Janice Albers, PhD
Janice Albers is a Fish Biologist with interests in researching how humans impact fish species; positive impacts such as river restoration activities, as well as negative impacts such as with rare or invasive fish species.
In the past Janice has studied fish behavior, trends in threatened and endangered fish species, impacts from human activities on aquatic communities, and fish bioenergetics and population dynamics. Currently she is researching and understanding invasive carp movements in the Mississippi River Basin.
Professional Experience
2023 – Present, Fish Biologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin
2018-2022 – Doctoral Research Student, Michigan State University, Fisheries and Wildlife Dept., East Lansing, Michigan
2001-2017 – Fish Biologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center, Columbia, Missouri
Education and Certifications
Ph.D., Michigan State University, Fisheries and Wildlife/Environmental Toxicology, 2022
M.S. Fish and Wildlife, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2001
B.S. Biology and Water Resources, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 1997
Affiliations and Memberships*
Society for Ecological Restoration
American Fisheries Society
Science and Products
Occupancy model coefficients and observed co-occurrence simulations for sicklefin chub, sturgeon chub, and associated fishes in the Missouri River
Human use and activities at two urban riparian forest restoration sites in Indiana, USA, May-Sept, 2016
Data Release for Lock 19 Underwater Acoustic Deterrent System (UADS) Study: Interim Project Update
Missouri River juvenile sturgeon and adult chub fish weight and behavior
Terrestrial Invertebrate Diversity and Occurrence in Restored Hardwood Forest Floodplains, Indiana, United States, June – August 2016
Brecchia pipe uranium mine bird survey data, Grand Canyon region, 2014-2015
Mammalian biodiversity data for four bottomland hardwood restoration sites in Northeastern Indiana USA May 2015-August 2016
NE Indiana bottomland restoration vegetation, soils and carbon data, 2015 and 2016
Fecundity of Sicklefin (Macrhybopsis meeki) and Shoal Chub (M. hyostoma)
Reproductive strategy, spawning induction, spawning temperatures and early life history of captive sicklefin chub Macrhybopsis meeki-Data
Studies to assess natural resource recovery and evaluate monitoring methods for restored bottomland hardwood forests
Vegetation community recovery on restored bottomland hardwood forests in northeast Indiana, USA
Sicklefin Chub (Macrhybopsis meeki) and Sturgeon Chub (M. gelida) temporal and spatial patterns from extant population monitoring and habitat data spanning 23 Years
Efficient mammal biodiversity surveys for ecological restoration monitoring
Visitor use and activities detected using trail cameras at forest restoration sites
Lock 19 underwater acoustic deterrent system study—Interim project update, through 2022
Terrestrial invertebrate diversity and occurrence in restored hardwood forest floodplains, Indiana, United States, June–August 2016
Enumerating white-tailed deer using unmanned aerial vehicles
Effectiveness of a distance sampling from roads program for white-tailed deer in the National Capital Region parks
Population viability analyses for three Macrhybopsis spp. of the Lower Missouri River
Potential responses of the Lower Missouri River Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) population to a commercial fishing ban
Use of real-time dust monitoring and surface condition to evaluate success of unpaved road treatments
Science and Products
Occupancy model coefficients and observed co-occurrence simulations for sicklefin chub, sturgeon chub, and associated fishes in the Missouri River
Human use and activities at two urban riparian forest restoration sites in Indiana, USA, May-Sept, 2016
Data Release for Lock 19 Underwater Acoustic Deterrent System (UADS) Study: Interim Project Update
Missouri River juvenile sturgeon and adult chub fish weight and behavior
Terrestrial Invertebrate Diversity and Occurrence in Restored Hardwood Forest Floodplains, Indiana, United States, June – August 2016
Brecchia pipe uranium mine bird survey data, Grand Canyon region, 2014-2015
Mammalian biodiversity data for four bottomland hardwood restoration sites in Northeastern Indiana USA May 2015-August 2016
NE Indiana bottomland restoration vegetation, soils and carbon data, 2015 and 2016
Fecundity of Sicklefin (Macrhybopsis meeki) and Shoal Chub (M. hyostoma)
Reproductive strategy, spawning induction, spawning temperatures and early life history of captive sicklefin chub Macrhybopsis meeki-Data
Studies to assess natural resource recovery and evaluate monitoring methods for restored bottomland hardwood forests
Vegetation community recovery on restored bottomland hardwood forests in northeast Indiana, USA
Sicklefin Chub (Macrhybopsis meeki) and Sturgeon Chub (M. gelida) temporal and spatial patterns from extant population monitoring and habitat data spanning 23 Years
Efficient mammal biodiversity surveys for ecological restoration monitoring
Visitor use and activities detected using trail cameras at forest restoration sites
Lock 19 underwater acoustic deterrent system study—Interim project update, through 2022
Terrestrial invertebrate diversity and occurrence in restored hardwood forest floodplains, Indiana, United States, June–August 2016
Enumerating white-tailed deer using unmanned aerial vehicles
Effectiveness of a distance sampling from roads program for white-tailed deer in the National Capital Region parks
Population viability analyses for three Macrhybopsis spp. of the Lower Missouri River
Potential responses of the Lower Missouri River Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) population to a commercial fishing ban
Use of real-time dust monitoring and surface condition to evaluate success of unpaved road treatments
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government