Amy Yoder
Amy Yoder is a hydrologist with the USGS Oregon Water Science Center.
Amy's primary research focuses are groundwater-surface water interactions and water quality. She is involved in studies of groundwater availability, hydrogeologic characterization, and metals and nutrients in riverine and reservoir environments.
Professional Experience
Hydrologist, USGS Oregon Water Science Center, May 2023 - Present
Hydrologist, USGS Idaho Water Science Center, November 2021 - May 2023
Studies Section Hydrologic Technician, USGS Idaho Water Science Center, July 2019 - November 2021
Education and Certifications
M.S., Sciences, 2018, University of California, Davis
B.S., Geohydrology, 2015, Montana State University
Science and Products
Water quality modeling results of total phosphorus for the lower Boise River near Parma, Idaho 2002 - 2021
Mercury Stable Isotope Measurements in Water and Suspended Particulate Matter from Snake River Tributaries in Idaho and Oregon, USA
Hydrological, Chemical, and Biological Characterization of the Snake River and Associated Tributaries and Irrigation Drains from River Mile 448 to 346, 2022
Chemical characterization of water and suspended sediment of the Snake River and Hells Canyon Complex (Idaho, Oregon) (ver. 3.0, November 2023)
Longitudinal and seasonal changes of organic matter sources through a semi-arid river-reservoir system
Mercury sources and budget for the Snake River above a hydroelectric reservoir complex
Biogeochemical and hydrologic synergy control mercury fate in an arid land river-reservoir system
In-reservoir physical processes modulate aqueous and biological methylmercury export from a seasonally anoxic reservoir
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Water quality modeling results of total phosphorus for the lower Boise River near Parma, Idaho 2002 - 2021
Mercury Stable Isotope Measurements in Water and Suspended Particulate Matter from Snake River Tributaries in Idaho and Oregon, USA
Hydrological, Chemical, and Biological Characterization of the Snake River and Associated Tributaries and Irrigation Drains from River Mile 448 to 346, 2022
Chemical characterization of water and suspended sediment of the Snake River and Hells Canyon Complex (Idaho, Oregon) (ver. 3.0, November 2023)
Longitudinal and seasonal changes of organic matter sources through a semi-arid river-reservoir system
Mercury sources and budget for the Snake River above a hydroelectric reservoir complex
Biogeochemical and hydrologic synergy control mercury fate in an arid land river-reservoir system
In-reservoir physical processes modulate aqueous and biological methylmercury export from a seasonally anoxic reservoir
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.