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February 28, 2019 - Landsat the Cornerstone of Global Land Imaging

An article recently published in GIM International magazine titled "Landsat: the Cornerstone of Global Land Imaging"  looks at how the use of Landsat data has evolved over time to become a cornerstone of global land imaging with broad societal benefits.

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Landsat the Cornerstone of Global Imaging GIM Magazine cover

Also discussed is the impact of the 2008 decision to create free and open access to the general public to freely download Landsat data for the first time.

The article also describes the next generation of data-delivery and Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD) products, including the recently released Landsat Science Products (Burned Area, Dynamic Surface Water Extent, and Fractional Snow Covered Area).

It concludes describing another successful USGS/NASA partnership to launch Landsat 9 in late 2020, leading the Landsat programm towards 50 years of observations and beyond to help further our understanding of a changing Earth.

Read the complete article here.

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