American Avocet 39’s (AMAV39) year long journey detailed by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) GPS tracking data. AMAV39’s flight path, represented by a purple line, starts in the Great Basin at Summer Lake in July 2023 then heads to Lake Abert in October 2023.
Cory Overton
Cory Overton is a wildlife biologist at the Western Ecological Research Center.
Science and Products
AIMS for Wildlife
Waterbird Ecology and Movement in the Saline Lakes
Goose Population Dynamics in the California Central Valley and Pacific Flyway
Webinar: Linking Remote Sensing and Bird Behavior Data to Understand the Impacts of Drought on Waterfowl
The Impact of Drought on Waterbirds and Their Wetland Habitats in California’s Central Valley
Effects of Sea-Level Rise and Extreme Storms on California Coastal Habitats: Part 1
Fate of Endangered Species in San Francisco Bay Tidal Marshes with Sea-Level Rise
Waterfowl Brood Drone Surveys from Suisun, California 2019
Timing of Occurrence of Waterfowl in U.S. Counties and Canadian Counties, Boroughs, Census Districts, and Other Populated Area Designations with Modeled Exposure Status to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in 2021-2022
Movement Data for Migrating Geese Over the Northeast Pacific Ocean, 2018-2021
Data describing habitat use and availability for wild waterfowl in California, USA
Movements, Used Habitats, and Available Habitats Identified using Step Selection Processes for Four Species of Waterfowl in California's Central Valley, 2016-2022
Waterfowl GPS Observations in North America from 2015 to 2023 for Custom Wildlife Report Example for Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
Bibliography of hydrological and ecological research in the Great Basin terminal lakes, USA
Data describing infection status and movement ecology of North American waterfowl
Hourly GPS Locations, Associated Habitat Condition, and Annotated Life History State for Training Machine Learned Models of Waterfowl Daily Activity
Data measuring avian influenza infection, mercury concentration, and body condition in wild waterfowl
Selenium concentrations in Yuma Ridgway's Rails occupying managed and unmanaged emergent marshes at the Salton Sea
Yuma Ridgway's Rail (Rallus obsoletus yumanensis) Population Surveys, Rail Movement, and Potential Habitat at the Salton Sea of California
American Avocet 39’s (AMAV39) year long journey detailed by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) GPS tracking data. AMAV39’s flight path, represented by a purple line, starts in the Great Basin at Summer Lake in July 2023 then heads to Lake Abert in October 2023.
American avocets resting, bathing, and preening in shallow water at Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in southern Nevada.
American avocets resting, bathing, and preening in shallow water at Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in southern Nevada.
Examining inter-regional and intra-seasonal differences in wintering waterfowl landscape associations among Pacific and Atlantic flyways
Imperiled Great Basin terminal lakes: Synthesizing ecological and hydrological science gaps and research needs for waterbird conservation
Surveying waterfowl broods in wetlands using aerial drones
Examining inter-regional and intra-seasonal differences in wintering waterfowl landscape associations among Pacific and Atlantic flyways
Mitigating risk: Predicting H5N1 avian influenza spread with an empirical model of bird movement
Potential use of poultry farms by wild waterfowl in California's Central Valley varies across space, times of day, and species: implications for influenza transmission risk
Geese migrating over the Pacific Ocean select altitudes coinciding with offshore wind turbine blades
Integrated science strategy for assessing and monitoring water availability and migratory birds for terminal lakes across the Great Basin, United States
Movement behavior, habitat selection, and functional responses to habitat availability among four species of wintering waterfowl in California
AIMS for wildlife: Developing an automated interactive monitoring system to integrate real-time movement and environmental data for true adaptive management
Waterfowl recently infected with low pathogenic avian influenza exhibit reduced local movement and delayed migration
Postbreeding movements and molting ecology of female gadwalls and mallards
Custom Wildlife Report Example for Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge 1.0.0
Science and Products
AIMS for Wildlife
Waterbird Ecology and Movement in the Saline Lakes
Goose Population Dynamics in the California Central Valley and Pacific Flyway
Webinar: Linking Remote Sensing and Bird Behavior Data to Understand the Impacts of Drought on Waterfowl
The Impact of Drought on Waterbirds and Their Wetland Habitats in California’s Central Valley
Effects of Sea-Level Rise and Extreme Storms on California Coastal Habitats: Part 1
Fate of Endangered Species in San Francisco Bay Tidal Marshes with Sea-Level Rise
Waterfowl Brood Drone Surveys from Suisun, California 2019
Timing of Occurrence of Waterfowl in U.S. Counties and Canadian Counties, Boroughs, Census Districts, and Other Populated Area Designations with Modeled Exposure Status to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in 2021-2022
Movement Data for Migrating Geese Over the Northeast Pacific Ocean, 2018-2021
Data describing habitat use and availability for wild waterfowl in California, USA
Movements, Used Habitats, and Available Habitats Identified using Step Selection Processes for Four Species of Waterfowl in California's Central Valley, 2016-2022
Waterfowl GPS Observations in North America from 2015 to 2023 for Custom Wildlife Report Example for Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
Bibliography of hydrological and ecological research in the Great Basin terminal lakes, USA
Data describing infection status and movement ecology of North American waterfowl
Hourly GPS Locations, Associated Habitat Condition, and Annotated Life History State for Training Machine Learned Models of Waterfowl Daily Activity
Data measuring avian influenza infection, mercury concentration, and body condition in wild waterfowl
Selenium concentrations in Yuma Ridgway's Rails occupying managed and unmanaged emergent marshes at the Salton Sea
Yuma Ridgway's Rail (Rallus obsoletus yumanensis) Population Surveys, Rail Movement, and Potential Habitat at the Salton Sea of California
American Avocet 39’s (AMAV39) year long journey detailed by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) GPS tracking data. AMAV39’s flight path, represented by a purple line, starts in the Great Basin at Summer Lake in July 2023 then heads to Lake Abert in October 2023.
American Avocet 39’s (AMAV39) year long journey detailed by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) GPS tracking data. AMAV39’s flight path, represented by a purple line, starts in the Great Basin at Summer Lake in July 2023 then heads to Lake Abert in October 2023.
American avocets resting, bathing, and preening in shallow water at Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in southern Nevada.
American avocets resting, bathing, and preening in shallow water at Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in southern Nevada.