Bryan Downing (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Spatially Explicit Mapping of Hydrologic Residence Time Paired with Water Quality Measurements to Determine the Effects of the Emergency Drought Barrier
Assessment of Baseline Conditions in Liberty Cut
Causes and Relevance of Phytoplankton Blooms in the Northern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Effects of Aquatic Vegetation on Water Quality and Residence Time in the Bay-Delta
Assessing spatial variability of nutrients, phytoplankton and related water-quality constituents in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta at the landscape scale: 2020-2021 High-resolution mapping surveys
Assessing spatial variability of nutrients, phytoplankton, and related water quality constituents in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta during treated wastewater effluent holds: August and September 2019 high resolution mapping surveys
Assessing spatial variability of nutrients, phytoplankton, and related water quality constituents in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta related to the 2015 installation of the False River Emergency Drought Barrier: 2015 and 2016 high-resolution m
Laboratory and Field Data for a Performance Evaluation of the PhytoFind, an In-Place Phytoplankton Classification Tool
Absorbance and fluorescence measurements and concentrations of disinfection by-products in source water and finished water in the McKenzie River Basin, Oregon: 2012-2014
Characterization of water residence time, nutrients, phytoplankton and related water quality constituents in the Cache Slough Complex of the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in 2017 and 2018
Spatial assessment of nutrients and water-quality constituents in Suisun Marsh with the salinity control gate reoperation experiment; a Delta Smelt Resiliency Strategy experiment 2018
Assessment of water-quality in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta during a North Delta directed flow action: August - October 2018
Assessment of nutrients and water-quality constituents in the North Delta during Yolo Bypass flooding events in March 2017
Assessment of nutrients and water-quality constituents at the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Confluence during a phytoplankton bloom in July 2017
High-Resolution Measurements to Identify Effects of Aquatic Vegetation on Water Quality and Stratification
High-speed, continuous water quality mapping of Utah Lake, Salt Lake City, UT
Assessing spatial variability of nutrients, phytoplankton, and related water-quality constituents in the California Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta at the landscape scale—2018 high resolution mapping surveys
Physics to fish—Understanding the factors that create and sustain native fish habitat in the San Francisco Estuary
A novel boat-based field application of a high-frequency conductometric ammonium analyzer to characterize spatial variation in aquatic ecosystems
Field techniques for fluorescence measurements targeting dissolved organic matter, hydrocarbons, and wastewater in environmental waters: Principles and guidelines for instrument selection, operation and maintenance, quality assurance, and data reporting
Field techniques for the determination of algal pigment fluorescence in environmental waters—Principles and guidelines for instrument and sensor selection, operation, quality assurance, and data reporting
The use of algal fluorometers by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has become increasingly common. The basic principles of algal fluorescence, instrument calibration, interferences, data quantification, data interpretation, and quality control are given in Hambrook Berkman and Canova (2007). Much of the guidance given for instrument maintenance, data storage, and quality assurance in Wagner and ot
Technical note—Performance evaluation of the PhytoFind, an in-place phytoplankton classification tool
Sources and characteristics of dissolved organic carbon in the McKenzie River, Oregon, related to the formation of disinfection by-products in treated drinking water
The use of stable isotope-based water age to evaluate a hydrodynamic model
Spatial variability of phytoplankton in a shallow tidal freshwater system reveals complex controls on abundance and community structure
Procedures for using the Horiba Scientific Aqualog® fluorometer to measure absorbance and fluorescence from dissolved organic matter
Using paired in situ high frequency nitrate measurements to better understand controls on nitrate concentrations and estimate nitrification rates in a wastewater-impacted river
An introduction to high-frequency nutrient and biogeochemical monitoring for the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, northern California
Science and Products
Spatially Explicit Mapping of Hydrologic Residence Time Paired with Water Quality Measurements to Determine the Effects of the Emergency Drought Barrier
Assessment of Baseline Conditions in Liberty Cut
Causes and Relevance of Phytoplankton Blooms in the Northern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Effects of Aquatic Vegetation on Water Quality and Residence Time in the Bay-Delta
Assessing spatial variability of nutrients, phytoplankton and related water-quality constituents in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta at the landscape scale: 2020-2021 High-resolution mapping surveys
Assessing spatial variability of nutrients, phytoplankton, and related water quality constituents in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta during treated wastewater effluent holds: August and September 2019 high resolution mapping surveys
Assessing spatial variability of nutrients, phytoplankton, and related water quality constituents in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta related to the 2015 installation of the False River Emergency Drought Barrier: 2015 and 2016 high-resolution m
Laboratory and Field Data for a Performance Evaluation of the PhytoFind, an In-Place Phytoplankton Classification Tool
Absorbance and fluorescence measurements and concentrations of disinfection by-products in source water and finished water in the McKenzie River Basin, Oregon: 2012-2014
Characterization of water residence time, nutrients, phytoplankton and related water quality constituents in the Cache Slough Complex of the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in 2017 and 2018
Spatial assessment of nutrients and water-quality constituents in Suisun Marsh with the salinity control gate reoperation experiment; a Delta Smelt Resiliency Strategy experiment 2018
Assessment of water-quality in the California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta during a North Delta directed flow action: August - October 2018
Assessment of nutrients and water-quality constituents in the North Delta during Yolo Bypass flooding events in March 2017
Assessment of nutrients and water-quality constituents at the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Confluence during a phytoplankton bloom in July 2017
High-Resolution Measurements to Identify Effects of Aquatic Vegetation on Water Quality and Stratification
High-speed, continuous water quality mapping of Utah Lake, Salt Lake City, UT
Assessing spatial variability of nutrients, phytoplankton, and related water-quality constituents in the California Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta at the landscape scale—2018 high resolution mapping surveys
Physics to fish—Understanding the factors that create and sustain native fish habitat in the San Francisco Estuary
A novel boat-based field application of a high-frequency conductometric ammonium analyzer to characterize spatial variation in aquatic ecosystems
Field techniques for fluorescence measurements targeting dissolved organic matter, hydrocarbons, and wastewater in environmental waters: Principles and guidelines for instrument selection, operation and maintenance, quality assurance, and data reporting
Field techniques for the determination of algal pigment fluorescence in environmental waters—Principles and guidelines for instrument and sensor selection, operation, quality assurance, and data reporting
The use of algal fluorometers by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has become increasingly common. The basic principles of algal fluorescence, instrument calibration, interferences, data quantification, data interpretation, and quality control are given in Hambrook Berkman and Canova (2007). Much of the guidance given for instrument maintenance, data storage, and quality assurance in Wagner and ot