A school of humpback chub swimming in Havasu Creek, Grand Canyon. Photo by David Herasimtschuk, Freshwaters Illustrated, paid for and used with permission by USGS Southwest Biological Science Center.
Charles B Yackulic, Ph.D.
Charles Yackulic is a research statistician with the Southwest Biological Science Center.
Dr. Yackulic's research primarily focuses on developing and fitting statistical models that integrate multiple data sources, link environmental drivers and management actions to population and ecosystem processes, and can be used to make near and long-term forecasting of system dynamics under different management alternatives. Areas of particular interest include species distribution dynamics, population dynamics, interspecific interactions, animal movement, food web dynamics and river metabolism.
Professional Experience
2011-present: Research Statistician, USGS Southwest Biological Science Center, Flagstaff, AZ
2010-2011: National Science Foundation (NSF) postdoc in Bioinformatics, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, MD
2009-2010: Postdoctoral Researcher, Columbia University, NY
Education and Certifications
2009 - Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Columbia University, NY
2003 - MSc. in Environmental Change and Management, Oxford University, UK
2001 - B.A. in Biology (major) and Math (minor), Columbia University, NY
Science and Products
Rainbow Trout in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon
Smallmouth bass expansion downstream of Glen Canyon Dam
Population Dynamics of Threatened Humpback Chub in Grand Canyon
The Impacts of Climate Change and Water Supply Management on Fish in the Colorado River
Uncovering the Base of the Food Web: Primary Production Dynamics in the Colorado River
Continental-scale overview of stream primary productivity, its links to water quality, and consequences for aquatic carbon biogeochemistry
Forecasting smallmouth bass invasion under different management scenarios for Lake Powell releases, 2024-2027
Dissolved oxygen predictions for releases from Lake Powell under different management scenarios for Lake Powell releases
Predicted hydropower impacts of different management scenarios for Lake Powell releases
Modelled Lake Powell releases and reservoir elevations under different alternative management scenarios
Various Lake Powell data used for predicting smallmouth bass entrainment rates and population growth based on thermal suitability below and downstream of Glen Canyon Dam
Discharge and water temperature data, Lake Powell thermal profiles, and Annual Thermal Units used to assess reintroduction feasibility of Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
Mark-recapture and environmental data used to predict flannelmouth sucker (Catostomous latippinis) growth rates within the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon from April 2012 to October 2018
Humpback chub (Gila cypha) capture histories and growth data for two areas in the Colorado River network from 2009-2022 and 2017-2022
Brown trout movement data in Glen and Grand Canyons, Arizona, USA
Proximal and distal factors associated with the decline in secondary invertebrate prey production in the Colorado River, Glen Canyon, Arizona.
Gross primary production estimates and associated light, sediment, and water quality data from the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam
Rainbow trout diet and invertebrate drift data from 2012-2015 for the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona
A school of humpback chub swimming in Havasu Creek, Grand Canyon. Photo by David Herasimtschuk, Freshwaters Illustrated, paid for and used with permission by USGS Southwest Biological Science Center.
Aspects of the demography of a relict population of southwestern pond turtles (Actinemys pallida) in a West Mojave Desert stream in California
Modeling the impacts of Glen Canyon Dam operations on Colorado River resources
Fishes move to transient local refuges, not persistent landscape refuges during river drying experiment
Estimating migration timing and abundance in partial migratory systems by integrating continuous antenna detections with physical captures
Environmental variation structures reproduction and recruitment in long-lived mega-herbivores: Galapagos giant tortoises
Utilizing artificial nesting platforms as a management tool: Enhancing breeding productivity of Western Flycatchers (Empidonax difficilis occidentalis) in southwestern Colorado and southern Arizona, USA
U.S. Geological Survey Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center: Proceedings of the fiscal year 2023 annual reporting meeting to the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program
Macroscale controls determine the recovery of river ecosystem productivity following flood disturbances
Range-wide trends in tiger conservation landscapes, 2001 - 2020
Migration timing and tributary use of spawning flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis)
Genetic erosion in an endangered desert fish during a multidecadal megadrought despite long-term supportive breeding
Storms and pH of dam releases affect downstream phosphorus cycling in an arid regulated river
Colorado River Basin Projects
The Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology Team has created an interactive map of USGS projects to highlight the integrated science currently conducted within the Colorado River Basin. These projects are not all inclusive of the work conducted by the USGS within the CRB, but highlight the broad range of integrated science currently conducted.
