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Christopher Holm-Denoma

Chris Holm-Denoma is a Research Geologist at the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver, CO.

He is currently involved in studies related to the structure, tectonics, and geochronology of regions with mineral deposits. Chris started his career at the the USGS as a postdoc in the Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program where he studied the structure and stratigraphy of the Roberts Mountains allochthon as related to Carlin-type Au deposits. Chris was an Lecturer at the University of Vermont from 2007-2008 where he taught Introductory Geology, Petrology, and a seminar in Appalachian Geology. He also spent a year in Minneapolis as a visiting scholar at the University of Minnesota and concurrently taught Geology and Oceanography courses at North Hennepin Community College. During his Ph.D. he used detailed mapping, structural analyses and isotopic/geochemical methods to investigate the Paleozoic evolution of a backarc and associated igneous rocks in the southern Appalachians. His areas of expertise include: structure/tectonics, field mapping, in situ geochronology (SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS) and trace element geochemistry.

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