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Blake Hossack, Ph.D.

Blake Hossack's research is focused on measuring population and community responses to climate change, energy development, invasive species, and wetland mitigation and management

Research Interests

Most of Blake's research is focused on wetlands and amphibians, with long-term research areas in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem (Montana), Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (Wyoming), southern Arizona and Mexico, the northern Great Plains, and the subarctic (Manitoba). To improve conservation success, Blake has increasingly sought to integrate research into management applications. He is stationed at the University of Montana in Missoula, Montana, where he coordinates activities for the Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI).


Current Research Projects:

  • Long-term research on amphibians and wetlands in the Desert Southwest, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, and Crown of the Continent Ecosystem
  • Effects of disease on imperiled amphibian populations
  • Designing citizen science programs for research on effects of climate change on wetland communities in the Canadian Subarctic
  • Measurement of the threat of climate to aquatic species, their capacity for local adaptation, and adaptive management to reduce threats.
  • Integrating metapopulation ecology and landscape ecology for improved population viability analysis and conservation decision-making.
  • Quantifying the ecological value of mitigation and other constructed wetlands
  • Informing recovery of threatened and endangered amphibians in the US-Mexico Borderlands 
  • Effects of energy development on wetland communities in the Prairie Pothole Region
  • Using environmental DNA (eDNA) to detect and monitor pathogens and rare herpetofauna
  • Documenting responses of aquatic communities to installation of beaver dam analog structures in headwater streams in prairie and sagebrush lands
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