Science and Products
Rainbow Trout in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon
Smallmouth bass expansion downstream of Glen Canyon Dam
Population Dynamics of Threatened Humpback Chub in Grand Canyon
The Impacts of Climate Change and Water Supply Management on Fish in the Colorado River
Uncovering the Base of the Food Web: Primary Production Dynamics in the Colorado River
Continental-scale overview of stream primary productivity, its links to water quality, and consequences for aquatic carbon biogeochemistry
Forecasting smallmouth bass invasion under different management scenarios for Lake Powell releases, 2024-2027
Dissolved oxygen predictions for releases from Lake Powell under different management scenarios for Lake Powell releases
Predicted hydropower impacts of different management scenarios for Lake Powell releases
Modelled Lake Powell releases and reservoir elevations under different alternative management scenarios
Various Lake Powell data used for predicting smallmouth bass entrainment rates and population growth based on thermal suitability below and downstream of Glen Canyon Dam
Discharge and water temperature data, Lake Powell thermal profiles, and Annual Thermal Units used to assess reintroduction feasibility of Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
Mark-recapture and environmental data used to predict flannelmouth sucker (Catostomous latippinis) growth rates within the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon from April 2012 to October 2018
Humpback chub (Gila cypha) capture histories and growth data for two areas in the Colorado River network from 2009-2022 and 2017-2022
Brown trout movement data in Glen and Grand Canyons, Arizona, USA
Proximal and distal factors associated with the decline in secondary invertebrate prey production in the Colorado River, Glen Canyon, Arizona.
Gross primary production estimates and associated light, sediment, and water quality data from the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam
Rainbow trout diet and invertebrate drift data from 2012-2015 for the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona
A school of humpback chub swimming in Havasu Creek, Grand Canyon. Photo by David Herasimtschuk, Freshwaters Illustrated, paid for and used with permission by USGS Southwest Biological Science Center.
A school of humpback chub swimming in Havasu Creek, Grand Canyon. Photo by David Herasimtschuk, Freshwaters Illustrated, paid for and used with permission by USGS Southwest Biological Science Center.
Aspects of the demography of a relict population of southwestern pond turtles (Actinemys pallida) in a West Mojave Desert stream in California
Modeling the impacts of Glen Canyon Dam operations on Colorado River resources
Fishes move to transient local refuges, not persistent landscape refuges during river drying experiment
Estimating migration timing and abundance in partial migratory systems by integrating continuous antenna detections with physical captures
Environmental variation structures reproduction and recruitment in long-lived mega-herbivores: Galapagos giant tortoises
Utilizing artificial nesting platforms as a management tool: Enhancing breeding productivity of Western Flycatchers (Empidonax difficilis occidentalis) in southwestern Colorado and southern Arizona, USA
U.S. Geological Survey Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center: Proceedings of the fiscal year 2023 annual reporting meeting to the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program
Macroscale controls determine the recovery of river ecosystem productivity following flood disturbances
Range-wide trends in tiger conservation landscapes, 2001 - 2020
Migration timing and tributary use of spawning flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis)
Genetic erosion in an endangered desert fish during a multidecadal megadrought despite long-term supportive breeding
Storms and pH of dam releases affect downstream phosphorus cycling in an arid regulated river
Colorado River Basin Projects
The Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology Team has created an interactive map of USGS projects to highlight the integrated science currently conducted within the Colorado River Basin. These projects are not all inclusive of the work conducted by the USGS within the CRB, but highlight the broad range of integrated science currently conducted.