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Assessing coastal wetland vulnerability to sea-level rise along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast: gaps and opportunities for developing a coordinated regional sampling network

June 13, 2017

The study area included the coasts of all five U.S. states along the northern Gulf of Mexico (i.e., Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas). We contacted federal, state, and university-affiliated scientists working with SET-MH data within this area to obtain the geographic coordinates and the installation year for each SET-MH station. Please note that while our inventory is extensive and includes most SET-MH stations in the region, our inventory is not fully exhaustive; in other words, it is possible that some stations in the region are not contained within this inventory. The SET-MH stations in our dataset include original SET, deep rod SET (RSET), and shallow RSET benchmarks.

Publication Year 2017
Title Assessing coastal wetland vulnerability to sea-level rise along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast: gaps and opportunities for developing a coordinated regional sampling network
DOI 10.5066/F79S1PJ5
Authors Michael J Osland, Kereen T. Griffith, Jack C. Larriviere, Laura C Feher, Donald R Cahoon, Nicholas M Enwright, David A. Oster, John M. Tirpak, Mark S. Woodrey, Renee C. Collini, Joseph J. Baustian, Joshua L. Breithaupt, Julia A. Cherry, Nicole Cormier, Carlos A. Coronado-Molina, Joseph F. Donoghue, Sean A. Graham, Jennifer W. Harper, Mark W. Hester, Rebecca J Howard, Ken W Krauss, Daniel Kroes, Robert R. Lane, Karen L Mckee, Irving A. Mendelssohn, Beth A Middleton, Jena A. Moon, Sarai Piazza, Nicole M. Rankin, Fred H. Sklar
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Wetland and Aquatic Research Center - Gainesville, FL
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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