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Cenozoic Coccolith Collection of David Bukry in Oregon and Washington, USA

Micropaleontological data have provided essential stratigraphic age control for geologic investigations in the Cascadia forearc, such as the Coast Range-Olympic Mountains and Puget-Willamette Lowland west of the Cascade Range. Foraminiferal assemblages and, later, coccoliths (calcareous nanoplankton) have been the most abundant microfossils recovered from the Cenozoic sequence. The usefulness of c

Data from the Capture and Collection of Non Die-off Seabirds Across Alaska

This data package contains one table with morphometric and diet information for "non-die-off" seabirds captured and collected in southcentral and southwest Alaska. Data pertains to birds captured (live) or collected (lethally) including, bird identification numbers, sampling dates, geographic locations, body measurements, diets (from either stomach contents or regurgitated prey), and sex and age o

Stream Temperature Models of White River Watershed, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington

Water temperature is an important characteristic of stream conditions with implications for water quality and stream dwelling organisms. This Data Release contains spatial stream network (SSN) objects and R scripts to run SSN models to predict mean monthly stream temperature and 7-day average daily maximum (Max7DAD) during August and September in the White River watershed within Mount Rainier Nati

Phytoplankton Identification and Enumeration Data Collected from Seven Reservoirs in the United States (July to November 2019)

This dataset contains algal identification and enumeration data for phytoplankton samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) between July 2019 and November 2019 at seven reservoirs across the United States. Reservoirs sampled included Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin, Pelican Lake, Minnesota, Lake Ida, Minnesota, Pomme de Terre, Minnesota, Lake Emily, Minnesota, Milford Lake, Kansas, and Jor

Lake Ontario April Prey Fish Bottom Trawl Survey, 1978-2023

This data release includes Lake Ontario prey fish data including species captured, relative abundance, spatial distribution, size structure, and age data from the April or spring prey fish bottom trawl survey, 1978 through 2023. Data from 1978 - 2015 are from U.S. waters of Lake Ontario while data from 2016 - 2023 include both U.S. and Canadian waters of Lake Ontario. Details about the vessel and

Greater sage-grouse habitat suitability 15-years post simulated fire event and sagebrush transplanting (2015-2030)

To assess the degree to which transplanting sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) could quickly restore former sage-grouse habitat and the strategies by which greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) habitat restoration is best accomplished, we linked vegetation transitions with habitat selection models to evaluate habitat recovery. Within our modeling extent (Tuscarora, Nevada

Down-looking camera images of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) within constructed sand and cobble habitats in laboratory microcosms Nov. 2021 – Jan. 2022

These data include down-looking images of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in either cobble or sand substrates within clear acrylic enclosures (0.86-meters (m) long, by 0.56-m wide, by 1.07-m high). Ten individual round goby were added to enclosures for imaging to ensure known abundances in each tank. Images were collected to evaluate the efficiency of image-based methodologies for estimating r

Water stargrass biomass and stream metabolism estimates on the Lower Yakima River (2018 - 2020)

This dataset provides information collected at three stream sites on the lower Yakima River in Washington State during 2018 to 2020 by the U.S. Geological Survey. Sample locations included the Yakima River at Prosser, WA (site ID, 12509489), the Yakima River at Kiona, WA (site ID, 12510500), and the Yakima River at Van Giesen bridge near Richland, WA (site ID, 12511800). Water stargrass biomass wa

Census counts of the non-indigenous benthic foraminifera Trochammina hadai Uchio obtained in 1983-2010 in San Francisco Bay, California

This data release provides census counts of the non-indigenous benthic foraminifera Trochammina hadai Uchio in surface sediment samples obtained in San San Francisco Bay, California from 1983-2010.

Mercury in soil, water, sediment, and biota in headwater streams associated with wildfires in the northwestern U.S., 2021-2022

Comma-separated values (.csv) files containing data related to mercury in soil, water, sediment, in-stream leaf litter, periphyton, and aquatic invertebrates collected in 2021-2022 from headwater streams associated with wildfires in the northwestern U.S.

Attribution of benthic macroinvertebrate sampling data to NHDPlus V2 and NHDPlus HR catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

This data release links benthic macroinvertebrate sites to both the NHDPlus Version 2 and NHDPlus High Resolution Region 02 networks, hereafter referred to as V2 and HR, using the hydrolink methodology. Linked benthic macroinvertebrate sites are those included in the Chesapeake Bay Basin-wide Index of Biotic Integrity (Chessie BIBI) developed by the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin

Capture-recapture data for a restored population of Blue Ridge sculpin (Cottus caeruleomentum) with environmental covariates

This dataset includes spatial capture-recapture data for a restored population of Blue Ridge sculpin (Cottus caeruleomentum) with stream temperature and stream flow observations in Big Hunting Creek, Maryland.
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