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Peatland responses to centennial and millennial-scale changes in North Pacific hydroclimate- Miriam Jones

This study will examine centennial- to millennial-scale North Pacific hydroclimate variability over the late-glacial and Holocene from Alaskan peatlands using cellulose extraction from peatland plants. Hydroclimate analysis will be coupled with vegetation and carbon dynamics to better understand how peatlands respond to long-term climate variability.

Peatland responses to centennial and millennial-scale changes in North Pacific hydroclimate- Miriam Jones

This study will examine centennial- to millennial-scale North Pacific hydroclimate variability over the late-glacial and Holocene from Alaskan peatlands using cellulose extraction from peatland plants. Hydroclimate analysis will be coupled with vegetation and carbon dynamics to better understand how peatlands respond to long-term climate variability.
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Groundwater Storage - Middle East / North Africa- Daniel Goode

The goal of this activity is to improve water security in the MENA region by accelerating ASR. This activity will accelerate adoption of ASR by applying and disseminating new methods for mapping and identifying high potential ASR locations using remote sensing, geospatial data, and hydrologic analysis.

Groundwater Storage - Middle East / North Africa- Daniel Goode

The goal of this activity is to improve water security in the MENA region by accelerating ASR. This activity will accelerate adoption of ASR by applying and disseminating new methods for mapping and identifying high potential ASR locations using remote sensing, geospatial data, and hydrologic analysis.
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Floodplain interaction with watershed and estuarine processes: impacts on water quality- Greg Noe

Seeking an energized intern to work with us to advance the science of wetland-water quality interactions in watersheds. Come and be a part of our interdisciplinary team to push science forward while learning about careers in the USGS. You can add your research capabilities and perspectives to our existing umbrella of studies and also learn new approaches, measurements, and modeling techniques.

Floodplain interaction with watershed and estuarine processes: impacts on water quality- Greg Noe

Seeking an energized intern to work with us to advance the science of wetland-water quality interactions in watersheds. Come and be a part of our interdisciplinary team to push science forward while learning about careers in the USGS. You can add your research capabilities and perspectives to our existing umbrella of studies and also learn new approaches, measurements, and modeling techniques.
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Fighting the Tide: Combating Coral Disease and Disappearance Within the Florida Reef Tract Using Models- Daniel Walsh

In an unprecedented large-scale mortality event, Florida has lost >90% of many coral species. This event is unusual due to its expansive spatial extent, the number of affected species (at least 21 scleractinian coral species), and severity of losses (> 95% for Dendrogyra cylindrus), effectively eliminating some species from the tract.

Fighting the Tide: Combating Coral Disease and Disappearance Within the Florida Reef Tract Using Models- Daniel Walsh

In an unprecedented large-scale mortality event, Florida has lost >90% of many coral species. This event is unusual due to its expansive spatial extent, the number of affected species (at least 21 scleractinian coral species), and severity of losses (> 95% for Dendrogyra cylindrus), effectively eliminating some species from the tract.
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Evaluation of the National Streamgage Network to Support Surface Water Characterization- Chris Konrad

How can our national streamgage network evolve to meet changing demands in the coming fifty years? This is an opportunity to explore the varied uses of the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Streamgage Network and understand how it can be used to support water management across the country and how it can be more effectively designed.

Evaluation of the National Streamgage Network to Support Surface Water Characterization- Chris Konrad

How can our national streamgage network evolve to meet changing demands in the coming fifty years? This is an opportunity to explore the varied uses of the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Streamgage Network and understand how it can be used to support water management across the country and how it can be more effectively designed.
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Response of a tidal brackish marsh to global change drivers: an ecosystem level manipulation of warming and elevated carbon dioxide- Glenn Guntenspergen

The USGS and the Smithsonian Institution have initiated the first in situ active aboveground and belowground warming experiment in a coastal wetland that is focused on wetland temperature responses and also examines the interaction between warming, elevated CO2, and inundation frequency on wetland resilience in the face of changes in global change drivers.

Response of a tidal brackish marsh to global change drivers: an ecosystem level manipulation of warming and elevated carbon dioxide- Glenn Guntenspergen

The USGS and the Smithsonian Institution have initiated the first in situ active aboveground and belowground warming experiment in a coastal wetland that is focused on wetland temperature responses and also examines the interaction between warming, elevated CO2, and inundation frequency on wetland resilience in the face of changes in global change drivers.
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Opening the black box -- digging into watershed dissolved organic carbon (DOC) processes to interpret DOC dynamics at the outlet- James Shanley

As a leading team in stream sensor application, we welcome a GRIP intern to help expand our focus on DOC quality. The intern will have free experimental reign in an established research watershed with great opportunities to publish. This position is set in a beautiful small town /rural setting with plenty of outdoor recreational activities.

Opening the black box -- digging into watershed dissolved organic carbon (DOC) processes to interpret DOC dynamics at the outlet- James Shanley

As a leading team in stream sensor application, we welcome a GRIP intern to help expand our focus on DOC quality. The intern will have free experimental reign in an established research watershed with great opportunities to publish. This position is set in a beautiful small town /rural setting with plenty of outdoor recreational activities.
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Assessment of Infiltration and Recharge due to Wetland Restoration in a Semiarid Ecosystem- Laura M. Norman

This intern will work with an exciting team of scientists to develop novel approaches to assess wetland restoration. Methods include documenting baseline conditions and monitoring site evolution, hydrologic modeling, using shallow piezometers to estimate recharge and storage change, tracking streambed water exchanges using heat as a tracer, and estimating percolation using electrical resistivity.

Assessment of Infiltration and Recharge due to Wetland Restoration in a Semiarid Ecosystem- Laura M. Norman

This intern will work with an exciting team of scientists to develop novel approaches to assess wetland restoration. Methods include documenting baseline conditions and monitoring site evolution, hydrologic modeling, using shallow piezometers to estimate recharge and storage change, tracking streambed water exchanges using heat as a tracer, and estimating percolation using electrical resistivity.
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