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Data Access Tools

Data Access Tools include APIs and search and query forms. 

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North Carolina Rainfall Map

Map of North Carolina rain gages with National Weather Service precipitation overlays.

Georgia Water Use

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) South Atlantic Water Science Center and the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources have been collecting and compiling water-use information in Georgia since 1980 as part of an ongoing cooperative agreement.

Groundwater Conditions of Georgia

The Groundwater Conditions of Georgia web tool has interactive maps and graphs, that calculate water level trends over time. The application is a continuation of a series of reports begun in 1978.

U.S. Geological Survey National Produced Waters Geochemical Database (ver. 3.0, December 2023) Viewer

The U.S. Geological Survey National Produced Waters Geochemical Database Viewer (ver. 3.0) provides access to an updated compilation of geochemical and related information for water from oil and gas wells in the United States. The information includes identification and location information, well descriptions, dates, rock properties, physical properties of the water, organic chemistry and more.

Boneau and Williamson Reservoir Water-Quality Sites

Follow the link above to access water-quality and fish tissue results for Boneau and Williamson Reservoir.

REmote Aquatic Chlorophyll-a Tracker (REACT)

This tool shows the presence of aquatic chlorophyll-a in select waterbodies. Note: This tool indicates the presence of aquatic chlorophyll-a and should not be used to determine if a toxic cyanobacterial bloom (harmful algal bloom) is present.

Baseflow Forecasts for Selected Sites in the United States

The Baseflow Forecast Web Tool allows you to access baseflow forecasts at thousands of locations across the Nation.

Tunnicliff wetland sites in Montana

Tunnicliff wetland sites in Montana

Sportsman wetland sites in Montana

Sportsman wetland sites in Montana

Silicon Mountain wetland sites in Montana

Silicon Mountain wetland sites in Montana

Schrieber wetland sites in Montana

Schrieber wetland sites in Montana
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