Headwaters of Clear Creek, Lower Clark Fork watershed
Roy Sando
Roy Sando is a remote sensing and GIS specialist working with the Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center and is based out of Helena, Montana. He started working with the USGS in 2011 after getting his Master's degree in Geography at Kansas State University (2011). Prior to that, he completed his Bachelor's degree, majoring in both Geography and GIS, at South Dakota State University (2008).
Research interests include understanding and modeling the mechanisms of streamflow permanence, using data mining techniques to develop novel predictors of streamflow permanence and other hydrologic phenomena, using remote sensing techniques to estimate consumptive water use from irrigation, and exploring new ways to visualize geospatial data.
Key projects Roy has worked on include:
PRObability of Streamflow PERmanence (PROSPER)
§ Primary Investigator – Develop predictive models to estimate the annual probability that a particular location along streams in the Pacific Northwest will retain year-round streamflow.
Assessment of water use associated with unconventional oil and gas development
§ Task Lead – Worked as part of the modeling team to build and publish a conceptual model for quantifying water use associated with unconventional oil and gas. Additionally, constructed statistical models to predict water use associated with unconventional oil and gas under varying conditions.
Channel-width regression equations
§ Task Lead –Develop statistical equations to predict flood frequencies at ungaged locations using remotely-sensed channel width characteristics.
National Groundwater Availability Studies spatial data archiving
§ Team member –Review spatial datasets associated with groundwater availability studies and prepare them for publication
Spatial analysis of nutrient inputs to Fish Creek watershed, Wyoming
§ Task Lead – Compile and conduct spatial analysis on datasets representing sources of nutrient inputs. Create a grid of nutrient input intensities
Salish-Kootenai College GIS/remote sensing training
§ Primary Investigator – Develop training materials for introductory through advanced GIS courses at the Salish-Kootenai College
Estimating streamflow at ungaged locations using flood frequency regressions
§ Task Lead – Develop regression equations for use in determining streamflow and flood frequency estimates at ungaged locations throughout Montana and surrounding area
Eastern Montana future fisheries modeling
§ Task Lead – Estimate streamflow at ungaged fish sampling sites throughout eastern Montana for current and future climate scenarios
Williston and Powder River (WaPR) Basin groundwater availability
§ GIS specialist for project – Major tasks included a primary role in building and visualizing the 3-dimensional hydrogeologic framework, estimating unit boundaries based on geospatial statistical analyses, and organizing and archiving multiple datasets
Smith River watershed hydrologic budget
§ Task Lead – Use remote sensing techniques to estimate evapotranspiration in the Smith River watershed of central Montana
Predicting Alpine Headwater Stream Intermittency
§ Task Lead – Collect and analyze environmental, geological,
Science and Products
Small Prairie Stream Health Within Fort Berthold Indian Reservation
From Water to Wildlife: Linking Water Timing and Availability to Meadows and Wildlife in a Changing Climate
The Implications of Stream Fragmentation for Climate Change Resilience of Northern Prairie Fishes
Development of a Surface Water Index of Permanence (SWIPe) Database to Assess Surface Water Availability for Ecohydrological Refugia
Using Satellite Imagery to Estimate Consumptive Water Use from Irrigated Lands in the Milk River Basin, United States and Canada
Building a framework to compute continuous grids of basin characteristics for the conterminous United States
Geospatial Research and Development to Understand Hydrologic Processes
Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER)
Development of Recommended Practices and Workflow for Publishing Digital Data through ScienceBase for Dynamic Visualization
Identifying Resilient Headwater Streams to Mitigate Impacts of Future Drought in the Northwest
Data-Driven Drought Prediction Project Model Outputs for Select Spatial Units within the Conterminous United States
Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) output rasters, 1989-2021, upper Missouri River Basin (ver. 2.0, July 2024)
Field-Verified Irrigated Lands Dataset in the Milk River Basin of Montana and Alberta, 2021 and 2022
U.S. Streamflow Drought During the Last Century: annual drought and low flow metrics, annual climate, and trends for the periods 1921-2020, 1951-2020 and 1981-2020
Reach-scale predicted annual streamflow permanence probabilities, predicted monthly mean stream temperature for August, and predicted monthly streamflow discharge for stream reaches in the Pacific Northwest, USA (2004-2015) (ver. 2.0, January 2023)
Drainage-basin characteristics associated with road and stream intersections in Montana
Flow-Conditioned Parameter Grids for the Contiguous United States: A Pilot, Seamless Basin Characteristic Dataset
Attributions for nonstationary peak streamflow records across the conterminous United States, 1941-2015 and 1966-2015
Streamflow Observation Points in the Upper Plains, 1973-2018
Channel width measurements for selected streamgage sites in Montana
Data to Estimate Water Use Associated with Continuous Oil and Gas Development, Williston Basin, United States, 1980-2017 (ver. 3.0, October 2022)
RockType to Permeability Crosswalk Table, Northwest U.S.
