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An official USGS software project is code reviewed and approved at the bureau-level for distribution.

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Dam Removal Information Portal Dashboard Python Dash Software

The Dam Removal Information Portal (DRIP) contains information about the geographic locations of dam removals and any associated scientific studies evaluating outcomes to physical, biological, and water quality parameters. This application uses Python DASH to help distribute and visualize information from the Dam Removal Information Portal API (DRIP API).

Data analysis and figures for Differences in Rhizosphere Microbial Communities Between Native and Non-Native Phragmites australis May Depend on Stand Density

This repository holds the code to reproduce the data analyses and figures found in "Differences in Rhizosphere Microbial Communities Between Native and Non-Native Phragmites australis May Depend on Stand Density" published in Ecology and Evolution written by Wesley A. Bickford, Donald R. Zak, Kurt P. Kowalski, and Deborah E. Goldberg.

pydrip - Software to manage and update data for DRIP

This package handles retrieval and preparation of the source data for DRIP. Source data currently come from two sources. The Dam Removal Science Database is distributed by USGS in ScienceBase ( and a complete list of dam removals is distributed by American Rivers in Figshare. We provide these efforts as a package in order to support full transparency on what we a

FloPy: Python Package for Creating, Running, and Post-Processing MODFLOW-Based Models

FloPy is a Python package for creating, running, and post-processing MODFLOW-based models.

Coupled Agent-Based and State-and-Transition Simulation Model

Agent-based models (ABMs) and state-and-transition simulation models (STSMs) have proven useful for understanding processes underlying social-ecological systems and evaluating practical questions about how systems might respond to different scenarios. ABMs can simulate a variety of agents (i.e., autonomous units, such as wildlife, people, or viruses); agent characteristics, decision-making, adapti

VMT Hydroacoustics Software

The Velocity Mapping Toolbox (VMT) is a Matlab-based software for processing and visualizing ADCP data collected along transects in rivers or other bodies of water. VMT allows rapid processing, visualization, and analysis of a range of ADCP datasets and includes utilities to export ADCP data to files compatible with ArcGIS, Tecplot, and Google Earth.

QRev 2 and 3

QRev is a USGS-developed MATLAB program that computes the discharge from a moving-boat ADCP measurement using data collected with any of the Teledyne RD Instrument (TRDI) or SonTek bottom tracking ADCPs. QRev improves the consistency and efficiency of processing streamflow measurements.

Extrap Hydroacoustics Software

Tool to assist in selecting an appropriate extrapolation method for ADCP discharge computations.

AreaComp Hydroacoustics Software

AreaComp is a software for computing stage area ratings from hydrologic measurements.

Stationary Moving-Bed Analysis (SMBA) Software

Stationary Moving-Bed Analysis (SMBA) computes the dot product of the bottom track vector onto the unit water vector and determines the moving bed velocity in the upstream direction relative to the water velocity vector. This program is applicable to all stationary moving bed test.

RSMatrix Hydroacoustics Software

The purpose of RSMatrix is to provide an program that can be run outside Matlab and used by non-Matlab owners to read the ADCP transformation matrices from a RiverSurveyor Live generated Matlab file.

Loop Correction Software (LC)

The LC program automates the application of the loop method for correcting discharges measured using bottom track with a moving bed present.

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