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP), has released a geonarrative detailing the sampling of a network of surface water sites across Pennsylvania.

Using Continuous Water Quality to Guide Conservation Efforts

This geonarrative describes USGS data collection and analysis efforts to assess water-quality conditions and measure the effects of conservation practices in the Chiques and Swatara Creek watersheds in central Pennsylvania, both within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Stream conditions monitoring network in Chester County, PA

This geonarrative describes the stream biological monitoring conducted as part of the Chester County - U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Water Resources Program.

Monitoring for Pesticides in Pennsylvania's Groundwater

This geonarrative explains and explores the results of more than 20 years of sampling. Methods for sampling and pesticide use in Pennsylvania are also described.

Philadelphia Water Resources Monitoring

The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) and USGS have been working together to create and expand the water-quality monitoring network for Philadelphia. Data from these gaging stations will allow PWD scientists and engineers to monitor spatial and temporal water quality/quantity trends in support of watershed restoration initiatives occurring in Philadelphia.

Assessing stream sediment conditions in Chester County, PA

This geonarrative describes the sediment and turbidity monitoring conducted as part of the Chester County - U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Water Resources Program.

Pennsylvania Drought Condition Web Tool

The Pennsylvania Drought Condition Web Tool shows the current drought status for each county and hydrologic conditions for precipitation, streamflow, groundwater levels, and Palmer Drought Index used by PADEP for drought monitoring.

Hurricane Ida: USGS Response in Pennsylvania to September 1-2, 2021, Flooding Related to Remnants of Hurricane Ida

This geonarrative is an interactive online presentation of the USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center's data collection efforts related to Hurricane Ida. This geonarrative includes a summary of the storm in Pennsylvania, USGS data collection methods, embedded interactive maps of flood extents in 5 southeastern Pennsylvania localities, and visual depictions of the storm’s impact across the state.

Flood Data Collection in Pennsylvania - Rapid Deployment Network

USGS is helping identify potential locations in Pennsylvania where additional or updated water-level data may be needed during or after major storm events. Pre-identification of these locations supports expedited decision-making for site selection, resulting in safer and more timely installation of flood monitoring instruments.

Pennsylvania Groundwater Watch

Pennsylvania Groundwater Watch provides access to groundwater level data from 108 sites in the USGS Active Groundwater Level Network for Adams, Chester, Montgomery, Philadelphia, and Pike Counties.

Chester County (Pennsylvania) Monitoring Networks

Since 1969, the Pennsylvania Water Science Center has had a cooperative program with Chester County to measure and describe water resources. Cooperation has been primarily with the Chester County Water Resources Authority, with participation from the Chester County Health Department. The Chester County Monitoring Network web tool provides near real-time water data.

Pennsylvania Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Data Exploration Tool

USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, samples 28 wells biannually to monitor ambient groundwater quality conditions in a variety of settings throughout Pennsylvania. The most recent results for selected constituents can be accessed through the Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Data Exploration Tool.
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