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An interdisciplinary team comprised of USGS and university scientists has developed the Probability of Streamflow Permanence Model or PROSPER which predicts flow permanence for unregulated and minimally impaired streams in the Pacific Northwest.

Streamflow permanence is the degree to which rivers and streams maintain flow conditions. Streamflow is a fundamental driver of riverine ecosystems and its permanence classification is a major component of species vulnerability assessments, land management activities, and water quality regulations. PROSPER is a Geographic Information System raster-based empirical model that provides probability-based predictions of a stream channel having year-round flow.  The model provides annual predictions for 2004-2016 in 30-m stream channel grid cells. Predictions are available through USGS StreamStats and can be used in water resources management or species conservation. This represents the largest dynamic stream mapping effort to date and serves as a tool for identifying areas resilient or sensitive to drought conditions, allowing for management efforts that target protecting critical reaches.


Jaeger, K.L., Sando, R., McShane, R.R., Dunham, J.B., Hockman-Wert, D.P., Kaiser, K.E., Hafen, K.C., Risley, J.C., Blasch, K.W., 2018, Probability of Streamflow Permanence Model (PROSPER)- A spatially continuous model of annual streamflow permanence throughout the Pacific Northwest: Journal of Hydrology X, p. online,

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