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June 8, 2023 — Kīlauea summit thermal maps

A helicopter overflight on June 8, 2023, allowed for aerial visual and thermal imagery to be collected of Halema‘uma‘u crater at the summit of Kīlauea.

June 7, 2023 — Kīlauea summit thermal maps

A helicopter overflight on June 7, 2023, allowed for aerial visual and thermal imagery to be collected of Halema‘uma‘u crater at the summit of Kīlauea. 

June 7, 2023—Kīlauea summit eruption reference map

This reference map depicts the Kīlauea summit eruption on June 7, 2023.

May 23, 2023 — Kīlauea summit thermal maps

An helicopter overflight on May 23, 2023, allowed for aerial visual and thermal imagery to be collected of Halema‘uma‘u crater at the summit of Kīlauea.

Landslides triggered by the 2016–2017 storm season, eastern San Francisco Bay region, California

DiscussionThe winter rainy season of 2016–2017 brought abundant rainfall to the State of California and to the San Francisco Bay region. In January and February of 2017, intense rainfall from strong winter storms saturated soils in the region and triggered thousands of shallow landslides. The highest concentration of these landslides was in the eastern part of the bay region, where landslides in t

Logs and data from the Starthistle trench across a scarp within the Wallula Fault Zone, southeastern Washington

IntroductionThe Wallula Fault Zone is composed of a series of northwest-trending faults and folds that coincide with a prominent magnetic anomaly that extends uninterrupted for approximately 120 kilometers within the Cascadia back arc of southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon. It is part of the geologic structures associated with the topographic lineament known as the Olympic-Wallowa line

May 3, 2023 — Kīlauea summit thermal maps

A helicopter overflight on May 3, 2023, allowed for aerial visual and thermal imagery to be collected of Halema‘uma‘u crater at the summit of Kīlauea.

Using the potassium-argon laser experiment (KArLE) to date ancient, low-K chondritic meteorites

Several laboratories have been investigating the feasibility of in situ K-Ar dating for use in future landing planetary missions. One drawback of these laboratory demonstrations is the insufficient analogy of the analyzed analog samples with expected future targets. We present the results obtained using the K-Ar laser experiment (KArLE) on two old and K-poor chondritic samples, Pułtusk and Hvittis

March 14, 2023—Kīlauea summit eruption reference map

The Kīlauea summit eruption has been paused since Tuesday, March 7, 2023, and this reference map depicts the Halema‘uma‘u crater floor in its present noneruptive state.

March 10, 2023 — Kīlauea summit thermal map

A helicopter overflight on March 10, 2023, allowed for aerial visual and thermal imagery to be collected of Halema‘uma‘u crater at the summit of Kīlauea.

Three-dimensional geologic map the southeastern Gabbs Valley geothermal area, Nevada

This three-dimensional (3D) geologic map displays the subsurface geology in the upper ~4 kilometers of the Earth’s crust in the southeastern Gabbs Valley geothermal area of west-central Nevada. The 3D map was constructed by integrating the results from detailed geologic mapping, 3D gravity inversion modeling, and potential-field-geophysical studies. This effort was undertaken as part of the Nevada

Geologic map and hydrogeologic investigations of the upper Santa Cruz River basin, southern Arizona

This report includes an updated geologic map and cross sections of the upper Santa Cruz River basin, southern Arizona. The map and cross sections describe the geometry, thickness, and structure of the Miocene to Holocene units which form the main aquifers in the basin. The report also includes results of new hydrogeologic studies including (1) mapping and defining depth to bedrock based on geophys
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