Karst Aquifers: Edwards-Trinity Plateau Aquifer
The Edwards-Trinity aquifer, located in the Trans-Pecos and the Edwards Plateau areas, is composed of relatively flat-lying rocks that are generally exposed at the land surface. This aquifer is generally recharged by precipitation; water is mostly unconfined in the shallow parts of the aquifer and is confined in the deeper zones.
The rocks that compose the Edwards-Trinity aquifer are relatively flat-lying and are generally exposed at the land surface in the Trans-Pecos and the Edwards Plateau areas. The geologic formations that compose the Trinity and the Edwards aquifers generally are exposed in updip areas, but they dip eastward and southward beneath younger units and lie deep in the subsurface. The downdip boundary of each aquifer approximately coincides with the farthest updip extent of water that contains 10,000 milligrams per liter dissolved solids. The base of the aquifer slopes generally to the south and southeast. Most of the rocks that underlie the Edwards-Trinity aquifer are much less permeable than those that compose the aquifer and, thus, serve as a barrier to groundwater flow. Locally, however, the underlying rocks are permeable and are hydraulically connected to the Edwards-Trinity aquifer, thus extending the thickness of the flow system. The aquifer is generally recharged by direct precipitation on the land surface. Water is mostly unconfined in the shallow parts of the aquifer and is confined in the deeper zones.
Featured Studies and Datasets
Aquifer-scale studies and the datasets they produce are a key component to understanding how karst aquifers behave, and the quality of water within them.
- National Water-Quality Assessment, South-Central Texas — A program to describe the status and trends in water quality of a large, representative part of the Nation's surface-water and groundwater resources.
Additional Information
The following websites are additional sources of information about this aquifer:
- Texas Water Development Board: Springs Monitoring Program
- Edwards Aquifer Authority
- Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
- San Marcos Salamander Photos - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Digital Library
- Barton Springs Salamander Photos - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Digital Library
Below are other science projects associated with karst aquifers.
Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Basin and Range and Bear River Range Carbonate Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Colorado Plateau Karst
Karst Aquifers: Edwards Balcones Fault Zone Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Edwards-Trinity Plateau Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Upper Floridan and Biscayne Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Madison Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Midwest Paleozoic Carbonate Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: New England Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Ozark Plateau Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Roswell Basin Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Pacific Northwest Pseudokarst Aquifers
Below are publications associated with this karst aquifer.
Geophysical analysis of the Salmon Peak Formation near Amistad Reservoir Dam, Val Verde County, Texas, and Coahuila, Mexico, March 2006, to aid in piezometer placement
Nutrient and biological conditions of selected small streams in the Edwards Plateau, central Texas, 2005-06, and implications for development of nutrient criteria
Water quality in south-central Texas, Texas, 1996–98
Chemical evolution and estimated flow velocity of water in the Trinity Aquifer, south-central Texas
Hydrogeology and ground-water flow in the Edwards-Trinity aquifer-system, west-central, Texas
Hydrogeologic framework of the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system, west-central Texas
Geologic history and hydrogeologic setting of the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system, west-central Texas
Dissolved-solids concentrations and hydrochemical facies in water of the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system, west-central Texas
Simulations of flow in the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system and contiguous hydraulically connected units, west-central Texas
The Edwards-Trinity aquifer, located in the Trans-Pecos and the Edwards Plateau areas, is composed of relatively flat-lying rocks that are generally exposed at the land surface. This aquifer is generally recharged by precipitation; water is mostly unconfined in the shallow parts of the aquifer and is confined in the deeper zones.
The rocks that compose the Edwards-Trinity aquifer are relatively flat-lying and are generally exposed at the land surface in the Trans-Pecos and the Edwards Plateau areas. The geologic formations that compose the Trinity and the Edwards aquifers generally are exposed in updip areas, but they dip eastward and southward beneath younger units and lie deep in the subsurface. The downdip boundary of each aquifer approximately coincides with the farthest updip extent of water that contains 10,000 milligrams per liter dissolved solids. The base of the aquifer slopes generally to the south and southeast. Most of the rocks that underlie the Edwards-Trinity aquifer are much less permeable than those that compose the aquifer and, thus, serve as a barrier to groundwater flow. Locally, however, the underlying rocks are permeable and are hydraulically connected to the Edwards-Trinity aquifer, thus extending the thickness of the flow system. The aquifer is generally recharged by direct precipitation on the land surface. Water is mostly unconfined in the shallow parts of the aquifer and is confined in the deeper zones.
Featured Studies and Datasets
Aquifer-scale studies and the datasets they produce are a key component to understanding how karst aquifers behave, and the quality of water within them.
- National Water-Quality Assessment, South-Central Texas — A program to describe the status and trends in water quality of a large, representative part of the Nation's surface-water and groundwater resources.
Additional Information
The following websites are additional sources of information about this aquifer:
- Texas Water Development Board: Springs Monitoring Program
- Edwards Aquifer Authority
- Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
- San Marcos Salamander Photos - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Digital Library
- Barton Springs Salamander Photos - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Digital Library
Below are other science projects associated with karst aquifers.
Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Basin and Range and Bear River Range Carbonate Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Colorado Plateau Karst
Karst Aquifers: Edwards Balcones Fault Zone Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Edwards-Trinity Plateau Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Upper Floridan and Biscayne Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Madison Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Midwest Paleozoic Carbonate Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: New England Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Ozark Plateau Karst Aquifers
Karst Aquifers: Roswell Basin Aquifer
Karst Aquifers: Pacific Northwest Pseudokarst Aquifers
Below are publications associated with this karst aquifer.