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Landsat Science Team Meeting — February 7-9, 2023

The 2018-2023 Landsat Science Team met for their final meeting at the Desert Research Institute (DRI) in Reno, Nevada on February 7-9, 2023.  

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Presentations from this meeting can be searched on the Landsat Science Team Meeting Presentations webpage. 


Group picture of Winter Landsat Science Team Meeting — February 7-9, 2023
Group picture of the Landsat Science team during their winter meeting in February 2023.


Meeting Objectives:   

  1. Status the Landsat Science Team on Landsat 9, Landsat 8, and Landsat 7’s extended science mission operations     

  2. Status the Landsat Science Team on forthcoming changes to Landsat Collection 2    Level-2 production, Collection 2 cloud access and use, and Landsat 9 reprocessing considerations   

  3. Discuss key science and application priorities for Landsat Collection 3     

  4. Discuss Landsat’s interoperability and harmonization with other Earth observing systems   

  5. Status the Landsat Science Team on the NASA/USGS Landsat Next mission  

Tuesday, February 7, 2023  

  • DRI opening remarks (Justin Huntington, DRI Leadership)  

  • NASA and USGS programmatic update (Mike Egan, NASA; Tim Newman, USGS) 

  • The state of EROS (Pete Doucette, USGS) 

  • Landsat Science Team lessions learned and 5-year retrospective (Mike Wulder, Canadian Forest Service; Martha Anderson, USDA-ARS; David Roy, MSU; Curtis Woodcock, BU)  

  • Landsat Collection 2 status and known issues (Tom Maiersperger, USGS; Chris Crawford, USGS)  

  • Landsat Collection 2 MODIS-VIIRS transition (Saeed Arab, KBR; Chris Crawford, USGS)  

  • Landsat 9 calibration update (Esad Micijevic, USGS; Mike Choate, USGS)  

  • Landsat 9 reprocessing status and science and application user impacts (Saeed Arab, KBR; Chris Crawford, USGS)  

  • USGS approaches to Landsat collection governance (Tom Maiersperger, USGS; Danny Howard, KBR)  

  • Landsat Science Team discussion – Collection oversight, within collection changes, recommendations for future strategies (David Roy, MSU; Curtis Woodcock, BU)  

  • Recent Evolution of Landsat collections and product access (Tom Maiersperger, USGS)  

  • Landsat Science Team discussion – Distribution, cloud-based Landsat processing and access, recommendations for future strategies (David Roy, MSU; Curtis Woodcock, BU)  

Wednesday, February 8, 2023  

  • Landsat Next mission status and overview (Jim Pontius, NASA; Brian Sauer, USGS)  

  • Recap of the Landsat Next space architecture (Bruce Cook, NASA)  

  • Pre-Phase “A” science and technical studies overview (Doug Daniels, Aerospace; Chris Crawford, USGS)  

  • Landsat Science Team discussion – Science team reaction to likely Landsat Next space architecture for science and applications (David Roy, MSU; Curtis Woodcock, BU)  

  • Europe update on Sentinel-2 and future missions (Ferran Gascon, European Space Agency) 

  • Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel (HLS) status and plans (Junchang Ju, UMD; Brian Freitag, NASA) 

  • Commercial approaches to harmonization (Rasmus Houborg, Planet) 

  • Commercial approaches to Analysis Ready Data 3 (ARD) (Peter Schmitt, Maxar) 

  • Landsat Science Team discussion Topic #4 – harmonization (Curtis Woodcock, BU) 

  • USGS Landsat Collection 3 key priority overview (Tom Maiersperger, USGS) 

  • Atmospheric correction over land (Eric Vermote, NASA; Alexei Lyapustin, NASA GSFC) 

  • Atmospheric correction over water (Nima Pahlevan, NASA) 

  • Cloud detection and masking (Zhe Zhu, University of Connecticut; Sergii Skakun, University of Connecticut) 

  • Surface temperature and emissivity (Glynn Hulley, CIT; Martha Anderson, CIT) 

  • Bi-directional reflectance minimization (Hankui Zhang, S.D. State University) 

  • Landsat MSS geometry (Lin Yan, MSU) 

  • Global Analysis Ready Data (ARD) (David Roy, MSU) 

Thursday, February 9, 2023  

  • Landsat Science Team discussion: Topic #5 – Priorities for Collection 3 and potential schedule drivers (David Roy, MSU; Curtis Woodcock, BU) 

  • Landsat Next schedule recap and open discussion (Bruce Cook, NASA) 

  • Recognition of current Landsat Science Team (Chris Neigh, NASA; Chris Crawford, USGS) 


Winter Landsat science team meeting in session 2023

Winter Landsat Science Team Meeting is in session in Reno, NV on February 7-9, 2023.
 Desert Research Institute (DRI) in Reno, NV on February 7-9

​​Desert Research Institute (DRI) in Reno, NV during the Landsat Science team meeting on February 7-9, 2023.
Winter Landsat Science Team Meeting, February 2023

“Seeing Our Planet Anew: Fifty Years of Landsat” was selected for the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) 2023 John I. Davidson President's Award for Practical Papers. At the Landsat Science Team meeting held February 7-9 in Reno, NV, the authors donated the award to the Tom Loveland EROS Geography Scholarship. 
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