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Experiences of experts in managing and researching chronic wasting disease obtained through 2023 semi-structured interviews

The provided dataset is the coded analysis of qualitative semi-structured interviews conducted with managers and researchers who are experts on chronic wasting disease (CWD). CWD is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy disease that affects species in the Cervidae family. CWD has also proven difficult to manage and the disease continues to spread across North America and parts of Europe and As

Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Pecos River Basin alluvial aquifer, Texas, New Mexico

The Pecos River Basin alluvial aquifer, hereinafter referred to as the "Pecos aquifer", is located in western Texas and southeastern New Mexico. The aquifer is primarily composed of alluvial sand and gravel deposits mantled by sand and silt.  The Pecos aquifer overlies Permian, Triassic, and Cretaceous-age rocks. The saturated thickness of the aquifer ranges from 0 to 1000 feet.  The aquifer can

Laboratory Observations of Oscillatory Flow Over Sand Ripples

These datasets comprise of laboratory observations of oscillatory flows over mobile sand ripples. The data were collected in the Small-Oscillatory Flow Tunnel (S-OFT) in the Sediment Dynamics Laboratory at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi (MS), while Donya Frank-Gilchrist was a National Research Council post-doctoral fellow there. The flow tunnel has a 2-m long

Code and data from Castro-Santos et al.: Sprinting performance and behavior of shortnose sturgeon

This data release includes the raw data and code used in Castro-Santos et al. (2024): Sprinting performance and behavior of adult shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum). Notably, the code includes several processes used to differentiate among attempts, quantify attempt rate, distance traversed, and endurance of shortnose sturgeon ascending a telemetered flume. The code can be readily adapted

Prefabricated Zero Ascend Omnispecies (ZAO) Modular Fish Passage Modules Using Advanced Manufacturing Techniques

In this dataset, there are eight text files that provide the raw fish behavior telemetry data and an excel sheet that provides the processed velocity data.

Detecting trajectories of regime shifts and loss of resilience in coastal wetlands using remote sensing

Raster data shows landscape scale trajectories of change as four potential scenarios based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) trends and standard deviation trends using full time series (Scenarios_All_FULL_TS.tif) as well as time series up to LandTrendr breakpoint if detected (Scenarios_All_LT_TS.tif). Time series analysis for trend use Landsat surface reflectance imagery from 1985 t

Row crop and cover crop residue spectra from lab spectrometer and spaceborne PRISMA imagery, Maryland, USA.,2006; 2021-2022. U.S. Geological Survey Data Release.

This data release contains reflectance spectra of residue (senesced vegetation) for common row crops (corn, soybean, winter wheat) as well as diverse cover crops (cereals, legumes, brassicas) collected in the laboratory using Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) spectrophotometers (n = 296) and collected in the field using the Itialian Space Agency's spaceborne PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione

Eastern box turtle detection study field data collected at Patuxent Refuge, Laurel MD

A total of 264 unique turtle shells were observed in the dataset, based on the unique turtle IDs. Dataset Overview: This dataset contain information about various turtle sightings, with each entry detailing the image file and associated metadata for each turtle sighting. The dataset includes the following fields: index: An identifier for each row or entry in the dataset (appears to be auto-generat

Ground-based frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) data from the Illinois River Basin in support of the USGS Next Generation Water Observing System

This data release contains frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) geophysical data collected in fields and forests near and along the banks of the Kankakee River near Hanna, Indiana to observe near surface (top 10 meters or less) electrical conductivity variations, potentially related to soil moisture, lithology, and/or pore fluid conductivity. Both a GEM-2 and a DualEM-421 instrument were used.

CAnVAS Mean Climate Parameters with Uncertainty Estimates (1970-1999 and 2010-2099), Derived from Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACAv2-Livneh) statistically downscaled Global Climate Models

This dataset contains the multi-model means of various climate parameters with uncertainty bounds from the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs statistically downscaled global climate model dataset for different time slices between 1970 and 2099. The data is provided for both the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 W m-2 and 8.5 W m-2 future climate scenarios.

Remote sensing and in-situ data to support chlorophyll-a mapping in Blue Mesa Reservoir from Sentinel-2 imagery

This data set includes estimates of aquatic chlorophyll a concentration and reservoir temperature for Blue Mesa Reservoir, CO. A Random Forest modeling approach was trained to model near-surface aquatic chlorophyll a using near-coincident Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and water samples analyzed for chlorophyll a concentration. The trained chlorophyll a model was applied to Sentinel-2 imagery to pro

Lengths, hatch dates, and piscivory for age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin lakes

Data include lengths, observations on piscivory, and hatch dates for age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin lakes with predicted total length (TL) if the fish would have hatched 7 days earlier or 7 days later.
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