Headwaters of Clear Creek, Lower Clark Fork watershed
Introduction and methods of analysis for peak streamflow trends and their relation to changes in climate in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin
Development of a Surface-Water Index of Permanence to assess surface-water availability for ecohydrological refugia
Regional streamflow drought forecasting in the Colorado River Basin using Deep Neural Network models
Predicting probabilities of late summer surface flow presence in a glaciated mountainous headwater region
A hydrologic perspective of major U.S. droughts
Predictions and drivers of sub-reach-scale annual streamflow permanence for the upper Missouri River basin: 1989-2018
Precision of headwater stream permanence estimates from a monthly water balance model in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Regional regression equations based on channel-width characteristics to estimate peak-flow frequencies at ungaged sites in Montana using peak-flow frequency data through water year 2011
Using satellite imagery to estimate consumptive water use from irrigated lands in the Milk River Basin, United States and Canada
Beyond streamflow: Call for a national data repository of streamflow presence for streams and rivers in the United States
The influence of climate variability on the accuracy of NHD perennial and non-perennial stream classifications
A guidebook to spatial datasets for conservation planning under climate change in the Pacific Northwest
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Flow-Conditioned Parameter Grid Tools
The Flow-Conditioned Parameter Grid (FCPG) Tools are a Python 3 library to make FCPGs for either two-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC2) regions, four-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC4) regions, or other geospatial tiling schemes. These tools can be used in a Linux-based high performance computing (HPC) environment or locally on your system.
Science and Products
Small Prairie Stream Health Within Fort Berthold Indian Reservation
From Water to Wildlife: Linking Water Timing and Availability to Meadows and Wildlife in a Changing Climate
The Implications of Stream Fragmentation for Climate Change Resilience of Northern Prairie Fishes
Development of a Surface Water Index of Permanence (SWIPe) Database to Assess Surface Water Availability for Ecohydrological Refugia
Using Satellite Imagery to Estimate Consumptive Water Use from Irrigated Lands in the Milk River Basin, United States and Canada
Building a framework to compute continuous grids of basin characteristics for the conterminous United States
Geospatial Research and Development to Understand Hydrologic Processes
Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER)
Development of Recommended Practices and Workflow for Publishing Digital Data through ScienceBase for Dynamic Visualization
Identifying Resilient Headwater Streams to Mitigate Impacts of Future Drought in the Northwest
Data-Driven Drought Prediction Project Model Outputs for Select Spatial Units within the Conterminous United States
Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) output rasters, 1989-2021, upper Missouri River Basin (ver. 2.0, July 2024)
Field-Verified Irrigated Lands Dataset in the Milk River Basin of Montana and Alberta, 2021 and 2022
U.S. Streamflow Drought During the Last Century: annual drought and low flow metrics, annual climate, and trends for the periods 1921-2020, 1951-2020 and 1981-2020
Reach-scale predicted annual streamflow permanence probabilities, predicted monthly mean stream temperature for August, and predicted monthly streamflow discharge for stream reaches in the Pacific Northwest, USA (2004-2015) (ver. 2.0, January 2023)
Drainage-basin characteristics associated with road and stream intersections in Montana
Flow-Conditioned Parameter Grids for the Contiguous United States: A Pilot, Seamless Basin Characteristic Dataset
Attributions for nonstationary peak streamflow records across the conterminous United States, 1941-2015 and 1966-2015
Streamflow Observation Points in the Upper Plains, 1973-2018
Channel width measurements for selected streamgage sites in Montana
Data to Estimate Water Use Associated with Continuous Oil and Gas Development, Williston Basin, United States, 1980-2017 (ver. 3.0, October 2022)
RockType to Permeability Crosswalk Table, Northwest U.S.
Headwaters of Clear Creek, Lower Clark Fork watershed
Headwaters of Clear Creek, Lower Clark Fork watershed
Introduction and methods of analysis for peak streamflow trends and their relation to changes in climate in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin
Development of a Surface-Water Index of Permanence to assess surface-water availability for ecohydrological refugia
Regional streamflow drought forecasting in the Colorado River Basin using Deep Neural Network models
Predicting probabilities of late summer surface flow presence in a glaciated mountainous headwater region
A hydrologic perspective of major U.S. droughts
Predictions and drivers of sub-reach-scale annual streamflow permanence for the upper Missouri River basin: 1989-2018
Precision of headwater stream permanence estimates from a monthly water balance model in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Regional regression equations based on channel-width characteristics to estimate peak-flow frequencies at ungaged sites in Montana using peak-flow frequency data through water year 2011
Using satellite imagery to estimate consumptive water use from irrigated lands in the Milk River Basin, United States and Canada
Beyond streamflow: Call for a national data repository of streamflow presence for streams and rivers in the United States
The influence of climate variability on the accuracy of NHD perennial and non-perennial stream classifications
A guidebook to spatial datasets for conservation planning under climate change in the Pacific Northwest
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Flow-Conditioned Parameter Grid Tools
The Flow-Conditioned Parameter Grid (FCPG) Tools are a Python 3 library to make FCPGs for either two-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC2) regions, four-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC4) regions, or other geospatial tiling schemes. These tools can be used in a Linux-based high performance computing (HPC) environment or locally on your system.