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USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center research geologist Jenna Hill to present recent offshore work on the Cascadia Subduction Zone.

Two people stand on the deck of a large ship as they maneuver equipment suspended from a cabling system.
Marine technicians Jenny McKee and Pete Dal Ferro from the PCMSC Marine Facility (MarFac) guide the jumbo piston corer into position for deployment off M/V Bold Horizon in 2019.

Prior to the 2023 update of the National Seismic Hazards Model (NSHM), the USGS holds a series of workshops to evaluate recent research relating to model inputs and methodologies. This year, three members of our Subduction Zone Marine Geohazards Project (Jenna Hill, Janet Watt, and Nora Nieminski) have been invited to present a summary of offshore work relevant to Cascadia subduction zone interface earthquake recurrence at the Feb. 23, 2021 workshop. During the workshop, scientific experts will discuss the existing logic trees developed for the 2014 HSHM and key recurrence issues and modifications needed for the 2023 update. In addition, numerous members of our larger West Coast and Alaska Geohazards Project have participated in recent virtual workshops to update Seismic Hazard Map Fault Models for California and the Pacific Northwest. Participation in these workshops ensures that our science gets incorporated into these national products that are used to design building codes, set insurance rates, and plan and coordinate emergency response.

For more information, see the NSHMP Workshops page: February 23 - Recurrence Models for Earthquakes on the Cascadia Subduction Zone

A group of people stand, smiling for the camera, on the deck of a ship at sea with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background
USGS scientists on the stern of M/V Bold Horizon in San Francisco Bay. Invited research scientists are Janet Watt and Nora Nieminski, kneeling, along with (and standing behind them in the blue hat) USGS research geologist Jenna Hill, who will give the presentation.

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