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Tissue-specific bioconcentration of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances by fathead minnows from contaminated groundwater at a fire-training area, Cape Cod, Massachusetts from 2019

This data release presents chemical and biological results from an investigation of the uptake of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from groundwater contaminated by fire training activities on Cape Cod, Massachusetts conducted from July to August 2019. An exposure experiment was conducted at an a PFAS contaminated site (FTA-1) near the fire training area (FTA). To assess the tissue-specif

Longitudinal assessment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and co-occurring inorganic and organic contaminants in Neshaminy Creek, Pennsylvania, November 2021

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and co-occurring inorganic and organic contaminants are widely distributed in the environment and understanding their surface water sources is critical for water resource management. In November 2021, 13 sites were sampled along a stream reach in the Neshaminy Creek basin in southeastern Pennsylvania utilizing a time of travel sampling approach. The reach

Water chemistry data observed in experimental laboratory mesocosms exposed to different nitrapyrin and nitrogen amendments in the presence or absence of a nitrifier enriched microbial (NEM) community

These data describe the results of a controlled laboratory mesocosm experiment evaluating the effect of nitrapyrin, a nitrification inhibitor, on nitrification in a nitrifier enriched microbial (NEM) community. Parameters described include the water chemistry and nitrapyrin measurement results of experimental mesocosms. Microbial community data is described in a separate data release.

Growth and survival of a Unionid Mussel (Fatmucket, Lampsilis siliquoidea) and a Common Test Benthic Organism (Amphipod, Hyalella azteca) during Chronic Exposures to Mixtures in Sediment Contaminated by Unregulated Industrial Discharges.

This data set contains toxicity data from 28- and 84-day sediment bioassays to assess the effects of contaminated Kanawha River, West Virginia sediment on juvenile mussels (fatmucket, Lampsilis siliquoidea) and one commonly tested benthic invertebrate (amphipod, Hyalella azteca) following ASTM standard methods for conducting 4-week sediment toxicity tests with the mussel and amphipod. In addition,

Synthetic seismogram data for 3D converted wave reverse time migration imaging of subduction zone structure

The dataset consists of synthetic seismograms recorded using the SPECFEM3D wave propagation software. Data from 8 isotropic earthquake sources were recorded at 630 stations while data from 8 realistic earthquakes were recorded at 520.

Chemical and isotopic compositions of gases from volcanic and geothermal areas in California

Gas chemical and isotopic compositions are reported for samples collected from 9 volcanic and geothermal areas in California: Medicine Lake Volcano, Mount Shasta, Lassen Volcanic Center, Clear Lake Volcanic Field, Mono Lake Volcanic Field, Long Valley Caldera, Mammoth Mountain, Coso Volcanic Field, and Salton Sea Geothermal Field. Beginning in 2014, gas samples were collected as part of the USGS C

Carbon dioxide flux measurements at and adjacent to the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine, Clear Lake Volcanic Field, California

The 2.1 Ma Clear Lake Volcanic Field (Donnelly-Nolan and others, 1981) and the 174 km2 Clear Lake are located ~150 km north of San Francisco, California. Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine (SBMM) is an abandoned mine located on the eastern shore of Clear Lake that was initially worked in 1865 for sulfur, then for mercury until it closed in 1957 (White and Roberson, 1962). The mine was declared a Superfund

National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2001 Land Cover Conterminous United States (ver. 2.0, July 2024)

Disclaimer: this is an historic version of NLCD provided for research and citation purposes. Different release dates of NLCD cannot be used with other release dates for correct analysis. Each release of NLCD generates a complete set of directly comparable products. These products must be used together for correct analysis.  You can find the latest suite of synced products at  The Na

Dike Fields and Macrohabitats of the Lower Missouri River

This project summarizes broad, two-dimensional spatial availability of fish habitat across the Lower Missouri River (from its confluence with the Big Sioux River near Sioux City, Iowa downstream to its confluence with the Mississippi River near St. Louis, Missouri). One of the main objectives of the project was to delineate and categorize dike fields, which we define as areas directly downstream f

Macroinvertebrate communities in Delmarva Peninsula streams, 2022

From 2 April - 29 April 2022, a Virginia Tech team of 2-3 sampled the macroinvertebrate community in 30 Coastal Plain streams (Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, USA) as part of a larger stream-health study including other teams who surveyed geomorphology, water quality, flow, temperature,fish community, and fish health at the same 30 streams. Macroinvertebrates were sampled using a 250 micrometer m

Bathymetric change analysis in San Francisco Bay, California, from 1971 to 2020

This data release supersedes version 1.0, published in April 2023 at Versioning details are documented in the accompanying SFBay_BathyChange_VersionHistory.txt file.  This data release provides bathymetric change grids of four geographic areas of San Francisco Bay, California, comparing digital elevation models (DEMs) created from bathymetric data collected in the

Height, live canopy volume and annual ring widths of cottonwood trees along the Yampa and Green rivers in Dinosaur National Monument and Canyonlands National Park, Colorado and Utah

We measured the percent live canopy and height of randomly-selected cottonwood trees at three sites: Deerlodge Park on the Yampa River (DLP), Island Park on the upper Green (ILP), and Canyonlands National Park on the lower Green (CAN). From these same trees we took increment cores to understand differences in tree growth in each forest over time. This dataset includes four tabular digital files. T
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