Amanda Garcia
Amanda is a Hydrologist and Groundwater Section Supervisor at the Oregon Water Science Center in Bend, Oregon. She has been with the USGS since 2000 investigating water flow, water availability, contaminant transport, and water sourcing across the groundwater-to-atmosphere continuum.
Education and Certifications
B.S. in Geosystems Engineering and Hydrogeology at the University of Texas at Austin
M.S. in Hydrogeology at the University of Nevada, Reno
Science and Products
Water-level change from a multiple-well aquifer test in volcanic rocks, Umatilla Indian Reservation near Mission, northeastern Oregon, 2016
Groundwater resources of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon
Groundwater resources of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon
Hydrologic budget of the Harney Basin groundwater system, southeastern Oregon
Hydraulic characterization of carbonate-rock and basin-fill aquifers near Long Canyon, Goshute Valley, northeastern Nevada
Evaluation of hydrologic impact of an irrigation curtailment program in the Upper Klamath Lake Basin using Landsat satellite data
Evaluating micrometeorological estimates of groundwater discharge from Great Basin desert playas
Groundwater discharge by evapotranspiration, flow of water in unsaturated soil, and stable isotope water sourcing in areas of sparse vegetation, Amargosa Desert, Nye County, Nevada
A process to estimate net infiltration using a site-scale water-budget approach, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site, Nevada, 2002–05
Hydraulic characterization of volcanic rocks in Pahute Mesa using an integrated analysis of 16 multiple-well aquifer tests, Nevada National Security Site, 2009–14
Budgets and chemical characterization of groundwater for the Diamond Valley flow system, central Nevada, 2011–12
Hydrogeologic framework and occurrence, movement, and chemical characterization of groundwater in Dixie Valley, west-central Nevada
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Recharge to the Columbia River Basalt Groundwater System
Harney Basin Groundwater Study
Walla Walla River Basin groundwater-flow system, Oregon-Washington
Hydraulic Characterization of Aquifers near Long Canyon, Nevada
Multiple-Well Aquifer-Test Data and Results, Umatilla Indian Reservation near Mission, Northeastern Oregon, 2016
Supplemental Data: Hydrologic Budget of the Harney Basin Groundwater System, Southeastern Oregon, 1982-2016
Location Information, Discharge, and Water-Quality Data for Selected Wells, Springs, and Streams in the Harney Basin, Oregon
Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model archive used to simulate mean annual upland recharge from infiltration of precipitation and snowmelt in Harney Basin, Oregon, 1982-2016
Appendixes and Supplemental Data: Hydraulic Characterization of Carbonate-Rock and Basin-Fill Aquifers near Long Canyon, Goshute Valley, Northeastern Nevada, 2011-2016
Phreatophytic Shrublands and Grasslands, Historical (1990-2019) Trends in Groundwater Levels, Precipitation, and Air Temperature, Historical (1955-2016) Trends in Snow-Water Equivalent, and Projected Future (2040-99) Climate and Hydrology Anomalies across
MODFLOW-2005 and PEST models used to simulate the 2016 carbonate-rock aquifer test and characterize hydraulic properties of carbonate-rock and basin-fill aquifers near Long Canyon, Goshute Valley, northeastern Nevada
Contour Dataset of the Potentiometric Surfaces of Shallow and Deep Groundwater-Level Altitudes in Harney Basin, Oregon, February-March 2018
Assessing the impact of irrigation curtailment using Landsat satellite data: A case study in the Upper Klamath Lake basin
Supplemental data from: A Process to Estimate Net Infiltration using a Site-Scale Water-Budget Approach, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site, 2002-05
Supplemental data from: Hydraulic Characterization of Volcanic Rocks in Pahute Mesa Using an Integrated Analysis of 16 Multiple-Well Aquifer Tests, Nevada National Security Site, 200914
MODFLOW model used to simulate multiple-well aquifer tests and characterize hydraulic properties of volcanic rocks in Pahute Mesa
Science and Products
Water-level change from a multiple-well aquifer test in volcanic rocks, Umatilla Indian Reservation near Mission, northeastern Oregon, 2016
Groundwater resources of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon
Groundwater resources of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon
Hydrologic budget of the Harney Basin groundwater system, southeastern Oregon
Hydraulic characterization of carbonate-rock and basin-fill aquifers near Long Canyon, Goshute Valley, northeastern Nevada
Evaluation of hydrologic impact of an irrigation curtailment program in the Upper Klamath Lake Basin using Landsat satellite data
Evaluating micrometeorological estimates of groundwater discharge from Great Basin desert playas
Groundwater discharge by evapotranspiration, flow of water in unsaturated soil, and stable isotope water sourcing in areas of sparse vegetation, Amargosa Desert, Nye County, Nevada
A process to estimate net infiltration using a site-scale water-budget approach, Rainier Mesa, Nevada National Security Site, Nevada, 2002–05
Hydraulic characterization of volcanic rocks in Pahute Mesa using an integrated analysis of 16 multiple-well aquifer tests, Nevada National Security Site, 2009–14
Budgets and chemical characterization of groundwater for the Diamond Valley flow system, central Nevada, 2011–12
Hydrogeologic framework and occurrence, movement, and chemical characterization of groundwater in Dixie Valley, west-central Nevada
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.